

I ran out of gas in the middle of a busy interstate

when it begin to rain, she told her son to take in the washing

what do you do with your clothes, when they arr worn out?

change my room to one with a view of the ocean

you must be a good athlete to have run a mile such a short time

it’s really hard to drive on the bumpy road aroundhl here

in this secret code each number stands for a letter of the alphabet

regarding the matter of house rent, I have come to terms with him

The people at large are hoping for great changes in the light of the present situation.

It is easier to sympathise with sorrow than to synpathise with joy  

the post office is a good 5 kilometers away from here

on his way home, steve met a man who he thought was a Chinese.

If you hear from Jenny, coud you tell her I’d like to see her

I went through my money in a very short time

the plant ranges from the north of Europe to the south

ここまで 06:00

what would become of  our city if an earthquake were to hit it

the population of Wellington is only about one fortieth that of Tokyo

Newspapers, magazines, and newscasts tell what’s going on in the world

it was so hot that she felt like eating ice cream.

it is bad for me to have kept you waiting so long

however fadt you may walk you can’t catch up with him

The Wright brothers succeeded in flying an airplane driven by an engine.

To be interesting person, you have to feed and exercise your mind.

If you go anywhere you had better yell your mother first

It has been raining since the day before yesterday, but it may clear up this afternoon

Owing to a bad cold, he could not take part in the game.

I decided that I was going to work as hard as I can.

I don’t object to your going out to work but who will look after the children?

At any rate, I will go to college after graduating from high school

Only if a foreigner has read much English poetry can he understand Shakespeare.

You have to study hard to catch up with your class

Far be it for me to trouble you, but may I ask you something.

John and Jill will take their vows as husband and wife next month

ここまで 13:00

The game would not have been called off if it hadn't rained so heavily.

Send for the doctor at once or the patient will get worse.

once you skip a lesson, it’s hard to catch up with your classmates .

This would be a good opportunity for me to use my language skills to my advantage.

on behalf of the company, I’d like to express our hearty thanks to you all

I had to pay the bill to the tune of 10 dollars

We can know the past, but the future we can only feel.

If I had known about the plan, I could have helped him.

Try to speak English as often as possible if you want to improve your English

We stopped over in Los Angels for 2 nights on the way to New Zealand.

ここまで 16:51

It will take 20 minutes to get the station by taxi

There are none of us who do not respect his honesty

In the justice system of the United States, there are 12 people on a jury

Passengers shall not converse with the driver while the bus is  in motion

Now that you are in Italy, you must absolutely see Naples

The politician said he was deeply indebted to everyone for their support in the election.

ここまで 19:17

When I was in Australia,
I had great trouble in speaking English

The number of students going abroad to study is increasing each year.

Our rent  is four times as much as it was ten years ago.

The girl began to cry at the sight of a dog

It took John only one day to make friends with his classmates at the school

Cancer can be cured easily if it is  found in the first phase.

ここまで 21:37

All you have to do is to try hard and master English.

The past can only be known, not changed,
the future can only be changed, not known.

If the plant is completed next year, a new production manager will have to be hired.

Working part time at supermarket, I found that some customers were polite whereas others weren't.

The company's financial year runs from April until March of the following year.

My uncle will have been in New York for two years next month.

In the US you usually have to show your identification in order to buy alcohol.

He was in the middle of a funny story when he stopped to answer the telephone.

Such an economic program will help the rich at the expense of the poor.

The whistle blew, and the boat slowly began to pull out of port.

The internet is very useful for knowing the circumstances of each part of the world.

ここまで 26:25

I love the taste when I bite into a juicy peach

The committee rejected the proposal on the ground that it was impractical.

You have only to stand in front of the door. It will open by itself.

Now that you are a high school student, you are responsible for what you do.

If anything, my new job is harder than my old one.

In general, communication between doctors and their patients is the most important part of medical treatment

ここまで 28:51

It is very important to consider the cultural background of the family.

You need your parents' permission if you are going to apply for that.

The loss of money made it impossible for him to go abroad.

It's easier for me to have a job than to do housework.

You should make sure of the facts before you write something.

I think the only problem I have now is being shut in at home.

The population of your city is about five times as large as that of my town.

It would not make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow.

If it had not been for your advice, I would have failed in my business.

The latest issue of the magazine will come out next Monday

When she returned home from school, she began to help her mother in the kitchen.

The street, lined with trees, provided a vista of the sea.

ここまで 33:30

I ran into my old friend of mine outside the station.

John did not know how to explain to his wife that he had quit his job.

This factory uses an integrated manufacturing system standardized from parts on through to finished products.

I don’t want to put her to even a small inconvenience.

Our views are in agreement with theirs sd to the essential points.

Air as well as sunlight is, needless to say, indispensable to our daily life.

It is better to take you time than to hurry and make mistakes.

I want to buy this material for a new dress. How much does it cost?

He was a benevolent old man who volunteered to mow his neighbors’ lawns for free.

If the product of your product meets with our customer’s approval, we will place regular orders.

It should be stressed that we are often influenced by advertising without being aware of it.

This is the first time I’ve seen such a dreadful movie.

Bear in mind, that that school is an integrated junior high and high school.

Students often find it very difficult to understand a lecture in a foreign language.

If she should come to Japan, Jane would be very happy.

I missed a step on the stairs and I’m afraid I sprained my ankle.

He said that he could smell something burning and that the telephone weren’t working.

Students are supposed to turn in reports  at the end of the school year.

The musician is enjoying great popularity both in UK and in US.

If I were to be born again I would be a musician.

ここまで 41:58

Ifyou buy this, I will give you 15 % discount.

You’re much less likely to get a good position if you don’t speak English.

In the londo underground, there is a warning to mind the gap, when boarding the train.

It was raining, and Cathy’s long hair was completely wet by the time he got home.

The children were so excited after the party that they couldn’t sleep.

American films are more popular than those of any other country.

There is no use for plastic supermarket bags aside from putting trash in them.

ここまで 44:55

Would you show me a less expensive camera than this one?

They came to terms with each other on how to start a joint venture.

This textbook, having been printed in haste, has a lot of printing mistakes.

After running up the hill, I was completely out of breath.

He was surprised to find the great artist’s masterpiece hung on the wall upside down.

You should make as much effort as possible in whatever you do.

What is still better is that the house has a beautiful garden.

I hurried to the station, only to find that the train had already left.

Last night, my house was robbed while I was still awake.

ここまで 48:24

A dachshund is a dog from Germany with a very long body and short legs.

Some of the students were from Asia  and the others were from Europe.

Could you convert this file into a windows compatible file and re-send it?

I’ve warned you over and over again not to do it.

The old cottage had only one bed, so we all took turns sleeping in it.

Judging by the swelling, the man must have been bitten by a snake.

If you wish us to reserve an alternate room, please let us know immediately.

That scandal will be known to everybody in the course of time.

Once I learned what to listen for, I came to appreciate modern jazz.

ここまで 52:05

Execuse me, would you jindly lift that box for me?

According to some scholars, a major earthquake could occur any moment now.

I imagin that you are wondering when your new pc will arrive.

It was ovbious that the driver had not been careful enough.

It’s a strange story but every word of it is true.

If you had been a little more patient, you would have succeeded.

ここまで 54:23

This is the same pencil that I lost the other day.

After we had walked for some time we came to the lake.

John study hard at school, while at home he helped his mother with her work.

I left some scallions out on the veranda for too long and they dried out.

You can rely on him these days to do a proper job.

I don't want to rush you, but let's try to catch the next bus.

I felt relieved when all the troubles were taken care of.

Some day you will come to realize the importance of saving.

Where on earth do you suppose she is going in the dead of night.

Try as you may, you can't do it in a day.

Initially we had some problems with our computer system, but they've been sorted out now.

I can't agree to your proposal on the ground that it is not fair and reasonable.

On my way home,  I fell asleep on the train and road past my station.

We've come this far, so we can't stop now. I don't want to backslide.

The hardness of diamond is such that it can cut glass.

ここまで 1:00:10

When it comes to my supervisor, he’s very inconsistent, so we never get any work done.

Nick can speak Portuguese very well. That’s because he’s been studying for 5 years.

ここまで 1:01:09

It's true that she knows a lot about cooking but she isn't a good cook.

Once you've got into a  bad habit, it can be difficult to get out of it.

Just as food feeds the body, so reading feeds the mind.

Go easy on Bob, you know he's been going through a rough period recently.

Running as fast as I could, I was able to catch up with my friend.

To everyone's astonishment, Mike won first prize in the speech contest.

We must make the most of our vacation, as it is so short.

These potato chips are good enough to make you want more.

The candle grew shorter and shorter until at last it went out.

The town is supplied with water from a reservoir in the hills.

This novel is so easy that even a child can read it.

The track meet was called off on account of the heavy rain.

It is dangerous to wield an edged tool in such a way.

If it had not been for your support, you would have failed in business.

You should treat this information in the main body of the text, not in the notes.

I took it for granted that you knew the whole matter.

Kate thought the teacher's lecture was dull, boring and endless.

The other girls are jealous of Lily because she was extremely pretty.

Social unrest may come about as a result of the endless rising of prices.

It would help us if you will reserve the  following hotel during our conference.

That tv station is on the air 24 hours a day.

I may have seen that film before but I can hardly remember it.

If you go by bus, you can get there in about one-third of the time.

Never did I dreamed that I would take first place in the piano contest.

If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.

You must keep this plan a secret as there may be some changes yet.

It is difficult to keep up a conversation with someone who only says yes and no.

I have been waiting for your reply, but have not heard from you.

Mrs. Wilson,  I'd like to introduce a friend of mine, John Smith.

There's nothing I like so much as the smell of roses.

As long as I know the money is safe, I will not worry about it.

How long does it take to go from here to the Hilton Hotel?

ここまで 1:13:54

If you had told me the truth I would have forgiven him.

It will be done a week from today, that is, on May 3.

It was Mr Smith that told me how to use that machine.

As I was at a loss what to do, I asked my teacher for advice.

None of us want to go, but either you or your wife has to go.

You do such a thing once too often and you get punished.

A spider can produce a silky substance from tiny openings on its underside.

As soon as he felt his house shake, he rushed out into the garden.

The lady that is speaking to the body is his teacher.

I used to keep a diary in English when I was a student.

If it's not too much trouble, I would like some help.

I would often visit the museum when I lived in London.

It is without justification that money has been called one of the greatest inventions of man.

It's been raining on and off since the day before yesterday.

Mary claimed that the handbag had been a present from her husband.

Hikers need to carry a compass with them to find their way through the woods.

When it comes to dancing, nobody can move like Michael Jackson.

I had my wallet stolen on my way to the office.

ここまで 1:20:45

It’ll take me a long time to get over my cold.

I know you worked very hard on it, but still I’m not satisfied with your report.

The engineers seeks not so much to know nature as to make use of it.

TV is harmful in that it keeps your mind in a passive state.

In the car on the way home, he was making plans for the next day.

Chris bought her a present and bravely gave it to her.

There’s no room to study here if only I had a room of my own.

This novel described the life of the Italian as it was a 100 years ago

I’d like to spend my holidays reading history books or classics.

Since you are no longer a child, you should be responsible for what you do.

ここまで 1:24:45

The influx of foreign workers has caused a serious housing problem in this area.

The best way to master English composition is to keep a diary in English.

After the rain had let up a bit, we made a dash for the car.

Sorry to be so direct , but how much did you pay for this?

Because the surroundings were so dark, he can not see anything.

I need to make an urgent call. Is there public phone near here.

I thought our boss was stubborn as a mule but actually he has his cute side.

My time in school will be one of my happiest memories.

Houses should be built so as to admit plenty of light as well as fresh air.

The couple doesn't fight often these days, but they used to a lot.

For instance, what would you have done if you were in my place?

There are no clean glasses in the kitchen, we have used them all.

Indeed he is young, but he is well experienced for his age.

I am very sorry, but I must cancel our appointment for February 27.

ここまで 1:30:25

Max explained to Julie why he could not go to her farewell party.

We need to recognize it in order to strengthen our business activities.

Let’s have our picture taken with the statue in the back, shall we?

My friends aleays say I’m too calm, but my family always says I’m too annoying.

I must keep a secret with regard to the fact .

It’s easy to lose track of time when you are in Las Vegas.

ここまで 1:32:49

Some people look down on others because they have less money.

Since you have nothing to do with this matter you don't have to worry.

If it were not for air and water, nothing could live.

Granted that you are right, we still have to persuade him first.

If you put more tea leaf into the pot, the tea will taste better.

If I had known about it, I would have changed my plan.

May day is also a festival day for the workers in the world.

In most Japanese companies, only a few executives have a room to themselves.

There is nothing for me to do except to obey the order.

We moved into this house last month, but we still haven't settled down.

Though she was only twelve years old, Susan knew how to make a living.

We have lots of bread, and as for butter, we have more than enough.

The most important thing in the Olympics is not to win but to participate.

From the look of the sky, I'm afraid the rain won't let up for a while.

The money that Chris has not paid back adds up to a large sum.

If you think education is expensive, wait till you see what ignorance costs you.

Can you walk to school or do you have to take the bus?

Excuse me, but will you show me the way to the station?

The jet travels about three times as fast as the speed of sound.

ここまで 1:40:11

This is just  what I’ve been looking for so long.

They built up twenty-five stories on one side and thirty-five on the other.

Everybody except Anderson family is going to the party next Tuesday evening.

There are a number of shops selling foreign books and periodicals.

ここまで 1:42:38

I'd like the most inexpensive room you have for four nights.

There is no hurry; you have five days to think the matter over.

Tom has always done well in every job he has had.

This medicine, properly used, will do you a lot of good.

The paint on the seat on which you were sitting is still wet.

If he had trained himself harder at the time, he would be healthier now.

The young man saved the girl from a bunch of hoodlums.

Brian, this is the restaurant where your father and I had our first date.

In any case why was it only mine that had a line in the LCD.

ここまで 1:46:03

That’s the same story as I heard when I was a child.

I may as well go out than stay at home.

No matter what I did, Ken wouldn’t do what I told him.

Don’t go too near the dog for fesr it should bite you.

In order to get the coconut milk, you must first crack the coconut open.

With this type of insurance, most policies don’t come with a maturity refund.

The sperm whale can dive into a depth of 1000 meters.

ここまで 1:48:42
