

Just a note to say

hope that this year brings you and your family a most successful and happy year

Please accept our very best wishes for a very happy and prosperous New Year to you and your family

I hope the New Year finds you all well and contented

Received your letter and I hasten to write and thank you for it

Your kind letter reached me yeasterday and I hasten to acknowledge your previous lette as well

I meant to write to you long before this but one thing after another to attend to kept me from doing many of my personal duties

Please execuse me for not writing to you sooner

I am always so busy that I neglect my correspondence badly

I did not feel equal to doing anythig other than my regular work.

I apoligize for not having written sooner

I have meant to write to you, but have been very busy ever since the beginning of the year and just couldn't seem to find enough time to sit down to write.

I did not find time until now to answer your letter

It has been quite a time since I have written to you.As a rule, I am not a good correspondent. Writing to you is a rarity.

It has been a long while since I saw you last.

feel as though

How happy you all must be

How hard he was studying to pass the entrance examination

I would like to take you for a ride on our boat. Would you be free on Sunday?I will be glad to come to your house about 12 o'clock and drive you to the boat.We can have lunch on board and make a cruise of the Bay and bring you back about 2:30or 3 pm.If it is a rainy day we would not try to go because it would be too cold.If we think that the weather will not be satisfactory we will telephone youon Sunday morning.

You made my visit to America more enjoyable. How can I ever return all your kind favors.

I want to thank you for the warm hospitality which you extended me during my visit to America

I have nothing but pleasant memories of America

I received the giftThe gift came/arrived

The spring is hereThe spring has come

Spring is really here and after a very rainy winter everything is so green and colorful.

The weather of this year is as unpredicable.Weather is unusually cool this summer. I turned on the furnace to warm up the house.The warm weather come in spurts.

Last week was cool with fog in the morning and evening, but now the sun is shinig andthe sky is as blue as can be.

Japan is having extremely beautiful balmy weather. I only wish that I could share it with you. I imagine that Japan must be feeling the cold of winter.

I hope you and the family are keeping well in spite of the cold weather.

Winter must be there and you must be feeling the cold weather.Please take good care of yourselves so that you will not have the flu.

The weather looks better than it has been.

My father is in bed a lot of the time. It tires him to have visitors.

My plans and schedule are subject to change so that I cannot definitely predict anything.

we never see him so I have nothing to give you news on him.The only time we see them is at family get-together which is seldom.We all lead such different lives with different interests.

My life here has been a series of new experiences.


before too long


Just a note to say how much your last letter meant to me. Your words warmed my heart, and I hasten to write and thank you for it. I hope this letter finds you and your family in good health and high spirits.

Please accept our very best wishes for a very happy and prosperous New Year to you and your family. I hope that this year brings you and your family a most successful and happy year. I apologize for not having written sooner, as I am always so busy that I neglect my correspondence badly. One thing after another to attend to kept me from doing many of my personal duties.

It has been quite a time since I have written to you. As a rule, I am not a good correspondent. Writing to you is a rarity. I did not find time until now to answer your letter. I meant to write to you long before this, but one thing after another to attend to kept me from doing many of my personal duties. I apologize for not having written sooner.

How happy you all must be! It has been a long while since I saw you last. I feel as though it has been a lifetime. I have meant to write to you, but have been very busy ever since the beginning of the year and just couldn't seem to find enough time to sit down to write.

I want to thank you for the warm hospitality you extended to me during my visit to America. You made my visit more enjoyable, and I have nothing but pleasant memories of America.

The spring is really here, and after a very rainy winter, everything is so green and colorful. The weather is as unpredictable as ever. Japan is having extremely beautiful balmy weather, and I only wish that I could share it with you. I imagine that Japan must be feeling the cold of winter.

I would like to take you for a ride on our boat. Would you be free on Sunday? I will be glad to come to your house about 12 o'clock and drive you to the boat. We can have lunch on board and make a cruise of the Bay, bringing you back about 2:30 or 3 pm. If it is a rainy day, we would not try to go because it would be too cold. If we think that the weather will not be satisfactory, we will telephone you on Sunday morning.

I hope you and the family are keeping well in spite of the cold weather. Winter must be there, and you must be feeling the cold weather. Please take good care of yourselves so that you will not have the flu.

My father is in bed a lot of the time. It tires him to have visitors. My plans and schedule are subject to change so that I cannot definitely predict anything.

Before too long, I hope to hear from you again. Until then, please accept my warmest regards and know that you are always in my thoughts.



I apologize for not having written to you sooner. It has been quite some time since I wrote to you. As a rule, I am not a good correspondent. Writing to anyone is a rarity.

I'm always so busy that I neglect my correspondence badly. I didn't find time until now to answer your letter.

Now, I'd like to express my feelings. I want to thank you for the warm hospitality you extended to me during my visit to NY. You made my visit more enjoyable, and I have nothing but pleasant memories of NY.

The spring is really here in Japan, and after a very cold, snowy winter, everything is so green and colorful.

The weather was as unpredictable as ever during winter. Japan is having extremely beautiful balmy weather, and I only wish that I could share it with you. I imagine that NY must be feeling the cold of winter. Winter must be there. I hope you and the family are keeping well in spite of the cold weather.
