


Create B2 level sentences and paraphrasing of these word.
Each sentence consist of the one word of these words.


Write them in this form


As a skeptic, he questioned the validity of the research findings and sought more evidence to support the claims.

The restaurant is well-known for serving authentic cuisine from the region, preserving traditional recipes and flavors.

After conducting extensive research, the scientists were able to narrow down to a few potential solutions to the complex problem.

Despite receiving criticism, she brushed off the negative comments and continued to pursue her passion with unwavering determination.

After a long day at work, I often feel exhausted and need to drag myself out of bed in the morning.

Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help lengthen your lifespan and improve overall well-being.

She was initially cast on the idea of moving to a different city, but after weighing the pros and cons, she became more open to the possibility.

He was scornful of the new technological advancements, believing they were unnecessary and would only complicate things further.

It's conceivable that with proper planning and teamwork, the project could be completed ahead of schedule.

Even though she faced criticism from her peers, he always stood by her side, ready to stick up for her when needed.

Some people might object to the proposed changes, but we should carefully consider their concerns before making any final decisions.

The hungry child would devour any food placed in front of him.
As an avid reader, she would devour books of various genres, often finishing one in just a couple of days.

As a skeptic, he questioned the validity of the new scientific theory.

Despite all the evidence, he remained stubborn and refused to change his opinion.

She was scornful of the new fashion trend, considering it silly and unappealing.

The engineers used ingenuity to design an innovative solution to the complex problem.

The critic tried to cast doubt on the author's credibility and the authenticity of the book.

In the world of science fiction, almost anything is conceivable, regardless of how far-fetched.

The bakery offered an assortment of pastries, cakes, and cookies.

He took his time to digest the information and process it before making a decision.

They had to designate a new leader to represent their team in the competition.

The different communities and cultures constituted a diverse and vibrant city.

The company needed to dispatch the goods promptly to meet the delivery deadline.

The team assembled in the conference room to discuss their project strategy.

The meeting seemed to drag out as they debated every detail extensively.


fossilized remains 化石
hominid ひと科の動物
predecessor 祖先、前任者
scant 稀少な、不足している
retrace さかのぼって調べる
evolutionary sequence 進化系列
anatomy 解剖
paleontologist 古生物学者

be engaged in 従事する
cave  洞窟
adjacent area 近隣地域
intact 無傷な
skull 頭蓋骨
be crammed with ぎっしり詰まっている
plunge to one's death 転落死する
be lured into 誘い込まれる

corpse 死骸
pile 積み重なる
envelop 覆う、包む
lime ライム、石灰

I got scant attention.
The castle was destroyed in scant century.
He got to understand in scant few minutes.
Scant food is not enough to live.
I have scant experience in the field.
I have scant time to do it.

I tried to retrace the footsteps of the politician

The shop is adjacent to the bank.
While you are shopping, I'll be at the adjacent book store.

This is a difference between smoker lung and intact one.
The fossil remains was found intact.

be crammed with/be filled with/be packed with
Buildings are crammed side by side here.
I crammed my stuffs into my bag.
I crammed my business into my head.
People are crammed into the train.

Lure customers into the shop
Signboards lure customers to the store.

Put a stamp on the envelop.

"My predecessor set a high standard for leadership, and I aspire to follow in their footsteps and make meaningful contributions to the organization."

"In biology class, we studied the anatomy of various organisms to understand the intricate structures and functions of their body parts."

The paleontologist made a groundbreaking discovery, unearthing the fossilized remains of an ancient dinosaur species.

He seems to be engaged in a deep conversation with his colleagues about the latest project updates.

The museum's exhibition was crammed with fascinating artifacts and historical relics from different eras.

The reckless climber ignored safety warnings and tragically plunged to his death while attempting to scale the treacherous peak.
With a sense of excitement and trepidation, the thrill-seekers prepared to take the plunge off the towering cliff into the crystal-clear waters below.

Many people are lured into the world of online shopping due to the convenience and endless choices it offers.

The investigators arrived at the crime scene to find a lifeless corpse lying on the floor.

As darkness fell, a sense of serenity enveloped the tranquil forest, creating a peaceful atmosphere.


walk erect 直立歩行する
facial 顔の、顔用の
primitive 原始的な
fountain 泉、噴水
be presumed to be とみなされている

descendant 子孫
inhabitant 居住者
at this stage 現段階では
whereby するところの、それによって
hereditary 遺伝的な、先祖代々の、世襲の
offer a glimpse into 少しうかがわせる、のさわりを理解させる

refinement 改良、洗練
the probability is that おそらく~である
ancestor 先祖
overlap 部分的に重なる
meager 貧弱な、わずかな
revise 見直す、改訂する
iron out 解決する

Archaeologists discovered ancient tools that provided valuable insights into the primitive technology used by early human civilizations.

In the middle of the park, there is a beautiful fountain surrounded by colorful flowers and benches.

After days of searching, the missing hikers were presumed to be lost in the dense wilderness.

At this stage of the project, we need to evaluate our progress and make any necessary adjustments to ensure its successful completion.

The new policy introduced a streamlined process whereby customers can quickly access their account information online.

The condition is known to be hereditary, meaning it can be passed down from parents to their children through genetic inheritance.

The documentary offers a fascinating glimpse into the daily lives and customs of remote tribes living in the Amazon rainforest.

The chef's culinary skills and attention to detail transformed the dish into a masterpiece of refinement and exquisite taste.

The historian traced the family's ancestry back several centuries, revealing fascinating stories about their courageous and influential ancestors.

There is an interesting overlap between art and science, where creativity and innovation often come together to solve complex problems.

Despite working long hours, the farmer's harvest was disappointingly meager this year due to unfavorable weather conditions.

After receiving feedback from the editor, the writer had to revise several chapters of the novel to improve its coherence and flow.

The negotiation team worked tirelessly to iron out the details of the trade agreement, resolving all the issues and concerns raised by both parties.


ensure 確保する、保証する
destructive 破壊的な
climatic change 気候変動
planetary 地球の、惑星の
dehydration 乾燥、脱水(症状)
evaporation 蒸発
reservoir 貯水池、宝庫
disrupt 乱す、中断させる

cereals 穀物
staple 主要な、必需食品、特産品
foretell 予言する
frequency 頻度
on the brink of に瀕して、寸前で
famine 飢饉
prototype 原型、試作品
drought-resistant 耐乾性の
yield 生産高、生み出す、屈する
alongside と並んで
wither しおれる、衰える

Playing sports under the scorching sun without proper hydration can lead to severe dehydration, posing significant risks to one's health.

The shallow puddles disappeared quickly due to the hot weather and evaporation, leaving behind only dried-up patches on the ground.

The construction of a new reservoir will ensure a stable water supply for the growing population in the region.

The sudden power outage disrupted the entire production process, causing delays and inconveniences for the workers.
      power outage 停電

Rice is a staple food in many Asian countries, and it is consumed with almost every meal.

The small town was on the brink of economic collapse before a new industry moved in and revitalized the local economy.

Humanitarian aid organizations rushed to provide food and medical assistance to the regions affected by the devastating famine.
Famine refers to an extreme shortage of food in a particular region or country, leading to widespread hunger, malnutrition, and even starvation among the population.

The company introduced a water-resistant coating for their electronic devices, making them more durable and less prone to damage from moisture.

The farmer was pleased with this year's harvest, as it exceeded expectations and yielded an abundant crop.

Without proper care, the delicate flowers in the garden will wither and die, losing their vibrant colors and beauty.


irrigation 灌漑(田畑に水を引くこと)
gallon ガロン
pasture 牧草地
barren 不毛の、作物のできない、無益な
uneasy 不安な
precarious 不安定な
conspiracy 陰謀
in the name of と言う名目で
patent 特許を取る、特許権
magnify 誇張する、拡大する
breed 交配させる、繁殖させる、子供を産む、品種
mission 使命、伝道
gravity 深刻さ、重大さ、重力
at stake 危機に瀕して
temptation 誘惑

The success of agriculture in arid regions heavily depends on efficient irrigation systems that provide sufficient water to the crops.

The shepherd led the flock of sheep to a lush pasture, where they could graze and rest peacefully.
A pasture refers to a piece of land, usually an open field, where animals, particularly livestock like cows, sheep, or horses, are allowed to graze and feed on the natural vegetation. Pastures are used as a source of food and nourishment for these animals.

The once fertile land had turned barren, and despite efforts to cultivate it, the soil remained sterile and unproductive.

The mountaineers faced a precarious situation as they attempted to climb the steep and icy peak during a sudden snowstorm.

Conspiracy refers to a secret plan or agreement made between two or more people to carry out an illegal, harmful, or deceitful act, typically with the intention of gaining an advantage or achieving a specific outcome.

The innovative technology was protected by a patent, ensuring that the company had exclusive rights to its development and commercialization.

The media tends to magnify and exaggerate minor issues, playing them up to create sensational headlines and attract more attention from the public.

The committee discussed the gravity and significance of the environmental issues, recognizing their seriousness and the importance of finding effective solutions.

The endangered species' habitat is at stake, as deforestation and human encroachment put them in danger and peril.

He resisted the temptation and allure of the luxurious lifestyle, realizing that it was merely a seduction that could lead him astray from his true values.

The charismatic salesman tried to seduce potential customers with enticing offers and clever marketing techniques to lure them into buying the product.

Regenerate response


captivate とりこにする
fantasy 空想
heed 注意を払う、注意
amount to ということになる、~同然である
be reluctant to do したがらない
be incapable of doing する能力がない
intricate 込み入った、入り込んだ、複雑な
write off だと見限る
assertion 主張
arrogance 傲慢さ
devote A to B AをBにささげる
compile を集めてまとめる、編集する
publicity 注目、評判、広告
adorable 愛らしい
vocal apparatus 発声器官
clumsy 不器用な、ぎこちない
absolute 絶対的な
barrier 障壁
acquisition 習得、買収

The magician's performance was so captivating that the entire audience was spellbound by his tricks.

When driving in hazardous conditions, it is crucial to heed road signs and warnings to ensure safety.
It's essential to heed the advice of experienced hikers and pay attention to weather forecasts before embarking on a challenging mountain trek.

Despite his efforts, his actions did not amount to a significant change in the overall outcome.

He was reluctant to do public speaking, but with practice, he gradually gained confidence and improved.

The artist's masterpiece displayed intricate details and meticulous craftsmanship.
The watchmaker skillfully crafted the intricate and complicated mechanisms of the timepiece, showcasing their expertise and precision.

Although the project faced setbacks, they did not write it off and continued
to work on improving it.

Her arrogance and self-importance made it challenging for others to work with her.

The scientist decided to devote his life to researching ways to protect the environment.

The researcher spent months compiling data and conducting experiments for his study.

The laboratory was equipped with state-of-the-art apparatus for conducting advanced experiments.

His clumsy movements often led to accidental spills and minor mishaps.
He felt clumsy and awkward while trying to dance at the party, but his friends encouraged him to keep practicing.

The company's recent acquisition of a competitor boosted its market position and influence.


critique 批判、批評
confuse A with B AをBと混同する
distort 歪曲する、ゆがめる
analogy 類推、類似
disregard 無視する
economical 無駄のない、節約になる
inspection 調査、点検
informative 情報に富んだ、有益な
concept 概念、考え
influential 影響力の大きい
cautious 慎重な、注意深い
the other way around 逆に、さかさまに
emit 発する
disagreement 意見の対立
chat with おしゃべりする

Please don't confuse me with my twin brother; we may look alike, but we have different personalities.

The media's biased reporting can distort the facts, leading to misunderstandings among the public.
The media outlet was accused of trying to distort the facts and twist the narrative to suit their agenda.

It's essential not to disregard any warning signs when it comes to your health.
Despite being warned about the potential risks, some people choose to disregard the safety guidelines and ignore the advice of experts.

Using energy-efficient appliances is not only environmentally friendly but also economical in the long run.

Her influential speech had a profound impact on the audience, inspiring them to take action for a better future.

The cautious driver followed the traffic rules diligently to ensure everyone's safety on the road.

Instead of going through the main entrance, you can take the other way around to reach the garden faster.

The industrial plant emits harmful pollutants into the air, affecting the surrounding environment.

I love to chat with my best friend for hours, sharing stories and experiences with each other.


energetic エネルギッシュな、精力的な
cooperative 協力的な
hive ミツバチの巣
hold up 引き合いに出す、遅らせる
model 手本、模範、模型
apart from のほかに、加えて
diligence 勤勉さ
be vital to 不可欠である
pollination 授粉
one day いつか、ある日
buzzing ぶんぶんと言う音
roam うろつく、歩き回る
impulsively 衝動的に
ceaseless 絶え間のない
navigate 進む
myriad 無数の、
crucial 重大な

The children were so energetic and full of life, always running and playing together in the park.

The successful team demonstrated excellent cooperative skills, working together seamlessly to achieve their goals.

The bee diligently collected nectar from the flowers to bring back to the hive.

The strong pillars hold up the ancient structure, standing firm for centuries.

Apart from the rainy season, the weather in this region is usually hot and dry.

The student's diligence in studying paid off, and he achieved top marks in the exam.

Bees' role in pollination is vital to the reproduction of many plants and the ecosystem.

The bee's pollination process helps plants produce fruits and seeds, contributing to the natural cycle.

During their migration, wildebeests roam vast distances in search of food and water.

He impulsively made a quick decision without carefully considering the consequences.

The ceaseless sound of the waves crashing on the shore created a soothing rhythm.

The experienced sailor knew how to navigate the treacherous waters safely.

The city offers a myriad of entertainment options, from theaters to restaurants and parks.

Good communication is crucial in a team to solve problems and work effectively.

The ancient inscription on the stone wall remains a riddle to historians and archaeologists.


artificial 人口の、うわべの
complicate 複雑にする
cruise 一定の速度で進む、巡行する

straightforward 単純な、率直な
pinpoint 突き止める
roundabout 遠回りの、遠回しの
be armed with 備えている、武装している

asset 利点、資産
maneuver 巧みに進む、巧みに操る
ongoing 継続中の

measure A against B AをBと比較する
abbreviate 短縮する
amendment 修正
progressively 段階的に、次第に

map out 綿密に計画する
beforehand 事前に、前もって

blueprint 見取り図、青写真
continually 絶えず、継続的に
utilize 活用する

Adding more requirements will only complicate the process, making it difficult to complete on time.
The intricate design of the antique clock added to its beauty but also served to complicate its repair process.

They decided to go on a cruise to relax and enjoy the picturesque views of the ocean.

The instructions were straightforward, making it easy for everyone to follow.
Taking the roundabout route may be longer, but it's more straightforward and avoids traffic congestion.

It took them a while to pinpoint the exact location of the hidden treasure.

Instead of taking the direct route, they opted for the roundabout way to explore the scenic countryside.

The detectives were armed with the latest technology to aid them in solving the case.

The skilled driver expertly maneuvered through heavy traffic without any issues.

The negotiations between the two parties are still ongoing, with no final agreement reached yet.

In formal writing, it's common to abbreviate certain phrases to save space.
To meet the deadline, they had to shorten the presentation, but they later decided to lengthen it to cover all the important points.

The constitution was amended to include new rights and protections for citizens.
The committee agreed to amend the proposed policy to address the concerns raised by various stakeholders.

The project is progressing progressively, and we expect to see significant results soon.

They need to map out a detailed plan before starting the construction project.
Before starting the project, it's crucial to meticulously map out the plan beforehand to ensure a smooth execution.

We need to prepare beforehand to ensure the event runs smoothly.

The company continually seeks feedback from its customers to improve its products.
The ceaseless rain made it challenging to enjoy outdoor activities, as it continually poured throughout the day.

The team utilized their resources effectively to complete the project ahead of schedule.


magnificent 堂々とした、壮大な
commonly 一般的には
ecosystem 生態系
termite しろあり
distribution 分布、分配
unusually 異常に
mound 塚
density 密度
enrich 豊かにする
convert A into B AをBに変換する

vegetation 植物、植生
loosen 緩める
thrive よく育つ、繁栄する

amaze 驚かす
satellite photograph 衛星写真
evenly 均等に
layout 配置、見取り図
productivity 生産性
conservationist 自然保護論者
restore 回復する
degraded 悪化した
coral reef サンゴ礁

Magnificent coral reefs are a sight to behold.

The distribution of resources is crucial for a thriving ecosystem.
The volunteers worked tirelessly to distribute food and supplies to the flood-affected areas.
The company decided to distribute the profits among its employees as a bonus for their hard work.
The teacher asked the students to distribute the materials for the group project evenly among the team members.
It's essential to distribute your time wisely to balance work and personal life effectively.
The government implemented a plan to distribute COVID-19 vaccines to various regions, prioritizing healthcare workers and vulnerable populations.

The density of the forest increases as you move deeper into the wilderness.

Enrich the soil with organic matter to support healthy plant growth.

We can convert the abandoned land into a productive farm.

Lush vegetation covers the forest floor, providing shelter for various animals.

Loosen the knots carefully to untangle the fishing net.

With proper care, the garden will thrive, producing beautiful flowers.

Distribute the food evenly among the hungry crowd.

Efforts to restore the damaged wetland are underway.

Human activities have degraded the once-pristine coastline.

Coral reefs are the most diverse ecosystems on the planet.


oil spill 石油流出
renewed 新たな、再開した
proponent 支持者、提唱者
dependence on への依存
reliance on への依存

petroleum 石油
cite as を引き合いに出す
global warming 地球温暖化
acid rain 酸性雨
environmentalist 環境保護論者
fossil fuel 化石燃料
shift 変える
alternative source of energy 代替エネルギー源
call for 要求する
halt to の停止

oil drilling 油田採掘
conservative 保守的な
absurd ばかげた、不条理な
-derived 由来の
textile 織物、繊維製品

home furnishings 家具

She accidentally caused a spill while carrying the coffee cups.

As a proponent of renewable energy, he advocated for more solar power installations.

The country's economy shows a heavy dependence on imported goods.

Many people have a strong reliance on their smartphones for daily tasks.

In his research paper, he chose to cite Einstein as a significant influence on his work.

The company decided to shift its production focus from cars to electric bicycles.

The scientist proposed an alternative solution to the ongoing environmental problem.

Environmental activists call for stricter regulations on plastic usage.

The government imposed a halt to all construction activities during the storm.
During the heavy snowstorm, the traffic on the highway had to come to a halt, causing significant delays for commuters.

The idea that aliens walk among us is simply absurd.

The new product was derived from years of research and development.

The fashion industry is always coming up with innovative textile designs.

The hotel's luxurious furnishings added an elegant touch to the rooms.

The linguistic professor explained the derivation of the word and how it evolved to furnish its current meaning.


consumption 消費
projection 予測、投影
anticipate 予想する
aspire to 熱望する
account for の割合を占める
switch to への転換

fuel-efficient 念日のよい、省エネの
approximately およそ、約
barrel バレル
pesticide 殺虫剤
preservative 防腐剤、保存料

interfere with 干渉する、邪魔をする
endocrine system 内分泌系
regulate 調整する、規制する
tissue 組織、ティッシュ
infertility 不妊
obesity 肥満
depression うつ病
a host of 多くの

She carefully placed the delicate tissue in the box to protect it from any damage.

Many companies are choosing to switch to environmentally-friendly practices and shift towards sustainable production methods.

The government aims to reduce the consumption of single-use plastics through various initiatives.

The economic projection for the next quarter looks promising, showing signs of recovery.

We anticipate a higher demand for our products during the holiday season.
As we approach the launch date, we expect a large turnout and anticipate a positive response from the audience.

Many young athletes aspire to compete at the international level and represent their country.

The company needs to account for the costs of raw materials and labor in their budget.

The new hybrid cars are designed to be more fuel-efficient, reducing emissions.

Farmers are encouraged to use organic alternatives to chemical pesticides for a healthier environment.

Natural preservatives are used in the food industry to extend the shelf life of products.

Interfering with the delicate ecosystem can have severe consequences for wildlife.

It is crucial to regulate the use of hazardous substances to protect public health.

Sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy diets contribute to the rising problem of obesity.

The conference featured a host of renowned speakers from different industries.

Many companies are deciding to change to more sustainable practices, switch to renewable energy sources, and shift their focus towards eco-friendly solutions.

The increasing prevalence of overweight individuals has become a major concern in the healthcare community, leading to a rise in obesity-related health issues.

During the holiday season, there are a lot of festive events, plenty of delicious food, and a host of family gatherings to enjoy.


be prone to 傾向がある
linger 長引く、居残る
vomit 吐く、嘔吐
dizzy めまいがする
severe pain 激痛
tension headache 緊張性頭痛
to be honest  正直に言うと
speculate だと推測する
chemical 化学作用による、化学製品
trigger 引き金となる、誘発する
allergy アレルギー
bring on  引き起こす
exhaustion 極度の疲労
prescribe 処方する、規定する
painkiller 鎮痛剤
abstain from 控える、慎む
aggravate pain 痛みを悪化させる

Some people are naturally prone to motion sickness when traveling.
People who work long hours and lead a sedentary lifestyle may be prone to weight gain and be subject to various health issues associated with it.

The sweet scent of the flowers caused her to linger in the garden.
After the party ended, she decided to linger for a while, hoping her friends would remain and chat longer.

The patient felt nauseous and had to vomit after taking the medication.

After spinning around in circles, he felt dizzy and disoriented.

The athlete suffered from severe pain in his knee after the injury.

She experienced a tension headache after a stressful day at work.

Experts speculate that the sudden weather change could trigger allergies in some individuals.
Certain foods can bring on allergic reactions in people with food allergies.
Eating certain foods can trigger allergies and bring on uncomfortable symptoms for those who are sensitive to them.

The doctor advised him to abstain from alcohol to prevent further liver damage.

Applying heat to the injured area can aggravate pain and delay healing.

After a long day of physical activity, she felt a sense of exhaustion.

The doctor decided to prescribe a painkiller to manage the patient's discomfort.


pharmacy 薬学、薬局
trendy 流行の
endow A with B AにBを与える
vitality 活力、生命力
tangible evidence 明白な証拠
fuss 大騒ぎする
antibiotics 抗生物質
attendant 伴う、付随する、接客係
upset stomach 胃の不調
drastic 激烈な、思い切った
have to do with と関係がある
replace 取り替わる、代わりの
complement 補う
diet  食事、ダイエットする
fight off 撃退する

I need to pick up some medicine from the pharmacy to treat my cold.

She loves shopping for trendy clothes and staying up-to-date with the latest fashion.

The generous donation will endow the school with new technology and educational resources.
The generous philanthropist decided to endow the university with a substantial donation, which will provide the students with state-of-the-art facilities and resources.

Regular exercise and a balanced diet are essential for maintaining vitality and overall well-being.

The detective collected tangible evidence that helped solve the crime.

Please don't make a fuss; it's just a minor issue that can be easily resolved.

The doctor prescribed antibiotics to treat the infection.

The flight attendant demonstrated the safety procedures before take-off.

After eating the spoiled food, he developed an upset stomach and felt unwell.

The company made a drastic decision to downsize the workforce to cut costs.

I have no idea what his actions have to do with the current situation.
The police are investigating whether the recent break-ins have to do with the rise in crime rates linked with the economic downturn.

It's time to replace the old furniture with new ones to freshen up the living room.
The company hired a new employee in the replace of the previous one who resigned.

The new marketing campaign will complement the existing efforts and target a different audience.

Eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly can help fight off many health problems.


detergent 洗剤
hygiene 衛生
disturbing 気がかりな
come to light 明るみに出る
serve to するのに役に立つ
dent 損なう、へこませる、くぼみ
constituent 成分、選挙区民
hormone ホルモン
ailment 病気
oversee 監督する
compound 化合物、合成物を作る、悪化させる
assuming that 仮定すると
yet another もう1つの、なおいっそうの
be complacent about 自己満足する
habitually 習慣的に
in the meantime その間
look out for 気を付ける
lurk in に潜む

She used a mild detergent to wash her delicate clothes.

Good personal hygiene is essential for maintaining overall health.

The news about the accident was disturbing to everyone who heard it.
Her sudden absence from work did disturb her colleagues, as they began to worry and feel upset about her well-being.

New evidence has come to light, shedding light on the unsolved case.
After weeks of investigation, the truth behind the mysterious disappearance of the valuable artifacts has finally come to light, and the details have become known to the public.

The purpose of the meeting was to serve to clarify the company's future plans.
The training program will serve to enhance their skills and help to prepare them for the upcoming competition.

He accidentally made a dent in his car while parking in a tight spot.

The main constituents of the mixture were carefully measured and mixed.

Hormones play a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions.

The doctor diagnosed her with a common ailment and prescribed medication.

The supervisor will oversee the project to ensure it stays on track.

The chemical compound is used in various industrial processes.

Assuming that the weather remains favorable, we can proceed with the outdoor event.

After completing one task, he moved on to yet another assignment.

Don't be complacent about your studies; always strive for improvement.

He habitually arrives early to avoid being late for appointments.

The repairs on the car will take some time; in the meantime, you can use a rental.

Look out for potential hazards when working in a construction site.

Dangerous animals may lurk in the dense forest, so be cautious.

Regular exercise can enhance both physical and mental well-being and significantly improve overall health.

When exploring the dark forest, you should be cautious as dangerous animals may lurk in the shadows or hide in the bushes.


mourn one's passing の死を悼む
outgoing 社交的な
fame 名声
throw the spotlight on の光を当てる、注目させる
poll 世論調査
presently 現在
surf the Internet ネットサーフィンする
log on to a computer ログオンする
leading 第一線の、一流の
at one's disposal の自由になる
live on に頼って暮らす、を常食とする
pension 年金
mobility 可動性、動きやすさ
get stranded 取り残される
in an attempt to do しようとして
introductory 入門の
literacy リテラシー
at no charge 無料で

The whole community came together to mourn one's passing, showing their support to the grieving family.

She is an outgoing and friendly person who easily makes friends wherever she goes.

The talented singer gained fame after her outstanding performance in the singing competition.

The documentary will throw the spotlight on the impact of climate change on endangered species.

The latest poll indicates that the incumbent candidate is leading by a significant margin.

The renowned scientist was at one's disposal for any questions related to the research project.

Despite facing financial difficulties, she managed to live on a modest income.

After retiring, he relies on his pension to cover his living expenses.

The increasing popularity of electric scooters has improved urban mobility in the city.

Due to bad weather, many travelers get stranded at the airport.

In an attempt to do better in her exams, she decided to study more diligently.

The professor gave an introductory lecture to the new students, explaining the course content.

The conference provided valuable insights and information at no charge to the attendees.


verge on 寸前である
starvation 餓死、飢餓
affluent 裕福な
dump 捨てる、見限る
use-by date 賞味期限
virtually 事実上、実質的に
shelf life 保存期間
mark down 値下げする、書き留める
technically 厳密には
out of date 有効期限が切れて、時代遅れで
in truth 実際には
nutritious 栄養がある
be classified as として分類される
waver ためらう、心が揺れる
feel discouraged from 尻込みする、敬遠する
food poisoning 食中毒
discretion 思慮分別、自由裁量
relative 相対的な、親戚
blindly 盲目的に

Their reckless spending habits put them on the verge of bankruptcy.
The old car's engine was sputtering, and it seemed to be on the brink of breaking down completely.

The impoverished regions were facing the threat of starvation due to the ongoing drought.

The affluent neighborhood boasts luxurious mansions and high-end amenities.

Some irresponsible individuals dump their trash in the park, causing environmental damage.
He decided to get rid of all the old, unused items and simply dumped them in the trash.

Please check the use-by date before consuming any perishable food items.

With modern technology, virtual meetings have become the norm for business interactions.

Canned goods typically have a longer shelf life than fresh produce.

The store decided to mark down the prices during the clearance sale.

While the product technically works, it falls short of meeting customer expectations.
The policy states that this type of behavior is strictly prohibited, but technically, there might be some exceptions.

The medicine is out of date and should not be used anymore.

In truth, he was secretly working on a surprise for her birthday.

A well-balanced diet should include various nutritious foods.

The exotic fruit can be classified as a superfood due to its numerous health benefits.

She couldn't help but waver in her decision when faced with such a difficult choice.

After facing constant criticism, she began to feel discouraged from pursuing her dreams.

Eating spoiled food can lead to food poisoning and severe health problems.

Use your discretion when dealing with sensitive information to protect privacy.

The concept of beauty is relative and varies among different cultures.

Instead of blindly following trends, she prefers to make well-informed decisions.


autonomy 自律、自主性
be obliged to しないといけない
limb 肢、手足(の1本)
liberate A from B AをBから解き放つ
make a very big difference to に非常に大きな影響をもたらす
tighten 締める
clutch つかむ、クラッチ
appliance 器具
affix A to B AをBにつける
mobilize 結集する、動員する
comprised of から成る
adjustable 調整可能な
miniaturization 小型化
equipped with 装備する
dimension サイズ、寸法、側面

The company granted more autonomy to its employees, allowing them to make important decisions.

I am obliged to attend the meeting tomorrow as it's a crucial discussion.
Due to the company policy, all employees have to attend the mandatory training session and are obliged to complete it on time.

The accident resulted in a severe injury, and the victim had to amputate their limb.

The activists worked tirelessly to liberate the community from the oppressive regime.
The brave soldiers fought to liberate the town from the oppressive regime and free the people from tyranny.

Your support can make a very big difference to the success of this project.

The management decided to tighten the security measures after the recent breach.

She clutched the umbrella tightly to shield herself from the pouring rain.

The new kitchen appliance is designed to simplify cooking and meal preparation.
The laboratory is equipped with advanced equipment, including the latest devices, tools, and appliances to conduct various experiments and research.

Please affix the label to the package before shipping it out.
Please affix the stamp to the envelope before mailing it, or you can attach it using adhesive tape.

The government mobilized resources to provide aid to the disaster-stricken area.
In times of crisis, communities often come together to mobilize resources and assert their collective strength to overcome challenges.

The committee is comprised of experts from various fields.
The committee is comprised of experts from various fields, and the team will consist of professionals with diverse skills.

The chair is adjustable, allowing users to customize it according to their preference.

The miniaturization of electronic devices has revolutionized modern technology.

The latest model is equipped with advanced features for a better user experience.

The architect carefully measured every dimension of the building before starting the construction.


manipulate 巧みに扱う
subtle 精巧な、微妙な
delicately 繊細に
stem 茎、脚、から生じる
sensor センサー
interface 橋渡し
remnant 残り
stiffen こわばらせる
stimulus 刺激
synchronize 同時に動かす
costly 高価な
be deprived of 奪われる
casualty 犠牲者

The skilled artist could manipulate the paintbrush to create intricate and subtle details in the painting.
It is essential to have strong ethics in leadership to ensure that those in power do not manipulate or abuse their control over others.

She delicately handled the fragile vase, ensuring it wouldn't break.
She delicately arranged the fragile and delicate flowers, subtly adding a few subtle touches to create a stunning centerpiece.

The problem stems from a lack of communication within the team.

The sensor detected movement and triggered the security alarm.

The new software has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate.

Only a remnant of the ancient civilization's architecture remains.
After the renovation, only a small remnant of the old building was left to serve as a reminder of its rich history and past.

The cold weather caused the metal to stiffen and become less flexible.
As the tension grew, he felt his muscles stiffen, but he took a deep breath to relax and tried to loosen up.

Positive feedback serves as a stimulus for employees to perform better at work.

The dance troupe synchronized their movements perfectly during the performance.

Developing new technology can be a costly process.

Some people are deprived of basic necessities due to poverty.

The war resulted in numerous casualties on both sides.
The paramedics rushed to the scene of the accident to provide immediate medical assistance to the victims and assess the number of casualties.


insomnia 不眠症
drowsy 眠い
turn in 床につく、提出する
tranquil 穏やかな
agitation 動揺、興奮、扇動
some sort of 何らかの
confirmed 根深い、常習的な
lengthy 長時間の、長ったらしい
interruption 中断
overview 概観、概要
extended 長期の、延長された
suffice 十分である
interim period 合間、しばらくの間
routine 日課、いつもの手順
anthropology 人類学

He suffered from insomnia and found it difficult to fall asleep at night.

After a long day at work, she felt drowsy and struggled to stay awake during the meeting.
After staying up late to finish her assignment, she felt drowsy and struggled to keep her eyes open during the lecture.

Feeling exhausted, he decided to turn in early to get a good night's rest.

The peaceful park provided a tranquil environment for relaxation and reflection.
The beautiful beach with its gentle waves and soft breeze provided a calm and tranquil atmosphere, perfect for relaxation.

The constant noise outside caused agitation and made it hard to concentrate.

He experienced some sort of discomfort after eating the spicy food.

The rumors were confirmed to be true after the official statement was released.

The conference lasted for several days, providing a lengthy discussion on various topics.

The unexpected interruption in the power supply caused frustration among the attendees.

The book gave a comprehensive overview of the history of the ancient civilization.

She took an extended break from work to travel and explore new places.

A quick snack would suffice to keep him energized during the study session.
The ingredients in the recipe are sufficient to make a large batch, and they will suffice for the dinner party.

During the interim period, the company appointed an acting manager to handle the responsibilities.

Having a daily routine helps maintain productivity and a sense of stability.

She decided to pursue a degree in anthropology to study human cultures and societies.


subjected to さらされる
comparable 匹敵する
intolerable 耐え難い
hindrance 妨害するもの
wind up with と言う結果になる
conviction 信念、有罪判決
substantial 十分な
in a row 連続して
insufficient 不十分な
bring about もたらす
long overdue 長きにわたって遅れた
evidently 明らかに
heighten 高める
get by on 何とかやっていく
alternatively 代わりに

The employees were subjected to a rigorous training program to enhance their skills.

The new smartphone offers comparable features to high-end models but at a more affordable price.

The working conditions became intolerable due to the lack of proper ventilation and excessive noise.

The constant internet connection issues were a hindrance to completing the online tasks.

If you don't study enough, you might wind up with poor grades in the exams.
After trying several options, she decided to accept the job offer and ended up with a fulfilling career in her chosen field.

The lawyer argued with strong conviction to prove the innocence of his client.

The company made a substantial investment in upgrading its infrastructure.
The generous donation from the community was substantial and sufficient to cover the significant costs of the charity project, ensuring it would suffice to provide aid to those in need.

The athlete won three championships in a row, showcasing exceptional performance.

The funds provided were insufficient to cover all the expenses of the project.
The small portions served at the restaurant were insufficient to satisfy our hunger; it felt like not enough food for the price we paid.

The new policies are expected to bring about positive changes in the organization.

The overdue repairs on the building have been a long-standing issue.

The evidence presented at the trial evidently supported the defendant's claim.

The company's marketing efforts aim to heighten brand awareness among the target audience.

Despite facing financial difficulties, they managed to get by on a tight budget.

If you don't want to go to the cinema, we can alternatively watch a movie at home.
If you don't feel like going out, we can alternatively stay at home and watch a movie instead of going to the theater.


noticeable 目立つ
confront 立ちはだかる、立ち向かう
conceal 隠す
sustain 維持する
hasten 早める、せかせる
warrant 正当化する
activate 活性化する
wholly 完全に
by and large 概して
typically 一般的に、典型的に
baffle 困惑させる
mingle with 混ざる
leave off 辞める

The improvements to the house were noticeable, making it more appealing to potential buyers.
The difference in their personalities was noticeable, with each sibling having distinct and pronounced traits that set them apart.

It's essential to confront your fears and overcome them to grow as an individual.

She tried to conceal her emotions, but her trembling hands gave her away.
She tried to conceal her disappointment, but her watery eyes gave away her true feelings, making it hard to hide her emotions.

The company's commitment to sustainability ensures they sustain environmentally friendly practices.

The manager implemented new strategies to hasten the completion of the project.
To meet the tight deadline, the team needed to hasten the development process and find ways to speed up their work without compromising quality.

The evidence gathered was enough to warrant a thorough investigation into the matter.
The evidence presented in court was substantial enough to warrant a thorough investigation, and it helped to justify the search warrant issued by the judge.

The security system will activate automatically when any unauthorized access is detected.

The artist was wholly immersed in his work, dedicating all his time and energy to it.

By and large, the event was a success, with positive feedback from most attendees.
By and large, the new policy received positive feedback from employees, and, in general, it seemed to improve the overall work environment.

In this region, snowstorms are typically expected during the winter months.

The complexity of the puzzle baffled everyone, and no one could solve it.

He enjoys socializing and likes to mingle with people from different backgrounds.
At the social event, people from different backgrounds and cultures had the opportunity to mingle with and mix with each other, fostering a sense of community and understanding.

After a long day at work, he decided to leave off all his worries and relax at home.


patch 部分、眼帯、当てぬの、継ぎを当てる
devoid of がない
suppress 抑制する
applicable 当てはまる
ingredient 成分
avert 避ける、防ぐ
correspondence 一致、通信、文通
wrinkle しわ
supposedly 一般に思われている
hardly 頑強な
fragile 虚弱な、もろい
debatable 議論の余地がある
exclude 排除する
dispose to しがちにする

The tailor expertly sewed a patch onto the torn shirt to mend it.

The desert landscape was devoid of any vegetation or signs of life.

She tried to suppress her emotions and put on a brave face.

The guidelines are applicable to all employees, regardless of their department.

The secret ingredient in the recipe added a unique flavor to the dish.

The quick action of the lifeguard averted a potential drowning incident.

The office manager handled the correspondence with clients and business partners.

The cream claims to reduce wrinkles and improve skin elasticity.

The evidence supposedly proved the suspect's innocence, but it was still debatable.

Despite the challenging conditions, they hardly gave up and continued their journey.

Handle the glassware with care, as it is very fragile and can break easily.

The decision to exclude certain participants from the study was based on specific criteria.

His friendly nature and approachable demeanor disposed people to trust and confide in him.


single out as 選び出す
wrap up 終える
rosy バラ色の、楽観的な
gulp down ごくごく飲む、がつがつ食べる
receive wide coverage 広く報道される
vendor 製造販売会社
alcoholic beverage アルコール飲料
brisk sales 活発な売り上げ
thesis 命題
fulfill promise 公約を果たす
close scrutiny 精密な調査
shatter 打ち砕く
recreational 気晴らしの、レクリエーションの
consistent with 一致する
justification 正当な理由、正当化
circulation 循環、発行部数、流通
blood clot 血栓
clog 詰まらせる
artery 動脈

The judges will single out the best performer as the winner of the singing competition.
From the wide array of books, she had to choose one for her literature class.
The committee will carefully select the best candidate for the prestigious award.
At the grocery store, I need to pick out some fresh vegetables for tonight's dinner.
The judges will single out the most talented performer for the grand prize.

After a long day at work, she was ready to wrap up the project and head home.
After a long day at work, she was eager to finish up her tasks and wrap up the project before heading home.

Despite the challenges, he maintains a rosy outlook on life and remains positive.

Thirsty from the long hike, he grabbed a water bottle and gulped down the refreshing drink.

The breaking news received wide coverage in the media, reaching a vast audience.

The food truck vendor offered a variety of delicious street foods to the customers.
The company decided to switch to a new supplier for their raw materials, as the previous vendor was not meeting their quality standards.

Some people choose to abstain from consuming alcoholic beverages for personal reasons.

The new product saw brisk sales on its launch day, exceeding the company's expectations.

She spent months conducting research and writing her thesis for her master's degree.

The politician worked hard to fulfill his promise of creating more job opportunities.
She always makes sure to keep her promises and fulfill them, which has earned her the trust and respect of her friends and family.

The financial records of the company were under close scrutiny during the audit.

The unexpected news seemed to shatter her hopes and dreams.

Many people engage in recreational activities during their leisure time.

His explanation was consistent with the evidence presented during the investigation.
Her statement seems to agree with the facts presented in the report, and it appears to be consistent with the data we have gathered.

The lawyer presented convincing evidence as justification for his client's actions.

The newspaper has a wide circulation, reaching readers across the country.

A blood clot can clog an artery and cause serious health problems if not treated promptly.

Part 25

Be associated with: 関連がある
  Linked to, connected with, related to.

High levels of stress can be associated with various health problems, such as heart disease and anxiety.

Avoidance: 回避
  Evasion, steering clear of, shunning.

The avoidance of conflict within the team led to unresolved issues that eventually became more significant.

Compulsive drinker: アルコール依存症に近い人
  Excessive drinker, someone with an uncontrollable drinking habit.

He struggled for years as a compulsive drinker, but eventually, he found the strength to overcome his addiction.

  compulsive: 衝動的な、強い興味を引く

Coincidence: 偶然の一致
  Happenstance, chance occurrence, fortuity.

It was just a coincidence that we both arrived at the party wearing the same outfit.

Constitutional: 体質的な、生まれつきの
  Relating to the constitution, inherent, structural.

The right to freedom of speech is a constitutional guarantee in many democracies.

In retrospect振り返ってみると
  Looking back, in hindsight, with the benefit of hindsight.

In retrospect, I realize I should have taken that job offer when it was first presented to me.

Widespread: 広範囲にわたる
  Common, prevalent, extensive.

The use of smartphones is now widespread across all age groups.

Simplify: 単純化する
  Streamline, make easier, reduce complexity.

Let's simplify this complex problem into smaller, more manageable steps.

Claim to: すると主張する
  Purport to, assert, allege.

She may claim to be an expert in psychology, but her knowledge is limited to a few basic concepts.

Unveil: 明らかにする、公開する
  Reveal, disclose, make public.

The company will unveil its new product line at the upcoming trade show.

Overstate: 大げさに言う
  Exaggerate, embellish, inflate.

It's important not to overstate the benefits of this new medical treatment until we have more evidence.

The case: 事実
  The situation, circumstances, the matter at hand.

The detective carefully examined all the evidence before presenting the case to the court.

Disprove: の反証を挙げる
  Refute, debunk, invalidate.

The scientist conducted experiments to disprove the theory that had been widely accepted for years.

Longevity: 寿命、長生き
  Durability, long life, endurance.

Eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly can contribute to a longer lifespan and better overall longevity.

For the moment: 当座のところは
  Temporarily, for now, at this point in time.

I can't commit to a long-term project right now, but I'm available for smaller tasks for the moment.

Part 26

Remodel: 改装する、リフォームする
  Renovate or redesign.

They decided to remodel their kitchen to create more space for cooking and dining.

Syndrome: シンドローム
  A set of symptoms or a medical condition.

The doctor was able to diagnose the rare medical syndrome affecting the patient.

Substandard: 標準以下の
  Below the accepted quality or standard.

The quality of the materials used in construction was substandard, leading to numerous issues later on.

Enclosed: 囲まれた
  Closed or shut off.

The garden was enclosed by a beautiful wrought-iron fence.

Diagnose: 診断する
  Determine or identify a medical condition.

The medical team worked tirelessly to diagnose the cause of the mysterious illness.

Infection: 感染
  A disease caused by germs or pathogens.

Proper hygiene practices can help prevent the spread of infection in healthcare facilities.

Symptom: 症状
  Indication or sign of a condition.

A high fever is often a symptom of the flu.

Sufferer: 患者、被災者
  Someone experiencing a condition or ailment.

She has been a long-time sufferer of allergies and takes medication to manage her symptoms.

Pose a problem: 問題を起こす
  Present an issue or create a challenge.

The lack of proper ventilation can pose a problem in poorly ventilated buildings.

Facilities: 施設、設備
  Amenities or resources available for use.

The hotel offers excellent facilities, including a fitness center and a swimming pool.

Immune system: 免疫系
  The body's defense mechanism against diseases.

A healthy lifestyle can boost your immune system and help you fight off illnesses.

Ventilation: 換気
  The process of providing fresh air or air circulation.

Good ventilation is crucial in maintaining indoor air quality.

Mold: かび
  Fungus or mildew that grows in damp conditions.

The damp conditions in the basement led to the growth of mold on the walls.

Toxic fume: 有毒ガス
  Harmful or poisonous gas emissions.

The factory was emitting toxic fumes into the air, causing concern among the local residents.

Contribute to: の一因となる、するのに役に立つ
  Add to or play a part in.

Smoking can contribute to the development of various respiratory illnesses.

Serve as: として機能する  
  Act as or function in the capacity of.

The old warehouse has been converted into a vibrant art gallery, serving as a cultural hub for the community.

Address: 取り組む、対処する
  Deal with or tackle a situation or problem.

The city council is working to address the issue of affordable housing for its residents.

Intake: 吸入、入場者数
  The process of taking in something, like air or food.

Adequate water intake is essential for maintaining good health and hydration.

Pollutant: 芝刈り機
  A substance that contaminates or harms the environment.

Carbon monoxide is a dangerous air pollutant that can be lethal in high concentrations.

Part 27

Relevant to: 関係がある
  Pertinent to or connected with.

The research findings were highly relevant to the topic of climate change.

Give weight to: 重きを置く、重視する
  Attach significance or importance to.

Her impressive track record in the company gave weight to her promotion.

Ineffective: 効果のない
  Not producing the desired results or lacking effectiveness.

Unfortunately, the medication proved to be ineffective in treating his condition.

Treatment: 治療、取り扱い
  Medical or therapeutic intervention.

The doctor recommended a new treatment plan for the patient's chronic pain.

Intuition: 直感
  Gut feeling or instinctive understanding.
Sometimes, it's important to trust your intuition when making decisions.

An array of: 一連の
  A wide variety or a diverse selection of.

The supermarket offers an array of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Range from: ~から~に至る
  Extend from or span across a spectrum of.

The prices of smartphones can range from affordable to very expensive.

Concrete: 具体的な
  Solid or tangible.

The architect presented a concrete plan for the new building project.

State of affairs: 事態、状況
  Current situation or circumstances.

The current state of affairs in the company requires immediate attention.

Assumption: 想定、思い込み
  Presumption or supposition.

Making an assumption without proper evidence can lead to misunderstandings.

Sound: 健全な、ぐっすりと
  Sensible or rational.

After a thorough examination, the doctor confirmed that her health was sound.

Inquiry: 探求、問い合わせ
  Investigation or examination.

The police conducted a thorough inquiry into the incident.

Administer: 施す、管理する
  Dispense or give.

The nurse will administer the vaccine to the children.

Cognitive: 認知の
  Related to thinking, perception, or mental processes.

Cognitive therapy can be effective in treating certain mental health issues.

Validate: 正当性を立証する
  Confirm or substantiate.

The experiment's results helped validate the scientist's hypothesis.

Part 28

  Official approval or certification.

The university's accreditation assures the quality of its programs.

  Establishment or organization.

The government-funded institution provides education to underprivileged children.

  Aimed at making a profit or profit-driven.

The company shifted its focus from a non-profit model to a for-profit one.

  Individual in possession of something.

She is the holder of several patents for her innovative inventions.

  Resemblance or likeness.

There is a striking similarity between the two paintings.

Prior to:
  Before or earlier than.

Prior to the meeting, please review the agenda.

  Credential or certification.

Meeting the qualification requirements is essential for this job.

Diploma mill:
  An organization accused of providing fake degrees.

Some online schools are considered diploma mills, issuing degrees without proper education.

Be accused of:
  Face allegations or charges of.

He was accused of embezzling company funds.

Campaign for:
  Advocate or promote actively.

The organization launched a campaign for environmental conservation.

Put in place:
  Implement or establish.

The new security measures were put in place after a series of break-ins.

Lie in:
  Be situated or located in.

The solution to the problem lies in better communication.

  Exactly or accurately.

The instructions must be followed precisely for safety reasons.

  Focused on or tailored towards.

The company is known for its customer-oriented approach.

  Skilled or capable.

She is a competent manager who can handle challenging situations.

  Environment or context.

The tranquil setting of the countryside appealed to the vacationers.

  Unavoidable or certain to happen.

Change is often seen as an inevitable part of life.

  Compromise or exchange.

There is usually a tradeoff between cost and quality in product selection.

Part 29

Contestant: 出場者、参加者
Participant in a competition or contestant.

The talented contestant impressed the judges with her singing.

Rehearsal: リハーサル
Practice session or preparation.

The band had a rigorous rehearsal before their big concert.

Mean: けち、いじわる
signify, indicate, or represent.

Kindness and empathy often mean a lot to people in times of need.

Feature: 呼び物にする、特集する、主演させる
Characteristic, attribute, or element.

The camera's zoom feature allows you to get closer to distant objects.

Be addicted to: 病みつきである、中毒である
Have a dependency on or be hooked on.

She realized she needed help when she found herself to be addicted to social media.

Exploit: 搾取する、開発する
Utilize, take advantage of, or make use of.

The company was criticized for trying to exploit its employees' hard work without fair compensation.

Extravagant: 法外な、無駄遣いな
Lavish, luxurious, or overly indulgent.

Their wedding was extravagant, with a lavish ceremony and reception.

Catch on: 流行する、浸透する、理解し始める
Become popular, gain popularity, or become widely accepted.

The new fashion trend started to catch on quickly among young people.

Rack up: 利益を得る、損失を被る
Accumulate, amass, or gather.

He managed to rack up a high score in the video game.

Earnings: 収入
Income, revenue, or profits.

Her earnings from the freelance project allowed her to take a vacation.

Novelty: 新鮮味、目新しさ
Innovation, newness, or something original.

The novelty of owning a new gadget quickly wore off as it became less exciting.

Wear off: 徐々になくなる、擦り切れる
Diminish, fade away, or lose its effect.

The effects of the pain medication will wear off in a few hours.

Viewing figures: 視聴率
Television ratings or audience numbers.

The television network closely monitors the viewing figures to determine the show's popularity.

Bank on: を当てにする、に頼る
Rely on, depend on, or count on.

They decided to bank on their years of experience to succeed in the competitive market.

Sail through: を余裕でこなす
Easily pass, succeed effortlessly, or excel.

With his exceptional skills, he was able to sail through the challenging exam with ease.

Part 30

deceased 亡くなった
Passed away, no longer living.
The deceased's family held a memorial service in their honor.

pious 敬虔な
Devout, deeply religious.
The pious monk spent hours in prayer and meditation.

medieval 中世の
Relating to the Middle Ages, from the historical period of the Middle Ages.
The medieval castle stands as a reminder of a bygone era.

aristocrat 貴族
Noble, member of the upper class, or a person of high social rank.
The aristocrat lived a life of luxury and privilege.

inscription 碑文
Engraved writing, carved text, or an etched message.
The ancient inscription on the monument was difficult to decipher.

majestic 堂々たる
Grand, impressive, or having a sense of dignity.
The majestic mountain range was a sight to behold.

inventory 一覧表、目録
List, catalog, or a detailed record of items.
The store manager conducted an inventory check to account for all the items.

relic 遺物、遺跡
Artifact, historical object, or a preserved piece from the past.
he relic was believed to have belonged to a famous historical figure.

dissolve 解体する
Break down, disintegrate, or decompose.
The sugar began to dissolve in the hot tea.

monastery 修道院
Religious community, a place where monks or nuns live and worship.
The monastery was a peaceful place for reflection and prayer.

closure 閉鎖
Shutdown, cessation, or the act of closing something.
The closure of the factory led to job losses in the community.

tear down 取り壊す
Demolish, destroy, or dismantle.
They decided to tear down the old building to make way for a new development.

vandalize 破壊する
Deface, damage, or maliciously destroy property.
Vandals had spray-painted graffiti all over the abandoned building.

abbot 修道院長
Head of a monastery, the leader of a religious community.
The abbot of the monastery provided guidance to the monks.

demotion 降格
Reduction in rank, lowering of status or position.
After the project's failure, he experienced a demotion in his job.

cynical ひねくれた、シニカル
Skeptical, distrustful, or having a pessimistic outlook.
His cynical attitude made it difficult for him to trust others.

Part 31

react to 反応する
respond to
He didn't know how to react to the unexpected news, so he stayed silent for a moment.

annoyance 不快感、いらだち
Her constant interruptions caused a great deal of annoyance during the meeting.

yardstick 基準
The quality of a product should always be the yardstick for measuring its success in the market.

disastrous 破壊的な
The earthquake had a disastrous impact on the small coastal town, leaving many homeless.

crude 粗野な
His crude language and offensive jokes made everyone uncomfortable at the party.

defective 欠陥のある
The company recalled the products due to a defective component, ensuring customer safety.

set off 引き起こす
The alarm clock didn't set off this morning, making him late for work.

console 慰める
She tried to console her friend after the loss, offering words of comfort and support.

track 追跡する
The detective worked tirelessly to track down the missing person, following every lead.

condemn 非難する
The community came together to condemn the act of vandalism, vowing to maintain peace.

calamity 災難
The flood was a natural calamity that affected thousands of families in the region.

sophisticated 洗練された
The sophisticated design of the new smartphone impressed tech enthusiasts worldwide.

counterpart に相当するもの
In many cultures, a god or goddess has a counterpart representing opposing forces in nature.

endanger 危険にさらす
Polluting the oceans can endanger marine life, leading to devastating consequences for ecosystems.

adoption 採用
The adoption of renewable energy sources is crucial for a sustainable future and reducing carbon emissions.

In today's world, the yardstick for measuring success in the technology industry often involves creating sophisticated products that can set off a global craze. However, this race for innovation can sometimes lead to defective devices being rushed to market, causing widespread annoyance among consumers. Such instances not only endanger a company's reputation but can also result in disastrous consequences. Take the example of a smartphone manufacturer that released a crude prototype without proper testing. The subsequent calamity included exploding batteries and numerous safety concerns. The public was quick to condemn the company's negligence, and its counterpart competitors were cautious, ensuring the adoption of strict quality control measures.

In the end, businesses should react to the changing landscape by prioritizing quality over speed, using customer satisfaction as the ultimate yardstick for success. This approach not only console customers but also ensures long-term prosperity in a highly competitive industry.

Part 32

make livelihood by で生計を立てる
Earn a living through, sustain oneself through work.

In some remote villages, people make their livelihood by farming and selling their crops.

fascinate 魅了する
Captivate, enchant, or greatly interest.

The mysterious story of the lost city has always fascinated me.

notorious 悪名高い
Infamous, well-known for something negative.

The bank robber became notorious for his string of heists.

execution 処刑、実行
Implementation, carrying out, or performance.

The execution of the plan was flawless, and everything went as intended.

slaughter 大虐殺
Massacre, killing on a large scale.

The war led to the slaughter of innocent civilians.

uncover evidence 証拠を明るみに出す
Reveal proof or bring evidence to light.

The detective worked tirelessly to uncover evidence that would solve the cold case.

authorize 認可する
Permit, grant permission, or officially approve.

Only the manager has the authority to authorize significant expenses.

endorse 是認する
Support, approve, or give one's approval to.

The company decided to endorse the new marketing strategy.

take into custody 裏切る
Arrest, detain, or apprehend.

The suspect was taken into custody and questioned by the police.

prosecute 起訴する
Bring legal action against, charge, or take to court.

The district attorney decided to prosecute the accused for their involvement in the fraud.

witness 収監する
Observe, see, or be present during an event.

He had to witness the devastation caused by the natural disaster in his hometown.

bribe 買収する、賄賂
Corrupt, influence with money, or offer a bribe.

Corrupt officials often accept bribes in exchange for special favors.

discredit 信用できないものにする、信用の失墜
Undermine credibility, cast doubt on, or tarnish reputation.

The scandal surrounding the politician's actions did much to discredit him in the eyes of the public.

corrupt 賄賂のきく、墜落した、買収する
Dishonest, morally compromised, or influenced by bribery.

The corrupt businessman was finally brought to justice for his illegal activities.

fierce 残忍な、激しい
Ferocious, aggressive, or intensely competitive.

The fierce competition in the industry led to many businesses closing down.

menace 脅かす、脅威

Threaten, endanger, or pose a danger to.

The unpredictable weather can be a menace to farmers trying to protect their crops.

Part 33

yearn to do することを望む、したがる
dictate 押し付ける、命令する
criterion 基準
be dissatisfied with 不満である
irresistible 抵抗し難い、抑えきれない
plump ふくよかな
disgrace 不名誉、恥
wholesome 健康的な、健全な
stout がっちりした、恰幅のいい
feast on 大いに楽しむ
abundant 豊富な
extensive 広大な
prejudice against 対する偏見
bulky 大柄な、かさばった
fitness 健康
moderation 節制、適度
depict as として表現する
misery 不幸

yearn to do
paraphrasing: desire to do
sentence: She desires to travel the world and explore new cultures.

paraphrasing: impose
sentence: The strict rules seemed to impose restrictions on every aspect of their lives.

paraphrasing: standard
sentence: Meeting the standard of safety is essential in the construction industry.

be dissatisfied with
paraphrasing: be unhappy with
sentence: He appeared unhappy with the quality of the service he received at the restaurant.

paraphrasing: impossible to resist
sentence: The aroma of freshly baked bread was impossible to resist for anyone passing by the bakery.

paraphrasing: pleasantly chubby
sentence: The baby had pleasantly chubby cheeks that everyone found adorable.

paraphrasing: dishonor
sentence: His actions brought dishonor to the reputation of the company.

paraphrasing: healthy
sentence: She believes in cooking healthy meals with fresh ingredients.

paraphrasing: robust
sentence: Despite his age, he remained robust and physically active.

feast on
paraphrasing: indulge in
sentence: During the holiday season, we indulge in delicious homemade meals.

paraphrasing: plentiful
sentence: The forest was filled with a plentiful variety of wildlife.

paraphrasing: wide-ranging
sentence: Her wide-ranging knowledge of history allowed her to answer every question on the exam.

prejudice against
paraphrasing: bias against
sentence: Discrimination often stems from bias against certain groups of people.

paraphrasing: large and cumbersome
sentence: The old television was large and cumbersome, taking up too much space in the living room.

paraphrasing: physical health
sentence: Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining good physical health.

paraphrasing: self-control
sentence: Practicing self-control in one's eating habits is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

depict as
paraphrasing: portray as
sentence: The artist chose to portray the scene as a serene countryside landscape.

paraphrasing: unhappiness
sentence: The war brought a great deal of unhappiness to the people living in the region.

Part 34

predominant 支配的な
mainstream 主流
be dedicated to 奉じる、専念する
profess 公言する
sacred 神聖な
procession 行列
quaint 風変わりで趣のある
perform a ritual 儀式を行う
bizarre 異様な
account 記述
attribute to 帰属させる、のせいにする
trait 特徴
conquest 征服
in response to に応えて、反応して
affirmation 断言、主張
harmonious 調和した
prevalent 広くいきわたった

paraphrasing: dominant
sentence: In the fashion industry, luxury brands often hold a dominant position.

paraphrasing: the prevailing trend
sentence: The film's success brought it into the prevailing trend of popular cinema.

be dedicated to
paraphrasing: be committed to
sentence: She is committed to her career and works diligently to achieve her goals.

paraphrasing: declare openly
sentence: He chose to declare openly his love for art and creativity.

paraphrasing: holy
sentence: The ancient temple is considered a holy place of worship.

paraphrasing: parade
sentence: The annual religious parade attracted thousands of spectators.

paraphrasing: charmingly unusual
sentence: The small village had a charmingly unusual architecture that fascinated tourists.

perform a ritual
paraphrasing: carry out a ceremony
sentence: During the wedding, the couple will carry out a ceremony to symbolize their commitment.

paraphrasing: strange and unusual
sentence: The story had a strange and unusual plot twist that left readers perplexed.

paraphrasing: description
sentence: Her description of the event provided valuable insights into what happened.

attribute to
paraphrasing: ascribe to
sentence: Some people ascribe to luck what others see as the result of hard work.

paraphrasing: characteristic
sentence: One notable characteristic of her personality is her unwavering determination.

paraphrasing: the act of subduing
sentence: The act of subduing new lands marked an era of exploration and expansion.

in response to
paraphrasing: as a reaction to
sentence: As a reaction to the customer's feedback, the company implemented several improvements.

paraphrasing: assertion
sentence: His assertion of innocence led to a thorough investigation of the case.

paraphrasing: in agreement
sentence: The team's in agreement approach led to a successful project outcome.

paraphrasing: widespread
sentence: Social media is widespread in today's society, with billions of users worldwide.

Part 35

paraphrasing: support or champion
sentence: She always likes to advocate for social causes.

pass off as
paraphrasing: present as if it were
sentence: He tried to pass off his homemade cookies as store-bought.

cook up
paraphrasing: create or fabricate
sentence: The rumors about her were completely cooked up.

paraphrasing: ceremony or ritual
sentence: The wedding ceremony included traditional rites.

fall for
paraphrasing: be deceived by or believe in
sentence: Don't fall for his tricks; he's not trustworthy.

paraphrasing: enlist or hire
sentence: The company plans to recruit new employees next month.

fade away
paraphrasing: gradually disappear
sentence: The memories of that summer vacation began to fade away.

paraphrasing: reawakening or resurgence
sentence: The band's reunion tour sparked a revival of their music.

paraphrasing: modern or current
sentence: The artist's work is known for its contemporary style.

paraphrasing: blending or combination
sentence: The restaurant's menu offers a fusion of different cuisines.

paraphrasing: legend or folklore
sentence: The story of King Arthur is a famous myth.

paraphrasing: foreign or unusual
sentence: The restaurant serves exotic dishes from around the world.

paraphrasing: regarding or about
sentence: I have a question concerning the upcoming event.

paraphrasing: polite and considerate
sentence: She always behaves in a respectful manner towards others.

paraphrasing: enthusiastic or devoted
sentence: He is a passionate advocate for animal rights.

paraphrasing: interfere or step in
sentence: The teacher had to intervene when the students started arguing.

paraphrasing: devastate or destroy
sentence: The hurricane ravaged the coastal town.

charitable organization
paraphrasing: nonprofit group or charity
sentence: The charitable organization provides aid to those in need.

paraphrasing: legal or valid
sentence: It's essential to ensure that your business is legitimate and registered properly.

Part 36

Paraphrasing: Extremely distressing or shocking
Sentence: The car accident was traumatic, leaving a lasting impact on everyone involved.

Paraphrasing: Death resulting from an accident, disease, or disaster
Sentence: The earthquake had a high fatality count, causing immense sorrow in the community.

Paraphrasing: Fail to notice or consider something
Sentence: It's easy to overlook small details when you're in a hurry.

Die down
Paraphrasing: Gradually decrease in intensity or cease
Sentence: After the storm, the winds began to die down, and the rain stopped.

Paraphrasing: Cause severe and overwhelming shock or grief
Sentence: The news of the natural disaster served to devastate the entire village.

Paraphrasing: Able to be spread from person to person
Sentence: The flu is highly contagious, so it's important to take precautions.

Paraphrasing: Forceful expulsion of air from the lungs
Sentence: His persistent cough was a symptom of the cold he caught last week.

Paraphrasing: Involuntary expulsion of air through the nose and mouth
Sentence: She couldn't stop herself from sneezing due to the pollen in the air.

Paraphrasing: Sudden occurrence or increase of a disease
Sentence: The health authorities responded swiftly to contain the outbreak of the virus.

Paraphrasing: Capable of causing death
Sentence: The snake's venom is lethal, posing a serious threat to anyone bitten.

Paraphrasing: Substances used to treat, cure, or prevent disease
Sentence: The doctor prescribed medication to alleviate the patient's symptoms.

Paraphrasing: Strong and healthy; vigorous
Sentence: Regular exercise contributes to maintaining a robust immune system.

Come down with the flu
Paraphrasing: Contract or become ill with the flu
Sentence: I think I'm coming down with the flu; I have a sore throat and body aches.

Throw off
Paraphrasing: Remove or get rid of something
Sentence: Drinking hot tea with honey helped to throw off my cold symptoms.

Paraphrasing: Cease to be valid; come to an end
Sentence: The contract is set to expire at the end of the month.

Mortality rate
Paraphrasing: The number of deaths in a particular population
Sentence: The mortality rate for that disease has significantly decreased with advancements in medical treatment.

Paraphrasing: Confront or deal with a problem or challenge
Sentence: It's essential to tackle environmental issues to ensure a sustainable future.

Remedy for
Paraphrasing: A solution or treatment for a problem or illness
Sentence: Drinking plenty of fluids is a common remedy for a mild case of dehydration.

Part 37

coincide with
happen at the same time
The meeting will coincide with the conference.

adverse condition
unfavorable circumstance
The team faced adverse conditions during the expedition.

extreme tiredness
After the long hike, she experienced fatigue.

vitamin deficiency
lack of essential vitamins
A poor diet can lead to vitamin deficiency.

vulnerable to
susceptible to
Children are often vulnerable to infections.

exposure to
contact with
Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause sunburn.

round up
gather together
Let's round up the team for a quick meeting.

concentrate in
focus on
It's essential to concentrate in class to understand the material.

put forward
He decided to put forward a new idea during the meeting.

debated, disputed
The controversial topic sparked heated discussions.

break down
analyze, dissect
Let's break down the problem to find a solution.

partner, friend
They became allies in the business venture.

for a short time
The office will be closed temporarily for renovations.

rapid increase
There was a surge in demand for the product.

survival rate
percentage of survival
The survival rate of the endangered species is alarming.

sample, example
Scientists examined the specimen under the microscope.

confusing, perplexing
The mysterious disappearance was puzzling to investigators.

Part 38

well-known, famous
The artist is renowned for his innovative work.

recognize, pinpoint
Can you identify the person in the photograph?

careful and thorough
The research required painstaking attention to detail.

undeniable, unquestionable
The evidence was indisputable, proving his innocence.

product, item
Oil is a valuable commodity in international trade.

enlist the help of
seek assistance from
She decided to enlist the help of a professional.

weed out from
remove, eliminate
We need to weed out the irrelevant information.

knowledgeable about
well-informed on
He is knowledgeable about various historical events.

pore over
examine closely
The students had to pore over the text to find the answer.

hint, indication
The detective found a crucial clue at the crime scene.

get rid of, throw away
It's time to discard the old equipment and upgrade.

specialize in
focus on, concentrate on
The company specializes in eco-friendly products.

immerse in
deeply involve in
He decided to immerse himself in the study of ancient cultures.

acquaint with
familiarize with
I need to acquaint myself with the new software.

measure, assess
They will gauge the impact of the new policy.

evaluate, judge
It's essential to assess the performance of the team.

Part 39

instinctive, natural
Her intuitive understanding of the situation was impressive.

decisive, final
The experiment provided conclusive evidence.

deal in
trade in, handle
The company deals in a variety of electronic products.

deception, scam
The investigation revealed a case of financial fraud.

dishonest, corrupt
The politician was accused of having a crooked agenda.

objective judgment
impartial assessment
It's crucial to make an objective judgment in this matter.

discriminate between
differentiate, distinguish
It's important to discriminate between fact and opinion.

authentic, real
Make sure to purchase genuine products from trusted sources.

visible, evident
The apparent problem required immediate attention.

determining, conclusive
The leader made a decisive decision in a critical situation.

convincing, persuasive
The speaker delivered a compelling argument.

organize, synchronize
The team needs to coordinate their efforts for success.

trustworthy, reliable
The witness provided a credible account of the events.

consensus of opinion
general agreement
There was a consensus of opinion among the committee members.

suspicious, doubtful
The proposal seemed dubious and lacked support.

continuous, unyielding
His persistent efforts finally paid off.

trickery, deceit
The magician's performance involved a lot of deception.

cater to
meet the needs of
The hotel aims to cater to the diverse preferences of its guests.

argue, contest
They had a dispute over the ownership of the land.

Part 40

assembly, gathering
The congress discussed important legislative matters.

impartial, unbiased
The mediator remained neutral during the negotiation.

while, on the other hand
She prefers tea, whereas he likes coffee.

hostile behavior, attack
The country condemned the act of aggression.

make an alliance with
form a partnership with
The two nations decided to make an alliance with each other.

profitable, money-making
Investing in real estate can be a lucrative business.

unfriendly, antagonistic
The negotiations turned hostile, leading to no agreement.

give out that
announce, declare
The spokesperson will give out that information in the press conference.

incorporate into
integrate, include
The new feature will be incorporated into the software.

hate, loathe
She couldn't help but despise her dishonest colleague.

bring up
mention, raise
During the meeting, he decided to bring up a new idea.

revulsion, repulsion
The graphic images filled him with disgust.

numerous, several
The project involved multiple stages of development.

average, ordinary
The restaurant received mediocre reviews for its food.

inferior to
lower in quality than
The generic brand is often considered inferior to the original.

separation, split
The breakup of the partnership was inevitable.

taking in, assimilation
The absorption of nutrients is crucial for health.

oppressive ruler, dictator
The people revolted against the tyrant.

issue an order to
give a command to
The general will issue an order to commence the mission.

Part 41

predict, anticipate
It's challenging to foresee the outcome of the election.

probability, chance
There is a high likelihood of rain tomorrow.

insulting, disrespectful
His offensive comments offended many people.

designate, nominate
The board decided to appoint a new CEO.

set about
begin, start
They will set about the task as soon as possible.

beef up
strengthen, reinforce
The security measures were beefed up after the incident.

deter from
discourage, prevent
The warning signs are meant to deter people from trespassing.

enemy, adversary
In times of war, it's crucial to identify your foe.

defeat, conquer
The army managed to overpower the opposing forces.

collaborate with
work together with
The two companies decided to collaborate on the project.

in the event of
if, in case of
In the event of a fire, follow the evacuation procedures.

challenge, resist
She chose to defy the traditional norms.

trespasser, invader
The alarm system will alert us if there is an intruder.

evacuate to
move to a safer place
Residents were advised to evacuate to higher ground.

block, hinder
The fallen tree obstructed the path.

conflict, confrontation
The clash between the rival groups resulted in chaos.

whatever the truth
regardless of the truth
We will proceed with our decision, whatever the truth may be.

Part 42

yearly, every year
The conference is held annually in the spring.

rising, emerging
She is considered an up-and-coming talent in the industry.

produce, create
The new power plant will generate electricity for the city.

put together
assemble, create
The team worked hard to put together a successful event.

reviewer, evaluator
The critic praised the film for its unique storyline.

considering, taking into account
Given the circumstances, the decision was justified.

increased by ten times
The company's profits increased tenfold this year.

presentation, proposal
The deadline for project submissions is tomorrow.

photograph, capture
He decided to shoot the sunset for his photography project.

revise, modify
The editor will edit the manuscript for publication.

recognize, admit
It's important to acknowledge your mistakes.

influence, impact
The new policy will affect everyone in the organization.

unexpectedly, paradoxically
Ironically, the solution to the problem was found in the least likely place.

encourage, spur
The positive feedback will prompt him to continue working hard.

keep, preserve
It's essential to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

managerial, administrative
She holds an executive position in the company.

identify, locate
Can you spot the difference between the two pictures?

examination, inspection
The screening process will determine eligibility for the program.

Part 43

a period of one thousand years
The event marked the beginning of a new millennium.

buying and selling goods
International trading has become a key aspect of the global economy.

success, economic well-being
The country experienced a period of prosperity after economic reforms.

a metallic element
Copper is commonly used in electrical wiring.

extracting minerals from the earth
Mining activities have environmental impacts.

production, yield
The factory increased its output to meet demand.

money owed to others
The government struggled to reduce its national debt.

monetary system
system of currency and finance
The monetary system plays a crucial role in the economy.

study of ancient civilizations
Archaeology helps us understand human history through artifacts.

a place where coins are produced
Coins are manufactured at the national mint.

specialized knowledge, skill
Her expertise in the field made her a sought-after consultant.

thorough, all-encompassing
The report provided a comprehensive analysis of the situation.

the way a country or organization is managed
Effective governance is essential for the success of any institution.

rental agreement
They signed a lease for the office space.

a person or company hired to perform work
The contractor was responsible for the construction of the building.

manager, supervisor
The administrator oversees the daily operations of the organization.

extremely valuable, priceless
Her experience proved to be invaluable in the project.

basic physical and organizational structures
Investing in infrastructure is crucial for economic development.

Part 44

drive out of
force to leave, expel
The residents were driven out of their homes by the flood.

decrease, reduce
The company experienced a decline in sales.

multinational company
a company that operates in multiple countries
The multinational company has offices in Europe, Asia, and North America.

poor management, incompetence
The mismanagement of funds led to financial problems.

discover, reveal
Archaeologists unearthed ancient artifacts at the site.

ceramic objects made from clay
The museum displayed a collection of ancient pottery.

inheritance, something passed down
The founder left behind a lasting legacy.

pollution, impurity
The river suffered from contamination due to industrial waste.

heavy metal
metal with a high density
Heavy metal pollutants can have adverse effects on the environment.

be traced back to
have origins in
The tradition can be traced back to ancient times.

beginning, start
The onset of winter brought cold temperatures.

contributing factor
element that adds to a situation
Stress is a contributing factor to many health issues.

study of the Earth's structure
Geology helps us understand the formation of mountains and valleys.

make something available to the public
The company will release a new product next month.


pose a problem
stems from
contribute to
serve to
serve as
deal with
for the moment
in the meantime
make public
receive wide coverage
have a wide circulation
have a wide distribution
get extensive attention
claim to
according to
in retrospect
looking back
in hindsight
be associated with
have to do with
connected with
be related to
be consistent with
in agreement with
agree with
engage in
join in
be involved in
take part in
take on
fulfill promise
keep promise
gulp down
wolf down
feast on greedily
wrap up
finish up
single out
pick out as
dispose to
inclined to
be prone to
tend to
be devoid of
lack of
leave off
bring on
bring about
cause to
make happen
lead to
result in
set off
speed up
appealing to
get by on
manage with
live on
rely on
wind up with
end up with
amount to
come down to
lead to
subjected to
exposed to
submitted to
subject to
affected by
controlled by
dependence on
influenced by
turn in
go to bed
come together
get together
comprised of
composed of
consist of
affix to
attach to
be obliged to
be required to
have to
be classified as
be categorized as
dispose of
verge on
on the brink of
on the verge of
get stranded
become marooned
throw the spotlight on
come to light
focus attention on
uncover evidence
avoid being
in order not to
in the replace of
take the place of
lure into
give weight to
feast on
indulge in
depict as
portray as

pose a problem: The sudden increase in demand can pose a problem for our supply chain management.

stems from: Her lack of confidence stems from past failures and criticism.

contribute to: Regular exercise can contribute to a healthier lifestyle and improved well-being.

serve to: The committee's purpose is to serve to address community concerns and promote unity.

serve as: His experience will serve as a valuable asset to our team.

address: The mayor plans to address the city's traffic congestion issue in the upcoming town hall meeting.

deal with: The management needs to deal with the employee's grievances promptly to maintain a positive work environment.

remodel: They decided to remodel their kitchen to create a more spacious cooking area.

renovate: The historical building underwent extensive renovation to preserve its architectural heritage.

redesign: The company hired a team of architects to redesign their website for a more user-friendly experience.

disprove: The scientist aimed to disprove the existing theory through a series of experiments.

refute: He attempted to refute the accusations against him with solid evidence.

refuse: She decided to refuse the job offer due to its inadequate compensation.

debunk: The documentary sought to debunk common myths about climate change.

invalidate: The new evidence could potentially invalidate the previous research findings.

for the moment: Let's postpone the discussion for the moment and focus on urgent matters.

in the meantime: You can work on your project, and in the meantime, I'll gather the necessary data.

overstate: It's essential not to overstate your qualifications in your resume; honesty is key.

exaggerate: People tend to exaggerate their achievements during job interviews to make a better impression.

inflate: Some sellers may try to inflate the prices during peak shopping seasons.

unveil: The company plans to unveil their latest product at the upcoming trade show.

reveal: The detective was careful not to reveal too much information during the investigation.

disclose: The whistleblower chose to disclose sensitive information about the company's unethical practices.

make public: The government decided to make public the findings of the investigation.

widespread: The news of the celebrity's wedding received wide coverage in the media.

receive wide coverage: The scandal received wide coverage in the national newspapers.

have a wide circulation: The magazine has a wide circulation among fashion enthusiasts.

have a wide distribution: The company's products have a wide distribution across several countries.

get extensive attention: The new policy got extensive attention from both critics and supporters.

claim to: He claimed to have witnessed the entire incident.

assert: The professor asserted that the research findings were groundbreaking.

allege: The journalist alleged that the politician was involved in corrupt practices.

insist: Despite the evidence against him, he insisted on his innocence.

allegedly: The suspect allegedly committed the crime under the influence of drugs.

supposedly: The treasure is supposedly buried somewhere in the old town.

according to: According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow.

in retrospect: In retrospect, investing in technology stocks was a wise decision.

looking back: Looking back, I realize how much I've learned during my time at university.

in hindsight: In hindsight, I should have approached the situation differently.

compulsive: His compulsive gambling led to severe financial problems.

addiction: Her addiction to social media affected her productivity at work.

avoidance: His avoidance of conflict often led to unresolved issues within the team.

evasion: Her evasion of the question raised suspicions among the audience.

be associated with: Smoking is associated with various health risks.

have to do with: The novel has to do with themes of identity and self-discovery.

connected with: His interests are connected with environmental conservation.

be related to: The new policy is related to recent changes in legislation.

be consistent with: His statement is consistent with the witness's account of the incident.

in agreement with: The data is in agreement with the research hypothesis.

agree with: Her explanation agrees with my understanding of the topic.

engage in: He likes to engage in outdoor activities like hiking and fishing.

join in: They invited him to join in their conversation.

be involved in: She is involved in several community service projects.

take part in: The students were encouraged to take part in extracurricular activities.

take on: The company decided to take on the ambitious project despite the challenges.

beverage: Water is a healthy beverage choice.

drink: Coffee is his favorite drink in the morning.

fulfill promise: He always tries to fulfill his promises to maintain trust in relationships.

keep promise: It's important to keep your promises to maintain credibility.

gulp down: He was so thirsty that he gulped down the entire glass of water.

devour: The kids devoured the delicious homemade cookies in minutes.

wolf down: He tends to wolf down his meals, especially when he's in a hurry.

feast on greedily: The guests feasted on greedily at the buffet during the party.

voraciously: She ate voraciously after the long hike, feeling extremely hungry.

rosy: Despite the challenges, she maintains a positive and rosy outlook on life.

optimistic: He is an optimistic person, always finding the silver lining in every situation.

positive: She maintains a positive attitude, even in difficult times.

maintain: It's crucial to maintain a healthy work-life balance for overall well-being.

sustain: The organization works hard to sustain its programs through fundraising efforts.

remain: He managed to remain calm under pressure, impressing his colleagues.

wrap up: Let's conclude the meeting and summarize the key points.

conclude: The speaker will conclude the conference with a closing speech.

finish up: I need to finish up this report before the end of the day.

single out: The coach selected him as the choice player for the upcoming match.

select: The manager picked out the most suitable candidate for the job.

choice: She was picked out as the choice candidate for the scholarship.

pick out as: The teacher picked out her essay as the best in the class.

exclude: The team decided to omit certain details from the presentation.

omit: He chose to exclude specific examples from his speech.

dispose to: He tends to be prone to taking risks without considering the consequences.

inclined to: She is disposed to help others whenever they need assistance.

be prone to: The region is prone to flooding during heavy rains.

tend to: He has a tendency to procrastinate when it comes to his assignments.

avert: The quick action of the lifeguard helped prevent a potential drowning.

prevent: Regular maintenance can help avert unexpected equipment failures.

be devoid of: His speech was lacking any meaningful content.

lacking: The team's performance was lackluster, to say the least.

lack of: The lack of communication within the company led to misunderstandings.

leave off: She decided to stop working on the project due to lack of interest.

stop: He asked the driver to stop the car so he could get out.

activate: Pressing the button will trigger the alarm.

trigger: Stress can cause health problems.

bring on: The cold weather can bring about a flu outbreak.

bring about: Effective leadership can result in positive changes within an organization.

cause: Smoking can lead to serious health issues.

cause to: His reckless actions can make accidents happen.

make happen: Their joint efforts can lead to remarkable achievements.

lead to: The heavy rain can result in flooding in low-lying areas.

result in: The lack of preparation can set off a series of problems.

set off: The sudden noise caused a panic among the crowd.

hasten: To meet the deadline, they decided to speed up the production process.

speed up: The new highway will accelerate travel times between cities.

noticeable: The improvements in his performance were evident to everyone.

evident: The impact of climate change is pronounced in recent weather patterns.

appealing to: Her ideas were distinct and appealing to the audience.

distinct: The two flavors have a pronounced difference in taste.

pronounced: His accent is noticeable when he speaks.

get by on: Many students manage with part-time jobs to cover their expenses.

manage with: They have to live on a tight budget to get by on their income.

live on: With their current income, it's challenging to manage with their expenses.

rely on: She has to rely on public transportation to commute to work.

wind up with: If you keep spending recklessly, you may end up with significant debt.

end up with: If you don't study, you may wind up with a lower grade than expected.

amount to: His efforts come down to little in the grand scheme of things.

come down to: In the end, success amounts to hard work and perseverance.

lead to: The lack of communication resulted in misunderstandings among team members.

subjected to: She faced numerous challenges while undergoing the intensive training program.

exposed to: Children should not be subjected to harmful chemicals in their toys.

underwent: She faced many trials and underwent significant personal growth.

face: He had to confront his fears to overcome them.

submitted to: She agreed to be subjected to a series of medical tests.

subject to: The project timeline is influenced by external factors.

affected by: The company's profits are controlled by market fluctuations.

controlled by: Their actions were influenced by their beliefs.

dependence on: Over reliance on technology can hinder social interactions.

influenced by: His decisions were controlled by his emotions.

confirmed: The results of the experiment validated the hypothesis.

proven: The theory has been verified through multiple experiments.

verified: The authenticity of the document has been confirmed.

validated: The data has been certified as accurate and reliable.

certified: The product has been validated as safe for consumption.

turn in: It's getting late; it's time to go to bed and turn in.

go to bed: After a long day, it's best to go to bed early for a good night's rest.

suffice: A simple apology may be enough to resolve the issue.

enough: A few drops of water should suffice to moisten the soil.

subtle: His humor had a delicate touch, making it enjoyable for everyone.

delicate: The fragile vase required delicate handling to prevent it from breaking.

delicately: She handled the situation subtly to avoid conflicts.

manipulate: He tried to control the outcome of the negotiations.

control: It's important to handle the situation with care and manipulate the variables.

handle: She had the skills to manipulate complex machinery with precision.

diagnose: The doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment after diagnosing the illness.

prescribe: The doctor will diagnose your condition and prescribe medication accordingly.

mobilize: The community decided to come together and mobilize resources for disaster relief.

come together: The team needs to assemble and come together to tackle the project.

assemble: We should gather all the necessary materials before starting the project.

gather: They decided to get together and discuss the upcoming event.

comprised of: The committee is composed of experts in various fields.

composed of: The orchestra is consisted of talented musicians.

consist of: The team is made up of professionals with diverse backgrounds.

affix to: Please attach the document to the email before sending it.

attach to: You can affix the stamp to the envelope.

be obliged to: He has to attend the meeting as it's mandatory for all employees.

be required to: All students are required to complete the assignment by the deadline.

have to: Employees must wear their identification badges at all times.

be classified as: The book is categorized as a mystery novel.

be categorized as: The website falls under the category of lifestyle blogs.

dump: Don't discard your old electronics; recycle them properly.

discard: She decided to get rid of the old furniture and discard it.

dispose of: The company needs to dispose of the outdated inventory.

verge on: His anger bordered on irrational during the argument.

on the brink of: The company is on the brink of bankruptcy due to financial mismanagement.

on the verge of: She was on the verge of tears after receiving the bad news.

get stranded: If the boat runs out of fuel, we may become marooned on the island.

become marooned: They were left stranded on the deserted island after their boat malfunctioned.

stay: She decided to remain at the party for a little longer.

throw the spotlight on: The investigation will focus attention on the company's financial dealings.

come to light: The truth about the scandal will come to light eventually.

focus attention on: The documentary aims to highlight environmental issues and focus attention on them.

uncover evidence: The detective worked tirelessly to reveal new clues and uncover evidence.

avoid being: He tried to prevent being caught in the rain.

in order not to: She left early to avoid being stuck in traffic.

dent: The accident caused a significant damage to the car's front end.

damage: The severe weather can cause damage to homes and property.

in the replace of: You can use the new software alternatively in place of the old one.

alternatively: You can use public transportation as an alternative to driving.

take the place of: The young actor will replace the veteran actor in the role of the main character.

lure into: The scam artist tried to seduce unsuspecting victims into investing in his scheme.

seduce: The mesmerizing music enticed the audience and seduced them into a world of dance.

give weight to: The jury will cherish the witness's testimony and give weight to it.

cherish: She will always hold dear the memories of her childhood.

assumption: His argument was based on the presumption that the economy would improve.

presumption: Making assumptions without evidence can lead to misunderstandings.

supposition: Their belief was based on the assumption that technology would solve everything.

concrete: The foundation of the building needs to be solid and concrete for stability.

solid: The firm wall can withstand the strongest winds.

track: The detectives had to follow the suspect's every move and trace his actions.

trace: The forensic team was able to retrace the steps of the victim before the crime.

retrace: She decided to follow the map to trace the path back to their campsite.

dictate: The strict teacher would often dictate the rules of the classroom to the students.

impose: The government decided to impose new taxes to fund public infrastructure projects.

order: The chef shouted the order to the kitchen staff as the restaurant became busy.

feast on: During the holiday season, families gather to feast on a lavish meal together.

indulge in: After a week of hard work, she likes to indulge in a relaxing spa day.

depict as: The artist chose to depict the serene landscape as a breathtaking painting.

portray as: The media often portrayed the actor as a charming and talented individual.
