シンプソンズのホーマー 富裕層だった


The most famous dysfunctional family of 1990s television enjoyed, by today’s standards, an almost dreamily secure existence that now seems out of reach for all too many Americans. I refer, of course, to the Simpsons. Homer, a high-school graduate whose union job at the nuclear-power plant required little technical skill, supported a family of five. A home, a car, food, regular doctor’s appointments, and enough left over for plenty of beer at the local bar were all attainable on a single working-class salary. Bart might have had to find $1,000 for the family to go to England, but he didn’t have to worry that his parents would lose their home.

ホーマーの学歴: 高卒

ホーマーの生活: 原発の職員(高度な技術不要)。家族5人を養う(ホーマー1人で)、車と家持ち、掛かりつけの医者がいる、バーで大量にビールを飲む、イギリスに行くための1000ドルをポンと出せる


Over 30 years later, however, the Simpsons' life doesn't feel so normal anymore. The idea that you could have one breadwinner working a job at a power plant supporting a family of five in the suburbs seems a little ... unattainable.

