
Episode 8: Warriors of Hope

Scene 1: Tragic Future

Adam was deep in meditation alone. In his mind, he saw visions of their universe collapsing, and Earth, the homeland of humanity, resisting the Emperor until the very end but ultimately perishing. Adam understood that these were events of the near future, but the technological gap with the Empire was too vast for him to imagine any means of countering it. Feeling the limits of his meditation, he decided to take a walk inside the ship.

Scene 2: Analyzing the Rare Substance

Dr. X and Dr. IX were working on analyzing the rare substance. Its properties were such that it emitted stable energy even at the nano level and did not release radiation. Additionally, the DNA had a quintuple helix structure, which they had never seen before, leaving them bewildered about how to analyze it.

Scene 3: Training the Special Forces

The elite troops, specially trained by the friendly lifeforms, were preparing to handle potential temporal rifts that could occur at any moment. The warriors were trained to use the latest technology and tactics to fight effectively.

Scene 4: The Evolution of the Starship AI

The Starship AI had finally evolved into a colossal mothership, far surpassing its previous large starship form. From the windows of the friendly fleet, they could see its magnificent figure. Friendly lifeform ships approached the Starship AI, seemingly engaging in some form of communication.

Scene 5: Emergency Warning

As Adam was walking through the ship, he saw Alisa teaching the mechanical lifeform children. The nostalgic scene warmed his heart, but at that moment, warning signals started flashing and alarms blared throughout the ship. When Adam asked a nearby guide, he was told that a temporal rift was about to open.

Scene 6: Temporal Warlord’s Experiment

Information arrived that the Temporal Warlord had begun an experiment with a temporal rift in a different universe. Promptly, part of the fleet moved to that universe, including the fleet Adam was in and the Starship AI. They began preparing for a new battle to thwart the Warlord’s plans.🍎

エピソード8: 希望の戦士たち

シーン1: 悲劇的な未来


シーン2: レア物質の解析


シーン3: 特殊部隊の訓練


シーン4: スターシップAIの進化


シーン5: 緊急警告


シーン6: テンポラル・ウォーロードの実験

