
How to get subsidies Kyuhukin for those who are in danger of DV by your spouse

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The special set-aside benefits(Tokubetsu teigaku
kyuhukin 100,000yen

Those who are recorded in "Jumin Kihon Daicho" the basic resident register of the municipality on the record date (including those whose resident certificates were deleted before the record date and who were living in Japan on the record date but are not recorded in the basic resident register of any municipality and who are recorded in the basic resident register for the first time after the day after the record date).
Temporary visitors and illegal aliens are not eligible because they are not recorded in the basic resident register.

<Eligible recipients who are in danger of DV by your spouse>

If you are evacuated due to spousal violence and are unable to move your certificate of residence to your current municipality on or before April 27th 2020 due to circumstances, you can receive the following measures by completing the procedures listed on the back of the document
(1) Even if you are not the head of the household(Setai-nushi), you can apply for and receive the special set-aside benefits(Tokubetsu teigaku
kyuhukin 100,000yen, including those for your companions. You will be asked to apply to your current municipality.
(2) If the head of the household (spouse, etc.) makes an application instead of you, special set-aside benefits will not be paid to your spouse.

Requirements for those who have been evacuated due to spousal violence
Those who fall under any of the following (1) to (3)
(1) You have a protection order under the Spousal Violence Prevention Act.
(2) The Women's Counseling Center has issued a "Certificate of Protection for Victims of Spousal Violence" or a letter of confirmation from an organization that deals with spousal violence (spousal violence counseling and support center, municipality, etc.).
(3) Your certificate of residence was transferred to the city, ward, town or village where you live on or after April 28, 2001, and you are subject to "support measures" such as restrictions on viewing the basic resident register.
Benefit amount: 100,000 yen per household member

The application period is from April 24 to April 30 2020

Please submit an "Report Form (Moushide-sho)" to the counter in charge of special fixed benefit at the office of the city, ward or town where you live. (You can get the form there)
The "Report Form" is a statement that you are being evacuated because of spousal violence. You can obtain an "report form" at your local municipal office, women's consultation office, or the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
You can try to submit a report form even after April 30 2020 (Reiwa 2 nen).
◎ Report form must be accompanied by one of the following documents to confirm that the applicant is being evacuated due to spousal violence
Based on a report form, we will contact the city, ward, town or village where you have your certificate of residence, but we will not provide you with your current address or other information provided in the report form.
Certificates issued by women's counseling centers, spousal violence counseling and support centers, etc., or letters of confirmation of domestic violence victimization issued by municipalities.
◎ A certified copy or an original copy of the protective order
*If you have a companion, the description of the companion must also be provided.
*If you have moved your certificate of residence to your current city, ward, town or village after April 27th 2020 (Reiwa 2 nen), and are receiving support measures such as restrictions on viewing the basic resident register, you do not need the above documents because the city, ward, town or village will confirm it if you report it to them.

The application procedure for the special fixed benefit(Tokubetsu Teigaku Kyuhukin of 100,000 yen) must be done separately from this Moushide-sho application procedure.

For more information, please contact your local municipality.

◎ 緊急事態宣言の下、人々が連帯して、一致団結し、見えざる敵との闘いという国難を克服しなければならないという状況の下、医療現場をはじめとして全国各地のあらゆる現場で取り組んでおられる方々への敬意と感謝の気持ちを持ち、簡素な仕組みで迅速かつ的確に家計への支援を行うものです。
※ 外国人のうち、短期滞在者及び不法滞在者は、住民基本台帳に記録されていないため対象外です。
◎ 支給対象者
① 世帯主でなくとも、同伴者の分を含めて、特別定額給付金の申請を行い、給付金を受け取ることができます。今お住いの市区町村に申請を行っていただきます。
② 手続きを行った方とその同伴者分の特別定額給付金は、世帯主(配偶者など)からの申請があっても支給しません。
◎ 給付金額・世帯構成員1人につき10万円

◎ 申出期間中(令和2年4月24日から4月30日まで)に、今お住まいの市区町村の特別定額給付金担当窓口へ「申出書」を提出してください。※「申出書」は、配偶者からの暴力を理由に避難していることを申し出るものです。※「申出書」は、お住まいの市区町村窓口のほか、婦人相談所や総務省ホームページなどで入手できます。※令和2年4月30日を過ぎても、「申出書」を提出することはできます。
◎ 「申出書」には、配偶者からの暴力を理由に避難していることが確認できる書類として、次の書類のいずれかの添付が必要です。
◎ 「申出書」に基づき、住民票がある市区町村へ連絡しますが、「申出書」に記入された、今お住まいの住所等の情報は知らせません。
・ 婦人相談所、配偶者暴力相談支援センター等が発行する証明書や市町村が発行するDV被害申出確認書
・ 保護命令決定書の謄本又は正本
※ 同伴者がいる場合は、同伴者についても記載されていることなどが必要です。
※ 令和2年4月27日以降に今お住まいの市区町村に住民票を移し、住民基本台帳の閲覧制限等の支援措置を受けている方は、その旨を申し出れば市区町村において確認がとれるため、上の書類は必要ありません。
◎ 特別定額給付金の申請手続きは、申出手続きとは別に行う必要があります。
◎ 詳細につきましては、今お住まいの市区町村にお問い合わせください。
