Simulation (Google Translation 2019)

This is a result of Google Translation for my past article which was written in Japanese, May 2017. I haven't even read this translation and post here, in a same manner as the translation 2017 so that you can compare two outputs of google auto translations and verify its glorious progress, however. I'll put same original text into Google Translation a year or half later, again, and again.

Let us consider the simulation hypothesis that this universe is 50% likely to be computer simulation, in a free association manner. There is no reference to prior studies. I remember what I was thinking now.

This argument is taking place because human beings themselves can specifically imagine the ability to create a simulation universe. Simulators that perform limited but complex weather forecasts have been put into practical use, and social activities such as economic activities and love, life science experience, but a small proportion of things that can be called life experience are established as information spaces and virtual spaces as routes and as environments. ing. All that remains is the issue of CPU computing power, which solves time. In the near future, research institutes will build shimars for various research purposes, and conduct scrutiny of model survival models and complex system engineering of planetary ecosystems. In line with the improvement of CPU computing power by quantum computer, shim earth should be expanded (or high definition) to shim solar and shim galaxy.

The primordial life algorithm generated in Simearth autonomously grows the evolution tree. Since this is aimed at scrutinizing Darwinian evolution models in the physical earth we recognize, the parameters are appropriately corrected and shim earth is oriented to mimic earth. It will be observed that most of the completely random history that can not be corrected will be broken, only a small number of histories will be in thermal equilibrium, and a small number of histories will continue to be stable and steady evolution. All these histories continue to be observed for research applications, but the main purpose of Simearth is to trace the evolution of this Earth now. That's because it deepens our knowledge about ourselves, and therefore we have a budget. To that end, parameters are adjusted from time to time, and evolution is arbitrarily oriented. We can only simulate the world we know.

Humanity's simulation research, acquiring languages ​​and developing complex societies, will flourish as an independent discipline and will be integrated into existing simulators as computing power increases. There, awareness of things, the rise and fall of civilization, development and behavior of the nervous system, religion, thought, war, etc. are examined by various parameter adjustments. Again, the parameters are adjusted accordingly. Intellectual life with a completely different perception, values, and economic system from that of us and its civilization have little or no budget, either, to grow variations that are almost unnoticed, or as small as expected. We are seeking knowledge about ourselves and our main purpose is to simulate us, which we know.

By the way, after our cognitive world is stably built with a certain resolution or more in the sim environment, we will put a scalpel into the big problem of what is the qualia . At that time already the simulation of neurochemical qualia would have been realized to some extent, but ultimately it remains philosophical as to what it calls qualia. Apart from philosophical arguments, practical research is conducted on the subjectivity of the symhumans who express emotions, have questions, and sing and dance, and to evoke festivals and wars, and what kind of qualia are. That is, it is field work . Originally, we simulate similiar to us, so it is easy to develop simquaria conversion devices. Simulation culture anthropologists infiltrate the sim reality as an agent and perform brave fieldwork. In the process, the priority for discussing Qualia's definition will go down slightly. If we dive into there with lively qualia, discuss with the simhumans, love and continue to observe the front lines of science and art, it will be sufficient for the immediate use.

At this point, it is natural that mankind will choose to migrate to Simrial. Most of the life experiences are transferred to the shim while protecting the human body with the qualia transducer connected to the brain. It is like today's withdrawal. Since "time" in shimmers is only one parameter from our point of view, hundreds of years of life experiences in shimmers are transformed into our neurochemical cognitive processes while being appropriately compressed. Fast forward and skip chapters as you like, and explore learning, art and love. Naturally, you can also experience death within Sim Real (which will be the main product of commercial sim real connection services and the rise of the sim industry), but the interference with the sim human ecosystem and social evolution is legally limited. It's like a provider contract. Don't walk around the water whimsically, break the ocean, or stay alive for hundreds of years in a single personality and witnessed all over the world. In general accounts, the average lifespan within a simial is an expiration date, and memory, retention of personal connection assets, or oblivion are options at the time of reincarnation. There may also be an option to forget that we are the "players" accessing real from real real. It provides a more thrilling sim life, so security vulnerabilities will be a popular but popular option.

In the end, Imagine it so far, it may be thought that it is a rather ordinary science-fiction world view. Exactly. This degree is already imagined. Here are some philosophical considerations from my memory and thoughts.

Such an imaginable (and it is led to computing power and market principles, more or less early, and indeed it will be well anticipated) brings us some philosophical hurdles. One is that this sim real is just a simulation of the real we know. The knowledge obtained from Simrial will update our perceptions, but no unknown universe will emerge. There is a bias as a research constraint to prevent this. We can not control the sim reals we can not understand, and there is no point in doing so. We can only focus on re-producing our ring world (Umwelt) . Interpreting the existence of the simulation as the universality of the Darwinian model, scientists and religious may be relieved. However, the log on the history of science that we have intervened and directed arbitrarily so as to become a world understandable to us itself, put a suspicion of tautology, a disturbing shadow on the Darwinian model.

Next, with this intervention we create a sim universe, a copy of our own world, and after experiencing it as a qualia, the real sims that are not sims are also operated and observed by higher-dimensional scientists・ The possibility of being a simulation being intervened approaches with empirical and economic persuasive power. This would be the simulation universe hypothesis that is now hidden. I know in detail, but I think so. The problem is not to prove the truth of things, but to extract some useful new findings, methodologies or philosophical thoughts from it.

For a sim human, a real human is a godlike existence. Sometimes the supersim natural phenomenon is caused by parameter adjustment for operation reasons, specification change, hacking etc, but the sim human projects the religious thought there, various mystical theory and occult theory, yoga and meditation It will develop techniques. Although this world must have been created by the Creator, the Creator is not perfect, and it is the reason for the incompleteness of this world. Observe and simulate religious scholars hold a cocktail party to celebrate the great accomplishment with a hot face. And that? I think, I look back at once, or look up at the sky and shut up.

If this Real Universe, which we recognize as Real Real, is only a meta sim for us in Real Real ... Well that's good for such a religion! Solved! It is a mediocre thing to be successful. The conclusion of that degree has already been made by Wittgenstein . There is more to do with us. In other words, we did see one universe, but it is only an imitation of the real world, the world we already know. If this metasim was created in the same way, it raises the question of what intelligence mimics what and immediately resolves. With them, we share the same ring world, and are just the same "we."

At the same time, a sim-simulation religious scholar in Simreal would have turned over, looked up at the sky, silenced, and reached the same conclusion. At the same time is a literary decoration. Since the time in the sim real is only a parameter, and it is only an absolute amount of operation, Proof Of Work , the next moment when the stable operation of the sim real begins, the shim-simulation of the sim-simulation religious scholar in this sim real There is at least one possible history of computing. God is us. And we are not gods. It was a computer nard that left the unfamiliar party and was silent on the balcony looking up at the sky.

Here, all of God, we, and sims have been integrated into "I". And the next problem. "I" continues to reproduce the ring world. For what? What is the purpose of this simulation study in the first place? I do not say that there was no temptation to resist withdrawal. However, the main idea is to gain a deeper understanding of the things in our universe. It is one of the originally mentioned dreams that it is possible to convert the correlations of innumerable Sim Galaxy into data, and to calculate the probability of when and how intelligent creatures and civilizations of the same level or more as we are. It is. Perhaps the search into the reproduced simulation and the micro-macro dipolar towards this real (possibly metasim), which was called the universe before we created the simreal, and the memory of the hometown was vivid The "outward" search must be continued. We must continue to explore this universe in greater detail and further, even if it is a metasim, and apparent contradictions and jitters in the speed of light are observed. If you don't do that, it's kinda ya

A simulation religious scholar who was silent looking up at a vacant space on the balcony, suddenly returns his gaze to the sim viewer. It is against the manners to play the viewer at the party, but I can not say that. And in Simearth, look up "here" and look for a lonely balcony thinker who is similarly puzzled.

There are a few more things I want to write in a fair amount, but I have already thought, but I'm going to leave it here today because it's bothersome. This continuation is a fragment of a non-linear vision, so maybe you post as appropriate and try something about it. It is a paid note. It was a dream. Well I don't know, but for now it's up to here. Take a break on the balcony.

Next, I will try to write about "look".

( Click here for Google Automatic English Translation)
