
小山龍介|都市封鎖せずに乗り切ることで、アフターコロナの生活のビジョンが見えてくる Making it through without an urban blockade offers a vision of life in After Corona


There's a debate going on about whether or not Tokyo should be blockaded as a city, but I think it's a very difficult decision. The governor of Tokyo seems to want to blockade the city, but the government is reluctant to do so, and with some estimates suggesting that a month-long blockade would cost the city 9 trillion yen in economic losses, there is no reason to be hesitant.


My concern with this judgment depends on how many patients with unknown routes of infection come forward. Yesterday it was 97 and today it is 89. If you look at the number of people, it means that the increase has decreased slightly, but the number of infected people with an unknown route of transmission has increased from 33 yesterday to 55 today. This increase in the number of "unknown route of transmission" speaks to the seriousness of things. This is because, unlike the infection in the cluster, it suggests that the infection may be spreading within the community.


Considering the incubation period of 5 days to 2 weeks for the new coronavirus, it means that the first effects of the three consecutive holidays last month will be felt in the last few days. With this number as the pinnacle, what is the upward trend going to look like? Clusters are controllable, but when they spread out in the community, this gets exponentially more and more out of hand.


Japan, strangely enough, has not seen an exponential increase in the community; if you avoid the three densities, you don't get infected. For example, even in Osaka, where the Chinese were en masse at the Spring Festival, there were actually not that many cases of infection afterwards. This was increased by subsequent occurrences of clusters and the like, but it was strictly a cluster.


This leads to the hypothesis that "in Japan (for some reason), if it is not a cluster, it will not increase much". If this is correct, the results from last week, when we repeatedly announced to avoid 3 densities, should start to appear this weekend. If this hypothesis is wrong, an explosive infection of the new corona would have occurred much earlier.


This, however, is a different discussion than the medical collapse. Even without an infectious explosion, Tokyo is already running out of sickbeds and a crisis is looming. How do we deal with this? Rather than preparing corona beds for each hospital (which can lead to nosocomial infection), it is necessary to take measures such as making a single hospital building dedicated to a new type of corona.


There's a bit of a disconnect between averting a medical collapse and whether or not to blockade a city. In the wisdom of limiting the spread of infection without blocking it, I feel a vision of a new life in After Corona. I'm sure there are many people who are upset about the government's use of the word "last-minute", but I'd like to narrow down the wisdom of the "last-minute" (in the sense of stopping an explosive infection).



小山龍介のキュレーションによる、CONCEPT BASEで行われるイベント。その動画・記事を中心に、月10本以上、配信しています。

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