Have you done enough to Reactivate CRM Data?

Most clients who come to us have either assumed that their CRM lead data does not need any further refresh or updates. This is the cause of lead leakage and ultimately valuable loss of sales insights, conversions, and revenue.
The fact is, a CRM is of no use if it is hosting marketing data that hasn't been revisited. Imagine running an email campaign or a LinkedIn similar audiences campaign outreach using outdated email ids that have the right names but wrong email addresses.
Campaigns are bound to fail as a result of bounced emails and not being able to reach the right email addresses. Valuable advertising dollars will go waste if you do not pay attention to CRM lead data.
Leads prospecting is a turf where many business entities collaborate and work together to make a likely prospect convert into contact and finally become your most reliable customer.
Though this journey may seem very easy – things are the other way round.
For a prospect to become your customer would mean hours of meticulous planning, ideation, and implementation of numerous marketing strategies, and this is coupled with a lot of man-hours to bring a prospect to a point of sales closure.
Lead prospecting would involve a lot of back-and-forth between the technical team, the database team, the creative department, telesales, and the business development teams. You have to literally burn the midnight oil crack a deal!
Modern-day marketing ecosystems are driven by data. It is good to note that enterprise data goes stale at the rate of 31 % annually and approximately at the rate of 3.5 % per month. This is attributed to the fact that customers represent a constantly moving target base. Customer contacts are constantly changing job roles, changing phone numbers, shifting office addresses, being promoted to new job roles, and more.
Taking stock of this scenario Span Global Services ensures a 45 Days refresh cycle on all our on-demand data sets and data clusters as against the industry benchmark of 90 days. So that you have the most accurate customer data by your side always.
A lot of hard work goes into churning out leads and this calls for stringent data appending protocols to put in place so that your leads' data is current, accurate, and of real-time relevance. Span Global Services helps you make most of marketing budgets with accurate CRM data appending.
Leads become outdated if you fail to accurately match update and verify data regularly. As part of our data appending services, we have provisioned 800+ seated teams who touch upon each record to validate and verify the data.
On top of this, we have our algorithms that scour through and touch upon each data set to eliminate any form of inconsistencies.
This ensures targeting of existing customers and never miss out on easily convertible accounts. Span Global Services ensure that sales funnels are supported with clean and accurate data while plugging any form of lead leakage when it gets intergrade to CRM platforms. Our accurate contact data is what makes CRM, Email Targeting, and Social Campaigns deliver results.
Find out if you are doing enough for sales and marketing data cleansing. You can connect with Spans data appending services experts to drive greater lead data accuracy.



