
Episode 13: Gears of Fate, The Path to a New Journey💀💀🌈

Scene 1: Instructions for a Turning Point

A voice from the meditating mysterious life form reaches the highly intelligent species, conveying new instructions for mass-producing ships and utilizing iron. Up until now, they had relied on wood, but understood the limits of maintaining harmony with nature. The use of iron implies the possibility of reusing resources, marking a transition to sustainable production. This new directive swiftly initiates the construction of iron ships, signifying the first step into a new era of technological innovation.

Scene 2: The Aerial Battle's Ingenious Strategy

As tensions between the Imperial Army and the Allied Forces escalated, the Imperial Army suddenly launched an attack. A multitude of aircraft filled the sky, advancing towards the Allied Forces. Faced with this emergency, the Allied Forces resorted to their ancient weapons, bows and arrows, but with a clever twist. They coated the arrow tips with oil and set them ablaze before firing volleys. The aircraft, made of lightweight materials, were quickly engulfed in flames, and the bombs they were meant to drop accidentally exploded mid-air.

This unexpected response from the Allied Forces effectively thwarted the Imperial Army's assault, demonstrating that even technologically advanced aircraft could be countered with traditional methods. This battle suggests the potential for new tactics that blend technology and tradition.

Scene 3: Warm Reception for the Refugees

Refugees fleeing from the war surged towards the species with high intelligence, clutching letters from former allies close to their chests. This species, having anticipated such a scenario, warmly welcomed the refugees. They provided meals and water tailored to each species and offered new clothing. Once the refugees had settled, they were guided to already completed ships, prepared for their relocation to new dwellings.

This act not only demonstrates the foresight and planning of the highly intelligent species but also their deep compassion for the victims of war. Their tolerance and readiness to welcome the refugees offered them comfort and hope, marking the first step towards a new life.

Scene 4: The Decisive Battle Unfolds

The Imperial Army faced the approaching airborne units of the Allied Forces without flinching. They deployed massive cylindrical weapons to the front lines and moved two of their three units to the flanks. The Allied Forces, anticipating a surprise attack from behind, fortified their defenses, but suddenly, a series of loud explosions erupted, plunging the battlefield into chaos, making it difficult to grasp what was happening.

Fearing a catastrophic defeat, the Allied Forces launched a total assault on the Imperial Army, but the overwhelming attacks from the front and sides made defeat inevitable, prompting them to attempt a retreat. However, the Imperial Army pursued, intent on annihilating any survivors. At this moment, the Imperial Army mobilized all of its forces, totaling 10 million, to begin a full-scale operation to completely subdue the Allied Forces.

This battle brought the Allied Forces to a state of despair, demonstrating their resistance was almost futile against the overwhelming might of the Imperial Army. The future of the Allied Forces would be significantly influenced by the outcome of this conflict.

Scene 5: Departure and a New Mission

After concluding his meditation, the mysterious life form quietly opened his eyes and began preparations for his journey. He packed 11 small boxes and a simple device into a bag, readying himself for a long voyage. He sent a message through his thoughts to the three young members of the intelligent species who had worked with him in the workshop, saying, 'Help many refugees and prepare for a long journey. And please, wait for my return.' United in their resolve, the three responded, 'Understood. We wish you luck,' as the mysterious life form embarked on his journey with a new mission at heart.

This farewell signified the beginning of a new task for the three youths, who were now committed to supporting many refugees and eagerly awaiting the return of the mysterious life form. What the journey and return of the mysterious life form will bring to the future remains unknown to all, and their fate now depends on their actions ahead.

第13話: 運命の歯車、新たな旅立ちへの道

場面1: 転機への指示


場面2: 空中戦の奇策



場面3: 避難民への温かな受け入れ



場面4: 決定的な戦いの展開




場面5: 旅立ちと新たな使命


