
Episode 3: Internal Threats and New Challenges💫💫

Scene 1: The Exposure of a Traitor

Under the guidance of Lord Odin, a traitor within the Empire had been identified. However, there was a hidden strategy in utilizing him as an envoy. The traitor held a significant position within the Empire, and his actions posed a danger to the Empire's stability. Yet, Lord Odin decided not to arrest him immediately but instead sought to rebuild trust within the Empire.

Scene 2: Response from the Allied Nations

The envoy arrived in the territory of the Allied Nations and began dialogues with them. They held meetings to discuss the restoration of relations and the establishment of new cooperation frameworks. The Allied Nations were also closely monitoring the internal issues of the Empire and were cautious in their response. This dialogue was the first step in deepening their cooperative relationship.

Scene 3: Testing New Weapons

The Empire's scientists conducted tests on prototypes of the black hole bombs. To verify the power of this new weapon, experiments were carried out in a remote location. Lord Odin and other leaders observed the experiments and discussed the improvements and strategies based on the results. The experiment was successful, confirming that the new weapon would provide a strategic advantage. Lord Odin specifically instructed the scientific leader to develop a black hole bomb capable of consuming entire galaxies and to identify weaknesses in the black hole bombs used by the Allied Nations.

Scene 4: Internal Conflict and Reconciliation

After the envoy's return, reports and future policies were discussed in the Council Hall. Many voices called for reconciliation and peace. To resolve conflicts with the Allied Nations, the Triumvirate, including Lord Odin, decided to send another envoy. During the same period, the Allied Nations released one billion spy devices equipped with black hole bombs across the galaxy.

Scene 5: Signs of a New Threat

The Empire's surveillance system detected spherical devices approaching from a distant galaxy. To address this new threat, Lord Odin strengthened the Empire's defense systems and called for heightened vigilance across the military. Preparations to face this new threat were underway. A reconnaissance mission was planned to investigate the identity and purpose of the unknown spherical devices, which resembled those previously used by the Allied Nations.

エピソード3: 内部の脅威と新たな試練

シーン1: 裏切り者の露見


シーン2: 同盟国からの返答


シーン3: 新兵器の実験


シーン4: 内部の対立と和解


シーン5: 新たな脅威の兆候

