Things to Focus On

Things to Focus On


Focus on feeding opponents tiles that they can easy chi/pon, especially in ORAS when in 1st and the hand is not quick.


In this case, two confirmed aka and the dora is unusable for both open hands, so 8p deals into 2000 unless toimen has 5567p shape with aka 5p, but then their early 7p discard makes less sense.

In hindsight, I probably should've cut the dora turn 1.

Tile / Wall Counting

Need to be able to make accurate reads on how many tiles are in the wall. This is especially necessary for choosing / counting waits and unseen dora.

Discard Patterns

Need to pay more attention to discard patterns life safe tile discards, ryanmen drops, toitsu otoshi, etc. Large part of this is paying attention to tedashi / tsumogiri, especially when

Things to Avoid Focusing On

Chi / Pon """Nagare"""

Have a bad habit of thinking about where certain tiles go after a chi/pon happens. In reality, it's impossible to know what exactly is going on in the wall.

Nagashi Mangan

No clue why I still think about this as a valid option; it's just a waste of brainspace.
