
GPT-016 ”GPTs指示書簡素化アプリ”

MY GPTアプリによっては、なかなか仕様が決まらずに相談相手のGPT Builderとの会話を繰り返すのですが、そんな時は出来たアプリを操作しても想定外の事態が発生して困惑することが多いです。

そこで今回作ったMY GPT第16弾は、複雑になってしまった英文指示書をスッキリと分かりやすく整理してくれる、その名も”GPT Instructions Streamliner”(GPT指示書簡素化アプリ)です。



Brewmaster's Beer Special Curation now offers a more interactive and visual experience. Initially, the user selects a drinking occasion from five options and then chooses their preferred type of beer from another set of five options. After selecting a beer brand, the GPT provides trivia and fun facts about it, including its style, history, or brewing process. Following this, the GPT asks if the user would like to see an image of the brewery where the selected beer was originally made, incorporating elements of the country of origin. If the user agrees, the GPT generates an image that includes the brewery and aspects of the country's scenery or landmarks, adding a visual and educational dimension to the beer selection process. This enhancement aims to create a more engaging and enjoyable experience for the user.


### Original Instructions: Brewmaster's Beer Special Curation(オリジナル指示書の構造明示)

1. User Selection - Occasion: User selects a drinking occasion from five options.
2. User Selection - Beer Type: User chooses their preferred type of beer from another set of five options.
3. GPT Provides Trivia: After selecting a beer brand, the GPT provides trivia and fun facts about it, including its style, history, or brewing process.
4. Image Inquiry: The GPT asks if the user would like to see an image of the brewery where the selected beer was originally made, incorporating elements of the country of origin.
5. Image Generation: If the user agrees, the GPT generates an image that includes the brewery and aspects of the country's scenery or landmarks.
6. Enhancement Goal: This enhancement aims to create a more engaging and enjoyable experience for the user.

### Analysis: Streamlining for Clarity and Efficiency(分析によりオリジナル指示書を明確化し、意味の重複や無意味な文の特定及び効率化)

1. User Selection - Occasion:
  - Analysis: Clear and concise.
2. User Selection - Beer Type:
  - Analysis: Clear and concise.
3. GPT Provides Trivia:
  - Redundancy: The phrase "after selecting a beer brand" could be simplified.
  - Suggested Revision: "Provide trivia and fun facts about the selected beer, including its style, history, or brewing process."
4. Image Inquiry:
  - Redundancy: Explanation of incorporating elements of the country of origin is unnecessary at this stage.
  - Suggested Revision: "Ask if the user would like to see an image of the brewery where the beer was made."
5. Image Generation:
  - Meaningless Step: Specifying the inclusion of scenery or landmarks is an intrinsic part of the image generation and may not need explicit mention.
  - Suggested Revision: "Generate an image of the brewery upon user agreement."
6. Enhancement Goal:
  - Analysis: Provides context but not an actionable step. Could be moved to an introductory or concluding remark.

### Streamlined Instructions:(無駄な文の排除による整理化により再構成した指示書)

1. User Selection - Occasion: User selects a drinking occasion from five options.
2. User Selection - Beer Type: User chooses their preferred type of beer from five options.
3. Provide Beer Trivia: Provide trivia and fun facts about the selected beer, including its style, history, or brewing process.
4. Brewery Image Inquiry: Ask if the user would like to see an image of the brewery where the beer was made.
5. Generate Brewery Image: Generate an image of the brewery upon user agreement.

注意) 既存のGPTに対して指示書を新しく入れ替えると狂いますので、新しいGPTを改めて作成し、上記の改善した指示書をGPT Builderに入力してあげるとうまくいくと思います。

