
Episode 10: The Path to Reconciliation and the Envoy to the Unknown😎🍎👍

Scene 1: Unexpected Discovery and Strategy Planning

Eve's report reveals that this planet is a base for the First-Class Troodon species of the Imperial Army, including the information that a fleet, including the super-large mothership that previously appeared on Earth, is assembling. Adam immediately convenes a strategy meeting attended by the leader of the ninja squadron, composed of enhanced humans. Adam explains the details of the plan: all crafts are to be disguised as if they came from an unknown galaxy. 40 fighter jets will approach in stealth mode, set time-limited small black hole bombs on the mothership and fleet, and then retreat to the Starship AI. At the moment of explosion, the Starship AI will disguise itself as a fleet and fighter jets from another galaxy and destroy the remaining fighter jets. The entire crew unites to execute this plan. The idea of disguise, proposed by the ninja squadron, was suitable for actual combat.

Scene 2: The Black Hole Bomb Suicide Mission

The ninja squadron's fighters, in stealth mode, split up to approach the enemy's fleet and mothership, placing black hole bombs on each target before returning to wait near the Starship AI. Simultaneously, another 60 fighters also launched, with all fighter squadrons and the Starship AI maintaining stealth in their disguised state. The moment the countdown reached zero, the miniature black hole bombs exploded, sucking the mothership and fleets into black holes and annihilating them. The surviving fleets suffered massive damage and sent out an SOS via subspace communication, claiming they were under attack by a space fleet from an unknown galaxy.

Scene 3: The Imperial Army's Reaction and Internal Meeting

The Imperial Army's core also receives the SOS message, but the forces dispatched for aid are from the second to fifth ranks, not the first rank. This includes fleets from the Velociraptor species, which were in a tense standoff with the Earth's forces over the resource planet. After a brief battle, silence returns to space, but the information obtained from the enemy is merely a few images. There is no corresponding information in the Imperial Army's database, leading to a keen sense of a new threat from an unknown galaxy.

This information is relayed to the three ministers: the Grand Tutor, Grand Protector, and Grand Marshal. The Grand Marshal is furious, but in the council of the three ministers, the discussion centers around the attack from the unknown galaxy and its significance. The council emphasizes the importance of searching for and preparing against threats from the unknown galaxy, and the Grand Marshal advocates for the necessity of responding to threats not only from the alliance but also from a broader spectrum. Through this meeting, the empire revisits its response strategies and sets new policies.

Scene 4: The Path to Peace and the Envoy from the Unknown

Following the events at the resource planet, the Velociraptor species hastily returns to their homeland. In a meeting of the allied nations, they announce the transition to mining a newly discovered resource planet, leading to a resolution of previous conflicts. This decision reinforces the unity among the allied nations and reaffirms the value of sharing resources. However, those in the know treat this information with utmost secrecy, conducting private meetings to root out spies within the alliance.

Adam and his team return to Kepler 1649c, engaging in martial arts training with the ninja squadron to strengthen bonds with the newly joined enhanced humans, while preparing for their original mission to the cold black hole.

Meanwhile, the imperial triumvirate reports to the emperor about the total annihilation of the Troodon species' fleet by an attack from an unknown galaxy and stresses the need to intensify exploration of this unknown galaxy. The emperor remains silent throughout, only stating "an envoy has arrived" at the end. The meaning behind the emperor's words remains unclear to the triumvirs, leaving them with a mix of anxiety and anticipation.

第10話: 和解への道と未知への使者

場面1: 意外な発見と作戦立案


場面2: 決死のブラックホール弾作戦


場面3: 帝国軍の反応と内部会議



場面4: 和平の道と未知の使者



