使えそうな英語表現を集めてみた シリーズ2

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 Kevin Na: A Case Study in the Frailty of a Golfer's Psyche

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- 英語表現

awaken in a panic
be haunted 憑かれる
for a decade:10年間
adopted: 採用された
went out:外へ出る、外出する
justifying :正しいと証明する
Along the way:道すがら、道中
a raft of :たくさんの
humiliation :屈辱
overhyped: 騒がれる
overexposed :話題に挙げられる
take the club back:テークバック
standing frozen 立ち尽くす
worked up the courage する勇気を奮い起こす
dreamy 夢のような、素晴らしい
with an obsessive zeal 強迫観念
intimidating 威圧する
take the lead into リードする
unsustainable 支持できない
bogeyed six of the first 13 holes 最初の13ホールのうち6こボギー
skidded to a tie for seventh 7こはパーを拾う
feel pressured プレッシャーを感じる
revamp 改良する
rushing up to 急いでする
refined 洗練された
creep in こっそりと入る
remained 残る、思い出させる
fascination 魅力
scorn 軽蔑
drive away 追い払う
negativity 後ろ向き
call in 呼ぶ
When do intent and nonintent stop and start?
feel an obligation 恩義を感じる
bad juju 呪い
swirls around 飛び交う
bpggy-free ボギーなしで
shoot a 64 64で回る
stuff approach アプローチを寄せる
on 18 18版ホールで
force a playoff 決戦に持ち込む
have the honor オナーになる
dump the tee shot into a bunker ティーショットをバンカーに入れた
face an almighty struggle 生き残りをかけた戦いに直面する
salvage par パーを拾う
drive it in the fairway フェアウェイにいく
commanding position 羨望できる場所
at long last やっと
look on 見物する

I haven’t told anyone this, my pre shot routine was rushed
my swing was rushed, everything.
I didn’t want to be seen as that slow player

fodder for の原料
seemingly 一見
That was just more fodder for a nightmare that seemingly will never end

Beginning with 〜から始まって
Beginning with a playoff loss at

blow 失敗する blow tournament
in a row 立て続けに
giving him 51 career top 10 finishes against the lone victory

remain 依然として〜のまま
upbeat 好調
he remains upbeat

“When I win a major championship,” he says, “all the near misses, all the struggles, all the disappointments — they’re all going to be worth it.”
near miss 惜しいミス

publicly 公然と

encased in 入れられる 閉じ込められる
wraparound 巻きつく

windows to his soul 心の窓
the eyes are the windows to the soul 目は口ほどに物を言う

compelling 説得力のある、従わざるを得ない
compelling figure 説得力のある人物

fixture on 定番
fixture on the tv program テレビ番組に欠かせない人物

that would be the golf equivalent of finding the Lindbergh baby.

that is the equivalent 同等
equi 等しい
valent 価値(value)

prominent 目立つ、卓越した
be involved in に関わる
real estate 不動産

medaled in 今日ぎでメダルを取る
vivid memory 鮮明な記憶
I still have vivid memory of ing したことをいまだによく覚えている

the start position was higher than he was accustomed to
be accustomed to になれる
out of the water 水からでた

ultimately 最終的に
settle 定住する、最終的に解決する
bedroom community 郊外の住宅地
eastern edge of 東端
County 郡

he immersed in 没頭する
spur on 拍車をかける
not to mention 言うまでもなく

I was born to father who is a cook, at age 5, my whole family settled in a bedroom town in the northern edge of Hiroshima, where is Yamagata county,

be Obsessed with に取り憑かれる、ハマる
there is some pride in the voice when I call myself a golf nerd

think nothing of 〜してもなんとも思わない
On weekends he thought nothing of squeezing in 54 holes, and after school he would practice until sunset nearly every day.
squeeze in 割り込む
until sunset 夕方まで
nearly every day ほとんど毎日
be grooved 快調
insist 主張する、しつこく求める
chase perfection 完璧を求める

be puzzled 困らせる
fanaticism 熱狂、熱中
perseverance 我慢強い
the best talent any athlete can have is perseverance

that’s what he felt separated athletes

defy 無視する
defying the stereotype of 〜なステレオタイプと違って
overbearing 高圧的
low-key 控えめな
presence 存在

“We’d show up at a tournament, and he’d study the course and then say, ‘The par-5s aren’t reachable, so you should work on 100-yard wedges.’ Or, ‘The par-4s are long, so it would be a good idea to practice 50-foot lag putts.’ I learned how to think tactically at a young age.”

pile up (名詞)山積み

counsel 助言
sought seekの過去形

be willing to 喜んで、進んで〜する
sacrifice 犠牲にする

how much were you to be willing to sacrifice to be great?
cut back on 減らす

not going on dates
not going out with friends on the weekend

It’s no surprise That

He was the №1 player from the time he was a freshman

relagate to に追いやる
relegating Austin, s senior, to №2

exceptional 並外れた

As a freashman and sophomore he gave advice as good
as any pro’s

cut class 授業をサボる
regularly cut class to play in mini-tour events

across southern california

maiden name 旧姓
registerd under his mom’s maiden name

tip off 密告する、バラす、秘密を漏らす
so as to 〜するために
否 so as not to

miss the cut 予選落ち

feel out of depth 素人同然である

get out of one’s depth 水中で足がつかない

slight 若干
slight 17 year old 若干17歳
slightly different 少し違う

embark on 着手する
left school 学校をやめる
fanciful きまぐれ

chase a dream 夢を追い求める

have the support of ~ ~のサポートを得る

miss out 逃す
all the fun of being a senior in high school

have an obsession
= be obsessed with

ancestry 祖先
paternal 父がたの
welcoming 友好的な

stake 託す、
stake him $100,000 for expenses 経費として彼に$100,000を託す
expense 経費

plentiful 豊富な

mentor 師匠
mainstay on を拠点
with no fear 恐れをしない
laying up レイアップ 刻み
hybrid ユーティリティクラブ
rip the driver ドライバーを使う

privilege 権限、権利
access privilege アクセス権

privi (private) 個人に限られた法律
leg (legal) 合法

playing privileges ツアーの参加権

star-struck スターに夢中の

fit in 入り込む、(場所に)馴染む
I have trouble fitting in 馴染むのに苦労する
precious 貴重な
have precious little to talk あまり話すことができない

socially awkward 人付き合いが下手
awkward 下手、不器用
awk 不自然 ward 傾向のある

single-minded 1つのことに熱中する
pursuit (名詞)追求
pursue 追いかける

looking-back 振り返って見ると、
If I were to 〜するなら

stuff 詰め込む

bow out 身を引く

pour in 入れる

blow putt パットを外す

that dameged him mentally

relive 追体験する、思い出す

If he had won that tournament, maybe he’d be where Geoff Ogilvy is today
where Geoff is

media darling メディアによく出る

Despite this and other heartbreasks

soldier on 負けずに頑張る

make way on 前進する

rep 評判
re 強調
present 差し出す

pejorative 軽蔑てきな
saddle 負わせる

plodding pace ゆっくり歩く

date to 〜から始まる

meticulous preparation 入念な準備
語源 metus(恐れ)

considerate of に思いやりのある

rise to 昇格した
rose to
rise to a new level

amass 大量に集める、蓄積する

drop top (車)車高が低い

his ride of choice 選んだ乗り物
the car became his ride of choice

so much for living like a monk

ascent 浮上
Na’s ascent of the money list

credibility 信憑性
peer (年齢、地位、能力が)同等のもの、同僚

grinder 頂点に立つ人
big head うぬぼれの強い
huge heart 思いやりがある
get the most out of を最大限に生かす

become a thing 人気になる
be in contention争う
trot out 持ち出す、披露する、出してみせる
stat すぐに

ascending 上昇
ascend 地位を高める、出世する

the list of players who have won the money without a victory in PGA tour history

flaw 欠陥
swing flaw
longtime 長年の

be held back 止められる、足止めを食らう
parlence 用語

alarmingly 驚くほど、不安にさせるほど

exacerbate 悪化させる
this bad habit is exacerbated by pressure
maddeningly 癪に触るほど
inconsistent 矛盾する

missed three straight cuts 3回連続予選落ちする
miss the cut 予選落ちする
three straight 3回連続
three straight days 3日連続

spray the ball all over Augusta National
during the practice rounds made things worse

On the day before the tournament began

respected coach

Kevin and I have never exchanged words
Kevin asked Lynch for the detailed analysis of his swing

intermediary 仲介者

sensing 検出
sense 感じる
desperation 自暴自棄、死に物狂い
-tion こと、もの
despair 絶望
desperate 自暴自棄の

offer a few thoughts
agree to work with him more formally the following week

be energized by 元気付けられた
have a new direction for his swing

build some confidence

In the days leading up to the Texas Open テキサスオープンまでの日々に

committed to a series of major changes:
commit to 捧げる、取り組む、尽力する
major changes 大きな変化

get off to a good start 幸先のいいスタートを切る

a straightaway 474-yard par-4 with a relatively narrow fairway.

drive was a wild slice deep into the forest.
hit a provisional ball 暫定球を打つ
provisional 仮の

yank it far to the left ずっと左に引っ張り出された

extensive search 広範囲に捜索
after an extensive search
there is no decent spot within one club’s length to take a drop

decent まともな
within one club’s length

walk back to 戻る

brooding 気が滅入る、浮かない
intimidating 威圧する

One what was officially his third stroke 彼の3打目で

Na blew his ball right into the trees, dropping the club in disgust on the follow-through.

ask for a ball to his another provisional.

fumble 手探りする
get along 先へ進む 捗る、円滑な関係
I couldn’t tell if he was being playful or he was pissed

This provisional sailed far left of the fairway
sail for

the ball had settled on a rocky lie, surrounded by branches.

declare unplayable lie アンプレヤブル宣言をする
de- 強調
clare 明らかにする clear

ricochet of に飛び跳ねる
ricocheted off a branch and hit him in the leg

With that penalty stroke
he was lying five, make that six, after a drop for an unplayable lie.

tree trunk 主幹
try to play his eightth shot lefthanded but whiffed, then moved the ball about a yard
with his next lefty attempt.

It’s all a blur 覚えてない
blur かすかな、ぶれる、ぼやける、曖昧にする
vivid 鮮やかな

there is definitely a panicky feeling, like, When is this going to end?

His 10th shot advanced the ball maybe 10 yards closer to the fairway
but the 11th hit another tree, and the ball ricocheted deeper into the forest.

emerge from ~から出てくる
thicket やぶ、茂み
roar 大声で叫ぶ
offer a smile 笑みを浮かべる
good cheer 大歓声
endear ~ to — — ~が — に慕われる
endeared him to every hacker who has self-immolated on the course
self-immolated 焼身自殺、自滅

Before that he was never asked for autographs, overnight it seemed like the whole world knew him and loved him

parable 例え話

the sudden 突然の
adulation 追従、お世辞
stir into 扇動する

get his breakthrough win

there’s always a hitch 故障がある
hitch 引っ掛け

create/make a stir 一石を投じる、波紋を呼ぶ
televised 放映された

clutch performance 実力発揮

state of mind 精神状態
come down to 〜ということだ
when it comes to = when it comes down to

punch a ticket to the 2012 season 切符を切る

can’t help but feel せずにはいられない

Plantation course is build on the side of a mountain
buffeted by zephyrs. 軟風に揉まれる
zephyr 軟風、そよ風

pernicious doubt 悪質な疑い
creep in 潜り込む

go unnoticed 見過ごされる
it went unnoticed

be filled with dread 恐怖でいっぱい
those moments filled Na with dread

make/produce a round ラウンドする

surge into 押し寄せる
contention 競合
shaky 確か出ない、ぐらつく

hustle to the ball ボールまでキビキビ歩く
get in the way 邪魔になる
I can do everything to not get in your way

I’m having the issue taking the club back

Na closed with a 72 and faded 12th

accrue 発生する
accrue = occur

chronic illness 慢性病

hit a bunch of good shots
in a row 連続で
freeze at address アドレスで止まる

I was afraid I wadn’t going to be able to take the club back. I had worked really hard
on my swing, and it wad much better technically. But it was like I didn’t quite believe in it.
It didn’t feel like it was mine. The setup didn’t feel natural.

he played the 9th hole with only a 6-iron and made an easy 5.
open with 79

Na’s confidence was in tatters
in tatters ボロボロになった

On every swing スイングのたびに

rage 暴れる
technical proficiency 切れ味
mental fragility 精神脆弱性

his mind jumbled with swing thoughts スイングに関することでごちゃ混ぜになった
strangled the grip グリップをぎゅっと握った

his arms were knots of tention 腕は緊張状態だった

The seconds would tick by, and he felt powerless to lift the club.

Then the uncertainty would ebb just long enough to allow him to start his swing, and the resulting shot would be flawless.
flawless 完璧
uncertainty 不安

a opened with a 67, then followed with a 69 to share the lead

Over the first two days he received minimal notice from TV or the press,
but playing in the final group on Saturday,
he had nowhere to hide.

Under ratcheted-up pressure 徐々に大きくなるプレッシャー下で

waggle ワッグルする

Unable to get comfortable しっくりこなくて

tedious process 退屈なプロセス

clench 歯を食いしばる
unclench 緩める

pull the trigger スイングを開始する

riveting 見もの、面白い
It was riveting theater 見ものだった
rivet リベット(固定用のびょう)、惹きつける

gleefully 愉快に
psyche 精神

subplot 脇筋
take sole possession 専有する
usher into 導入する
lion’s den 困難な状況
usher into the lion’s den 困難な状況に身を置く
psychological barrier 心理的障壁
be pounded with questions 質問を浴びせられる

He had always cared a little too much
what others thought about him

consensus 総意

In this context これに関連して

before or since 以前にも以後にも、後にも先にも
Kevin didn’t have anybody to protect him
sitting duck 格好のまと

mercifully ありがたいことに、幸いにも

Na’s eyes were welling with tears 涙が溢れていた

beseech 嘆願する、切望する
resist 抵抗する
implosion 爆縮、内部破壊
relent 気持ちが折れる
see a shrink 精神科医に診てもらう
come away 離れる
unimpressed 感心しない
Captain Obvious 言わなくてもわかること、当たり前のことをわざわざ忠告してくる人

They tell you stuff you already know and then charge you $500.
I’m better off figuring it out on my own

retreat to 後退する
retreat to Korea

catch up on 取り戻す
catch up on 10 years of missed conversations

at ease with 〜と一緒で気楽だ
excessive twitching 過度な痙攣
the excessive twitching was gone

he piled up so many high finishes in ‘14
compliment 褒め言葉をいう
his improved pave of play
tenacious ねばりつよい
go about business 仕事する

see a double standard
in that という点で
when other players struggle and play slower, it is excused as a bad day

excused 免責を与えられる
he is never shown the same courtesy
show courtsy 礼儀正しい態度を表す

labored to a 74 苦労して74を出した
give stink eye 睨む

be out of line で過ぎた真似をする
be in no position to

get close to 近づいてくる
decline to comment コメントを避ける
be shaken by 呪撃を受ける
confrontation 対立
coincide with と関係している
upheaval 混乱
reunited with 再開する
old love 昔の恋人

exorcise とり払う
exorcise some of the bad memories

away from ~から離れて
easy smile 穏やかな微笑み
contagious laugh つられそうになる笑い
grim 厳しさ
his grim
stoic on-course visage コース上でのストイックな顔立ち
visage 顔つき
crack 裂け目
begin to crack
lifelong 長年の
mean so much to ~ ~にとって大きな意味を持つ

Na recalls Woods asking
get ass = get laid セックスする
crack up 爆笑する
the two cracked up, leaving the hundreds of fans surrounding the green to wonder what was so funny

lifetime money list 生涯獲得賞金ランク
it’s tempting to ~したくなる
massively 大規模に
be underachieved 未達成だ
then again 反面、と思いきや
overachiever 人並み以上の成功を収める人
That’s comparable to 比較する
caddie for キャディをする
myriad 無数の
up close 間近で
I’ve seen many guys who have won majors up close

faith 信用、信頼
be tested by 試される
run of 続き
after a run of bad luck 不運が続いた後で
have the upper hand 優位に立つ
uncork 吐き出す
put out of の状態から出す
misery 不運
second-guess 〜の後でとやかく言う、終わってから批判する
= hinds sight
fortitude 不屈の
delusion 妄想
-itude 状態

agonizing 苦しむ
agonizing pars やっと拾ったパー

get run over 抜かれる
have faith in を信じている
resolutely 断固として

profound 深い
Na can beleive that because something profound has changed within him
