
How to Respond to "Why Are Girls' Breasts Emphasized in Japanese Anime?" from Foreign Friends

In this article, I, who have studied abroad in Europe and have some understanding of Western thinking, will consider why Japanese anime and manga are often criticized in the West! If you find it interesting, please like and follow!

Understanding the Concept of "Virtue"

To understand Western criticism of manga and anime, it is necessary first to grasp the underlying ideology, the concept of "virtue."

"Virtue" refers to the qualities that drive a person to do what is right and avoid what is wrong. In the West, it encompasses the standards, actions, and attitudes that respectable members of society are expected to follow.

In "virtue," particular emphasis is placed on abstinence, typically encompassing the prohibition or limitation of consumption, drinking, makeup, sexual activity, masturbation, entertainment, and adornment.

Abstinence has been a consistent thread through Western thought and religion, from traditional religions like Christianity and Islam to modern ideologies such as socialism, feminism, and veganism. Many Westerners believe that imposing strict limits on sexual and dietary practices not only refines oneself as a person but also promotes societal progress and improvement.

It is also believed that many social problems stem from a lack of virtue, and that encouraging widespread abstinence will solve these issues. Consequently, people who are perceived as indulgent in sex or food are often harshly criticized, with calls for their punishment and purging viewed as virtuous political opinions that garner broad support.

Historically, in the West, there has been a tendency for citizens to welcome restrictions on freedoms, especially regarding expressions deemed unvirtuous. Those considered unvirtuous may face severe social sanctions, including societal ruin or death.

Differences in Perceptions of Beauty

In general, beauty and eroticism are seen as positive attributes in Japan.

Beautiful and erotic things are regarded as divine and sacred. When Japanese people encounter such entities, they feel spiritually cleansed, and they express their awe using religious vocabulary like "godlike"(神 Kami)and "sacred" (尊い tootoi).

In anime and manga culture, beauty and eroticism are often used as symbols of power, justice, divinity, and virtue (the Japanese concept of virtue, not the Western "virtue"). Historical figures, Gods and Buddhas are frequently depicted as beautiful and sexually attractive men and women.

In contrast, in the West, beauty and eroticism have historically been viewed as wicked temptations that lead people (especially men) and society astray from the righteous path, considered attributes of the devil. Young, beautiful, and sexually attractive women have traditionally been expected to hide their hair and skin, avoid makeup and adornment, and strive not to tempt men, which is seen as virtuous and responsible behavior.

In Western tradition, this can be seen in traditional clothing designed to conceal hair and skin, such as habits and niqabs.

Freedom in Japan vs. the West

In Japanese, "freedom" is a Buddhist term translated from the Sanskrit word "svayam," meaning independence and being unrestricted. An enlightened Buddha is "free," and this state of liberation from all restraints is considered "freedom" and a desirable state to attain.

Therefore, in Buddhist cultures, including Japan, freedom is often viewed as an unconditionally good state, representing a process towards nirvana that all people should strive for.

Conversely, in the West, freedom is seen as a test from God, interpreted as a practice where one must continually choose good over evil.

Thus, in the Western perspective, freedom itself is not inherently good; it becomes virtuous only when one overcomes the temptation of evil and consistently chooses morally good actions. Westerners call the force that prompts one to do good and avoid evil "conscience," and acting according to this conscience is considered "true freedom," distinguished from mere freedom. Those who pass God's judgment are believed to be liberated from the freedom to choose between good and evil in the afterlife, achieving a state free from sin (which, in Japanese terms, would be an "unfree" state).

When encountering the chaotic and uninhibited trends on platforms like Twitter or 5chan, Japanese people might be both appalled and impressed by the sheer freedom, feeling a renewed appreciation for their Japanese identity. However, from a Western viewpoint, such freedom is seen as evil, a fearsome chaos that conflates good and evil, indicative of a lack of conscience, and something that must be regulated.

Moreover, while in Japan, unfreedom is often associated with shame, weakness, baseness, foolishness, poverty, or disability, and sometimes even becomes a target of contempt or discrimination, in the West, people who impose unfreedom on themselves and proudly display their level of unfreedom, encouraging others to do the same, are respected.


In the West, matters related to sex are often religious and ideological taboos, making them highly sensitive topics. Expressing seemingly trivial opinions or revealing sexual preferences can lead to social ruin, unlike in Japan. Therefore, it is crucial to understand Western viewpoints and recognize where potential pitfalls lie.

Ideally, we should strive for mutual understanding through frank cultural exchange, but in the West, it is not advisable to argue casually about delicate topics like sex with someone you do not know well.

While Japanese social pressure might lead to something as minor as a flat tire, Western social pressure can lead to serious personal harm. Always be cautious!

How to Respond to "Why Are Girls' Breasts Emphasized in Japanese Anime?"

When responding to Westerners' questions about why girls' breasts are emphasized in Japanese anime, it is essential to be mindful of their perspective, where adults vehemently criticizing and ostracizing the depiction of young, beautiful women may seem peculiar to Japanese eyes but is seen as a virtuous and responsible stance in the West.

If someone you recommended an anime to reacts by saying they aren't interested in such explicit content and runs away, don't laugh or persist in recommending it. They likely have ideological or belief-based reasons for abstaining from watching such anime.

If someone reacts by calling you a degenerate or immoral for liking such anime, do not get angry. Provoking their sense of justice could lead to a dangerous situation.

Even if surrounded by an angry crowd, do not apologize, cry, flee, or let them see your fear. Losing face and social standing could escalate the situation to lynching.

Stay calm and composed, smile, and nod in agreement until their excitement subsides. Once they calm down, compliment their virtue:

Praise points:

  • Strong sense of social responsibility.

  • Strong sense of justice.

  • High sense of purpose.

  • Willingness to sacrifice for their beliefs.

  • Well-educated.

  • Actively spreading their beliefs.
