外国人という理由での賃貸契約締結の拒否は違法? / Racism in Japan on renting rooms




Now we have clear numbers of declining foreigners to rent rooms.
Lack of guarantor, linguistic misunderstanding, punctual rent payment, all of them are problematic but the nationality shouldn't never be the reasons to decline international members.
We will fight against the racism in Japan with possible solutions.

Ignorance is not crime, but we wanna be the bridge between Japanese owners & internationals :-)

※In 2008, Kyoto law court ordered the housing owner to pay $11K who declined a Korean woman to lend a room for that "declining due to the nationality is illegal and not acceptable."

引用元:法務省 / 外国人住民調査報告書訂正版(2017年6月)P.22-23より抜粋

http://www.moj.go.jp/content/001226182.pdf 東京ハース株式会社 (現:アットハース株式会社)