

all right
take off
be open/closed
find out about 
call up

Is it all right to drink this?
It's all right to do this after getting permission.

Since it is hot, I took off my jacket.
It's not allowed to take off clothes here

The store is open until 12:00 pm
The store is closed on sunday

I have to find out about the case
I want to find out more about it

I'll call my friend up to hang out
I was trying to call you up

Today, I went to the city hall. Since it was hot I took off my jacket. Arrived at the city hall, I took a number. I asked a receptionist if it was all right to drink water. While drinking it, I was minding my business. I wish the city hall was open on Sunday so that many workers could do what they have to do. Finding out about the teller to go, I headed for. Having been aware of some documents I needed. I called my friend up and asked  him to bring them.

at once 
at one time
pay for
make up
hear about

I've been to Japan once
I did my homework at once

He can handle many tasks at one time

I'll pay for dinner
I'll pay for lunch at once

This story was made up by children
I have to make up a budget

I've heard about the student
Police officers heard about a scream

I want to be rich in the future in my life. I want a huge display and wifi allowing many devices to get connected at one time. If I was a rich man, I can pay for everything I want. As far as I make up a budget, it's difficult to make my dream come true. I've heard about some news that people make a lot of money just by doing simple tasks on the Internet. But I doubt that the story was made up.

off and on
more and more
look forward to
inside out
take up

I need to study off and on
It rained off and on all day

The prices have been rising more and more
It is getting warmer more and more

I'm looking forward to the event
I told him to look forward to the festival

I know about the town inside out
I turned the drawer inside out

I'll take up swimming as my hobby
I've taken up that job

In order to improve my English. I must learn off and on everyday. If you need to improve more and more, learning the language inside out is the key. If you find it difficult to study, taking up a language course is a good way. By the way, my first class is next Saturday, I'm looking forward to it.

loo up 
above all
catch up(on, with)
stick to

I looked up at the top of the tower
I looked up words to study

Above all things, learning is important
I prize honors above all.

That is so unlike you

I caught up with the first runner
I have to catch up since I missed a week of class

You should stick to something once you start
He always sticks to one thing

These days I've missed classes for a week. In order to catch up with classes, I have to look up textbooks. I'm not good at studying unlike my brother. It is hard.
The translation of this book sticks closely to the original, giving me a good understanding of the composition of the language.

it matters
something/nothing wrong(with)
lead to
take apart
put together

Do you realize why it matters?
It matters to me

There seems to be something wrong with it
There's nothing wrong with it

One thing leads to another
Overwork can lead to depression

I should have a professional take my pc apart
I took apart a fence

I put together a hundred price puzzle
I put together papers in book form

Does it matter if you have a pc or not? Yes, it does. We can only watch Youtube, Netflix, Amazon Prime or any other sites on the Internet. If your pc seems to have something wrong with it, you can't watch one of them from that time. You would have a hard time be entertained. Yesterday, My pc didn't work so I had a professional take my pc apart and fix it. He finally put parts together, my pc started working again. pcs lead to many sites on the Internet which are useful on the other hand if you lost, you would feel inconvenienced.

almost/almost all
most/most of
one by one
sign up
give away

I always forget almost all the words I studied
Almost all classes are difficult

Most people work too much
Most people of the same age are married

I have to memorize words one by one
Completing your tasks one by one, that's the fastest way

I singed up and registered for the gym
I've signed up for English courses

He gave away almost all his collection
This war will be given away to the winner

I always forget almost all the words I've studied. But I don't think it matters. People will forget most of what they see except important things. Just studying things one by one, continue to work. It will pays off. Moreover, to sign up for class is a good way. Many tips will be given to you.

on sale
pick out
talk (it) over
as usual
leave out

These are on sale at any supermarket
It was on sale

I soon picked him out in the crowd
Will you pick out a tie for me?

Sitting and taking it over is a solution
They are talking over a cup of coffee

I should behave as usual
It's business as usual

He was left out of the group
I happened to leave out an important detail

These books were on sale. I picked out some to study. After I read some pages of a book, I met a friend, talking it over a cup of tea. As usual, we love talking over books we are reading. I usually leave out some details of the story, on the other hand, he knows everything about a given subject. I need to focus more on reading.

at times 
think up
at last
keep up with
make believe

Accidents happen at times
I get bad grades at times

I've thought up a good way
I want to think up a plan to get rich

Time enough at last
I finished the task at last

He keeps up with a demanding schedule
It's hard to keep up with advancement in technology

I made believe I had nothing to do with it
Children make believe dinosaurs

I get bad scores at times. I have to think up a plan to help my skills improve. Keeping up with the tests is hard, since the tests are getting difficult. I think I lose confidence at times. I have to make believe, I'm confident. I start the books and just keep learning. Eventually I'll acquire skill at last.

in all
sooner or later
catch on (to)
every (other)

Many people still remember
There will be still greater pressure

He's the genius in all areas of math
This tool is useful in all aspects of daily life

We'll find out sooner or later
This leads sooner or later to the problem

The singer caught on big in Japan
The song caught on everywhere in Japan

I finished reading every other books
I patrol every other night

I have piles of books but I still can't help reading. I've read and remember the context in all the books that I own. Another pile of books will be made up sooner or later. I have a favorite author, I'm an avid reader of him. His works often catch on big. I've finished reading every one of his works.

the (day) before
the (day) after
no matter (what,whre etc)
hear of
hold on to

I study hard till the day before the test
He's got sick the day before he goes sightseeing

The day after tomorrow I have a test
He got sick but luckily it was the day after the test

No matter who you are, respect elder people
No matter what happens, I will go there

I've heard of his reputation
I'm glad to hear of the news

I had him hold on to the money
Whatever I got on the train, I hold on to a strap

A friend of mine has gotten sick and been in the hospital, unfortunately it was the day before the trip he was about to go on. Luckily it was the day after the test(He passed). I've heard of his condition, it is getting better. I took a train, holding on to a strap, saw him. He appears to be in good health which make me glad.

The day before yesterday
the day after tomorrow
X (days) from
X (days) ago
right (here, now)

The day before yesterday was raining
I should have finished homework the day before yesterday

I have to finish this task by the day after tomorrow
The day after tomorrow is called overtomorrow

The examination is one month from now
It'll take 3 days from now

That was 100 days ago
The incident happened 100 years ago

I can't help you right now
I want to play right here

get (angry, hungry, wet)
up to
drop in (on, to)
fill out
never mind

It rained and I got wet
I've got hungry

It's up to you
See what he is up to

I'm glad you could drop in
I'll drop in and ask for it

I have to fill out a card
I always fill out a document

Never mind your failure
Never mind what happened

The examination is one month from now. It's up to myself if I will succeed. I've been preparing, filling out documents. Even if I don't get successful, I'll never mind my failure because We can't learn unless we make mistakes. We should be sorry but never mind what we did. We have to continue to work hard.

as of
be allowed (to)
put up
in vain
than ever

As of early next year, I'll quit this job
As of the end this month, I'll go off the project

Swimming is not allowed in this pool
You are not allowed to enter

I need to put up a shelf to store these books
I wonder if you could put me up for one night

They died in vain
I think working hard is in vain in this project

The economics is worse than ever
It is better prepared than ever

I'm a subcontractor programmer, I go working at respective companies. As of end this month, I'll go off the present project. The present project is so easier than ever. I'M just a subcontractor, working hard in vain or having no chance to get promoted. I want to have a good experience in next project.

in the long run
cut down (on)
as a rule
call on
after all

In the long run it is cheaper to buy expensive one
This investiment saves money in the long run

This tool will cut down on accidents
You should cut down on cigarettes for your health

As a rule, the train is crowded in the morning
I'm on time for work as a rule

The president called on countries to assist the country
I called on another matter

It is, after all, only a movie
After all that hard work, I want to get promoted

Sometimes we should think of things in the long run. We want to hang out on holidays of course but we should cut down on play time and study more. Working hard as a rule is the key to sucess.

get together
be about to
bring up
a bit (of)
have on

I want to get together with a girl
We will get together a week from today

I was about to go out for a movie, a visitor came.
What were you about to say back then?

I didn't bring up that subject
They brought up the subject of breaking up

I've put on a bit of weight
I've had a bit of whiskey

I wonder about the effect that the accident will have on society
I have this shirt on all the time.

There are many ironies in this world. While I want to get together with a girl, I date no girls. When I am about to go out for a movie/lunch, a visitor comes or the phone rings. As I have a bit of icecream before I go to bed. I will put on weight, at the same time I work out all the time but I gain a bit of muscle. Recently, I was shopping and found a book that I want, but I didn't have enough money on myself.

write down
pair of
part of
by heart
by hand

I always write down words to remember
Writing down vocabulary is a good way to remember

I have 10 pairs of glasses
I bought a pair of shoes

I was a part of a meeting
He is part of the team

Learning by heart is important
I always get vocabularies by heart

This tool was made by hand
Apples are harvested by hand

Writing down vocabulary is a good way to learn by heart. You can use pc but I believe writing by hand is a better way. I bought a pair of notebooks so that I can write and learn. But this is just a part of learning. You have to continue to use the vocabulary you learned.

no doubt 
by and by
by far
as for
by chance

No doubt it will rain
No doubt I will ace the test

The roses will come out by and by
By and by, he will understand

This pc is by far better than the previous model
This is by far the best computer I've ever used

As for me, I don't like the actress
As for this policy, I object to him

I became acquainted with him by chance
This accident happened by chance

Making it a rule to study is important. It will improve your skill by and by, now I'm by far better than I used to be. No doubt I will ace the test. It is not by chance but it is a matter of  course that I work hard so I will get good grade.

before long
sort of
take out
clean up
later on

He will arrive her before long
It will rain before long

I dislike sort of those guys
He sort of got it right

I took out a book from a library
I took out my wallet from the inside pocket of my pants

I cleaned up a mess
Clean up the rest of your work before leaving

He'll come later on
This will cause serious trouble later on

I went out for a library to take out a book. I've heard it will rain before long. While I was in the library, it started raining. Sure enough I sort of got wet.

take place
at the time
due to
out of practice
time of the (day)

The event takes place every year
The earthquake took place in 2011

At the time I went outside, it started raining
At the time I didn't know the detail

His success is due to his sense of humor
The conference is due to end tomorrow

Due to being out of practice, I failed the test
If you don't use it, you'll get out of practice

That was the best time of the day
That was the time of the birth

This festival takes place every year. I couldn't go last year due to busy schedule at the time. Even though I haven't hanged out this area, I don't get out of practice. I enjoyed the festival and that was the best time of the day.

believe in
on hand
in part
have time (for)
put away

I don't believe in astrology
I wonder who believed in Nostradamus's prophecy

I used to check out the balance on hand
I happen to have a tool on hand which will help you

He is right in part
This failure is in part of my own making

If I have time, I want to go out for lunch
I want to have time for hanging out

I need to put away these dishes
I have to put away all thoughts my failing

How many people believe in Santa Claus as they are grown up? What is the marginal age? As people grow up, making money by themselves, they don't have time for believing Santa, putting away thoughts on believing Santa.
