Mahjong Meditations

East 1-0


6p is genbutsu, but thinking that my only safe tiles are 6p and 4m, and not wating to risk a potential houtei drop, I threw 4m and paid into 7700 . For some reason, I missed the 3m wall indicating that 2m is safer than the 4m. 

Takeaway: Always check if one-chance tiles are walls when defending against riichi. Be open to other safe-tile options; in this case, I was tunneled into the 6p and 4m being my only safe tiles. Try to look for 2-3 safe-ish tiles in your hand and make a judgement from that.

East 1-1


Dropping 8p means you can potentially make a ryanmen on a 7p draw, but 2 9p have already been played, and the kan 4m wait is already pretty good over the board. It's hard to decide which tile is safer though; 9m is dora suji after all.

South 3-0


Committed myself to chiitoi way too early. Mentsu hand is possible with some lucky draws, and I might pair up on the yakuhai. Should throw 9p in this case.
