The biggest fear.

Today is the last day of August 2020.
This summer is completely different than other years of summer. I have so many things to say about many issues but I should shut up. But, I experienced the biggest fear for me.

I actually haven’t worked hard every single day like past three months. From April to July, I woke up at 5AM and went to the gym and them, went to work. I spent the time for self-improving as much as I can.
Now what? I complained about my job, pandemics, people and some shits.
Most importantly, I stopped self improvement.
I was a kind of person who I hate to be with. There’s no confidence, shy, afraid of trying something and be normal. I was lost my strength this month.

2020 September going to...

•Find out what I am good at again
•Have a goal every single day
•Focus on today not tomorrow
•Forget everything happened in the past world

**The biggest fear is to be stopped by myself. **
