Friday Meditation

pts after session: 1040/2800pt

Music: She Her Her Hers - stereochrome

Nice little shoegaze album with a few slow-paced songs and a few more uptempo songs. Decently good for keeping concentration.

Mental: All over the place. A lot of unnecessary deal-ins coupled with some basic hand building mistakes. Felt pretty distracted overall (caught myself reaching for the ALT+Tab buttons), though I managed to concentrate during South-3 and ORAS to, with the help of some luck, ultimately eek out a 2nd place.

Game 1: 2nd (+45)

East 1-0


My initial thoughts were that, since this hand has no value outside of riichi, that throwing the 2s would be the highest point EV. However, I think in aka-ari, it's fine to the South here and aim for Sanshoku / Dora / Aka draws, and there isn't much merit in calling the South here, since our hand is already plenty quick with 2 completed mentsu. Best to keep all our kuttsuki options available and punt on drawing a South toitsu / ankou.

East 3-0


No excuse for this sort of mistake; the souzu shape definitely caught me off guard. I felt that kuttsuki around the 4m would be better than the alternative, but I failed to realise that 24456667s can be split into 24s kanchan and 456667s, waiting on 3568s. Would 100% riichi waiting on 3s kanchan here I draw 8s, and a 5s draw means that I can dama pinfu ippeikou dora 3 for mangan ron / hane tsumo.

Things I missed:

Misread the 24456667s shape. Should aim to split it up into 24 / 456667s shape in the future. Overestimated lone tile kuttsuki.

East 4-0


Still not too sure about what the best line of play here is. Confirming the ryanmen seems good, since we will 100% end up with a strong shape, and we can still cut the 4p. However, there's also the argument that we should cut 23p and try to build a better wait shape out of the souzu blob. 36m chi is also a lot more enticing if we cut 23p, since we have a 47s wait right off the bat, and simocha will definitely cut 7s if they draw it. I can see reasons to go for both in this case.

Throwing 4/7s, even though it gives us the most ukeire, is asking to end up on a tanki wait (esp. if we want to chi 36m), and there aren't very many ways that we can switch that tanki into a good tenpai either.

Things I missed:

Didn't account for what would happen after 36m chi. Starting to lean towards throwing 2p just because 36m chi is good and 47s final shape doesn't seem that bad if we dama.
