
Will AI Change Politics? The AI Candidate in the UK and the Future of Leadership

As the UK approaches its general election on July 4th, an unconventional candidate is drawing attention. Businessman Steve Endacott (59) has introduced his avatar, the AI "AI Steve," to campaign in the election. Endacott claims that his AI counterpart can listen to voters' voices around the clock and respond to policy formulation without rest. This innovative approach has sparked a debate on the role of AI in politics.

Achieving Fair and Equitable Politics through AI

The introduction of AI into politics holds the potential for more fair and equitable governance. AI can make objective decisions based on data, free from emotions and personal interests, thus eliminating biases such as favoritism and backroom dealings. Furthermore, if the algorithms and decision-making processes of AI are transparent, it could enhance accountability to voters and build trust.

The Possibility of AI Representatives, Prime Ministers, and Presidents

While current technology allows AI to propose policies and reflect voters' voices, fully autonomous leadership would require further advancements. Nevertheless, the era where AI plays a part in politics might not be far off. Regardless of whether AI Steve's challenge in the UK succeeds, we may eventually see AI representatives, and even AI prime ministers or presidents, emerge in the future.

Existing Examples of AI Utilization

In reality, some local governments and companies are already leveraging AI. For instance, several municipalities in Japan use AI technologies like ChatGPT to handle inquiries from residents. As AI continues to evolve, the day when we see AI CEOs and leaders might not be too far off.

The Future of Democracy and the Role of AI

Today's democracies face issues such as division and bias. AI could help address these problems. Its neutrality and data analysis capabilities may support more fair decision-making.

Last year, during a personal meeting, I was asked how we could achieve fair, equitable politics without favoritism or backroom dealings. I suggested that we could leave it to artificial intelligence. At the time, there was no agreement or opposition, and I sensed a lack of understanding of AI's potential. However, observing the AI Steve experiment in the UK, I feel my idea was not as far-fetched as it seemed.

As AI utilization progresses, it can complement human limitations and broaden the possibilities for a more just and efficient society. There is growing interest in how future leadership will evolve and what role AI will play.🍎












