
パルプフィクション 英語表現メモ


It's legal, but it ain't 100% legal.

it breaks down like this. It's legal to buy it. It's legal to own it. If you're the proprietor of a hash bar, it's legal to sell.
It's illegal to carry it, but that doesn't matter. 
If you get sopped by a cop in Amsterdam, it's illegal for them to search you.
That's a right the cops in Amsterdam don't have.

You dig it the most.

They got the metric system.

I didn't go into Burger King.

We should have shotguns for this kind of deal

How many up there? Three or four.
That's counting our guy? Not sure.

She do anything I'd have seen?
I think her biggest deal was she starred in a pilot.

you know the shows on TV? I don't watch TV.
you are aware there is an invention called television, and on this invention they show shows, right?

the way they pick TV shows is they make one show. That show's called a pilot.
Then they show that one show to the people who pick shows, and on the strength of that one show, they decide if they wanna make more.
Some get chosen and become television programs.
Some don't, become nothing. She starred in one of the ones that became nothing.

I wouldn't go so far as to call him fat. He got a weight problem. 

I think I know who you mean. What about him?

It ain't quite time

let's hang back

What's in this? Sprite.

you have to promise not to be offended.
you can't promise something like that. I have no idea what you're gonna ask me. So you can ask me what you're gonna ask me, and my natural response could be to get offended.

What did you think about what happened to Antwan.
He fell out of a window.
that is one way to say it.
Another way to say it would be that he was thrown out. Another way would be was he was thrown out by Marsellus. And yet even another way is to say, he was thrown out of a window by Marsellus because of you.
It's just what I heard.

at the time I was told, it sounded reasonable.

Marsellus throwing Tony out of a fourth-story window for massaging my feet seemed reasonable?
No, it seemed excessive, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.
I understand Marsellus is very protective of you.

A husband being protective of his wife is one thing. A husband almost killing another man for touching his wife's feet is something else.

That's a little bit more information than I needed.
