
小山龍介|ハナレグミのYouTubeライブとアフターコロナのエンターテイメント Hanalegumi's YouTube Live and After Corona's Entertainment


Hanaregumi, one of my favorite musicians, was actually going to play at Hibiya Yaon today, but it had to be cancelled due to the new Corona. Instead, they let me listen to them play on YouTube. Watching this, I could tell that new live streaming will become the norm in the future.

YouTubeのアーカイブは4/11まで限定公開。The YouTube archive is available exclusively through 4/11.


The reason I honestly don't get into it as much when I watch the live video is probably because of the way the concert is set up to get the big crowd going. There is no sense of immersion when you are shown a video of a live show that you have actually been to, but did not go to. The energy of the artist is directed at the audience in the images, not at himself, and it makes me feel alienated.


Of course, this problem is going to be solved by VR and so on. But before that, Hanaregumi's YouTube Live gave us a sense of the new entertainment possibilities that only YouTube distribution can offer.


The set was a very personal little space, and the songs they played from there on a single guitar felt like they were directed just for me. Such a personal feeling would not be felt in a live venue. This YouTube Live, watched by 16,000 people in real time, was entertainment for such a large audience, but as a channel of communication, it was personal.


I started watching this live a little late. I started from the archived section to watch it from the beginning, but I wanted to skip a few songs from the middle to see the live performance right now. This is honestly kind of weird.


There was great value in the fact that the content of the video being delivered didn't change at all, but it was in real time. Volleyball is often televised with a delay of about 15 minutes. Perhaps it's similar to the feeling of being slightly disgusted to learn about it. The comments were listed on YouTube in real time and it was fun to watch them. I felt a sense of nostalgia as I watched the comments flow in and out of the building up.


I think this field was originally preceded by Japanese services, such as Nico Nico Douga's pseudo-synchronization. Now that Nico Nico Douga has lost its momentum, we can expect YouTube and Facebook to embrace the idea of synchronicity as a platform for such live delivery.


It means that one individual will be synchronized with many individuals. Hanaregumi is alone. But that one person is connected to many others at the same time. The same goes for telecommuting. A world where one person works alone, but that one person connects with many others.


That's After Corona.



小山龍介のキュレーションによる、CONCEPT BASEで行われるイベント。その動画・記事を中心に、月10本以上、配信しています。

未来のイノベーションを生み出す人に向けて、世界をInspireする人やできごとを取り上げてお届けしたいと思っています。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。