
(A) A man walking in the office.
(B) Aman's putting on a watch.
(C) A man's writing on some paper.
(D) Aman's looking at a screen.

(A) Some flowers are being planted.
(B) The building overlooks a pool.
(C) Some benches are occupied.
(D) Flags are hanging from the poles.

(A) A vehicle is parked on the road.
(B) A woman is holding a piece of paper.
(C) A sign is being posted on the grass.
(D) The bench is unoccupied.

(A) A man is wiping the floor.
(B) A plastic bag is being rested on another.
(C) A man is putting on a long jacket.
(D) Some trash cans are being emptied.

(A) She's opening the window.
(B) She's using a photocopier.
(C) She's looking into a drawer.
(D) She's examining a document.

(A) There are some vehicles on the street. (B) One of the men is carrying a suitcase.
(C) The buildings are being constructed. (D) One of the men is putting on a cap.

(A) The flowers are being potted.
(B) Customers are paying for produce. (C) A painting is hanging in the window.
(D) The door has been opened wide.

(A) A shopper is bending over some food. (B) The packages are being labeled.
(C) Merchandise is displayed on the shelves. (D) Some boxes are stacked on the floor.

Who should I give the report to? (A) Anyone in Accounting.
(B) No, not this time.
(C) By next week.

Aren't you going to take a vacation tomorrow?

(A) Have a good time. (B) It was very expensive.
(C) No, Rachel is.

Am supposed to return this cart or just leave it here? (A) I'll take care of it.
(B) Yes, you are.
(C) Enjoy your shopping.

I'd like to transfer to another department. (A) Shall I call the department store?
(B) Why don't you talk to your manager? (C) I use public transportation.

When does the next train leave for Bradford? (A) There's a timetable over there.
(B) Tickets are available. (C) From Platform 8.

Have you finished preparing tomorrow's presentation yet? (A) That will be a nice present.
(B) I had a client in my office all morning. (C) Yes, I'll finish it next week.

Why will Morel's Café be closed?
(A) To move to a bigger place. (B) They need more copies.
(C) It's open 24 hours.

How did you get a ticket for the championship game? (A) Yes, it'll be more exciting.
(B) Which team do you like?
(C)I was just lucky.

Has the shipment from Neilson already arrived? (A) Shipping is free. (B) No, I've just called them.
(C) Here's the order sheet.

Would you like to interview applicants yourself or shall I?
(A) Yes, thank you. (B) More than 100 people.
(C) I'd be happy to.

We really need additional help for this busy season.
(A) You're helping local people. (B) That's why I talked to Mr. Mills.
(C) Let's take some days off.

Don't you think we'll need more chairs for tonight's workshop ?
(A) I'll borrow some from Administration.
(B) No, many more than expected.
(C) How many people came?

Which warehouse do you usually use to store fabrics?
(A) To store them safely. (B) No, it's too small.
(C) The one next to the main factory.

We're supposed to meet at 8 o'clock in the morning at the terminal lounge, aren't we?
(A) Lunch is ready.
(B) Yes, is that all right?
(C) I'm hoping for your success.

What was the agenda of the meeting? (A) Actually, I couldn't make it. (B) No, it wasn't cancelled.(C) Funny, isn't it?

The budget includes the cost of new computers, right?
(A) How about using budget airlines? (B) Our sales are improving.
(C)I didn't know it had to.

How late should we schedule the party? (A) Sure, I'll call the organizer. (B) The last shuttle leaves at 10 P.M.
(C) A party of 20.

Where is the nearest post office? (A) There's a map over there.
(B) In the latter part.
(C) To send a package.

Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following conversation with three speakers. Hello. We have a reservation for a special dinner. My name is Sam Mackenzie.
Thank you for choosing Larry's, Mr. Mackenzie. Well, I'm afraid I can't find your name in the reservation list.
Actually, I made the call around one week ago.
Let me see ... Oh, we've got your reservation for next Wednesday. I'm sure I said 7 P.M. Wednesday the tenth.
I don't know what actually happened, but is there any way for us to have a meal here tonight?
Well, right now it is full, but if you wouldn't mind waiting for 20 minutes
or so, one table will be available. But this is inside, not on the riverside.
I think we have no choice.

Hi, Andy. I've just finished my meeting with Larson. Just now? Does that mean you missed your flight, Bonnie? Yes, but it was really worth it. Finally, we've got a new contract! Really? You did it! We should celebrate. When do you think you can come back?
I think I can catch an evening flight, so I'll arrive at the office around eight o'clock. Will you still be there? Of course. I'll call the president first. I'm sure he'll be very excited,

WOMAN: Hello, this is Sasha Bauer. I would like to change the material of the reupholstering of the armchairs and couch. Have you started work yet? Man: No, we are still waiting for the fabric from the wholesaler. What would you like to change?
Woman: I would like to use leather instead of fabric for both. The leather you showed me the other day. My husband is definitely in favor of leather for our living room. Man: Okay. It will cost more, as you can see in the estimate. Is that OK with you?
Woman: No, thank you.
Man: Okay, I understand. I will make one or two phone calls to arrange for the materials.

Hello, I gave a presentation in one of your hotel's conference rooms on Wednesday. I believe I might have left a remote-control device for a projector there. Have you found anything like that?
I can check for you. Did you also stay with us on Wednesday? I didn't, actually, but I did make the reservation for the conference room. My name is Walter Kaufman. :OK, Mr. Kaufman-I see your invoice now. You used our Veracruz
conference room. Let me check with our facilities staff to see if they found your device. Could you hold for a moment?

Brian, heard you're studying for your real estate broker's license. That's right. I went to my first class at Alton Community College
yesterday evening. l'd like to take a class as well, but I can't really afford it right now. Maybe next year. Well, if you enroll in a course, the company will reimburse the tuition as long as you pass the broker's exam. Yeah-and even if you fail, they'll still cover 50 percent of the fee.
Really? That's great. Brian, can you tell me the number of the college? I'll call them to see if I can still enroll in the course.

Councilman Suarez, this is Felicity Lin with Brockton Monthly. I'm writing an article about the city's volunteer drive for the annual River Park cleanup next month. I'd love to get a quote from you.
Sure. As you know, the park suffered heavy damage in the storm
last month. Reconstruction is going well, but there's still plenty to do.
We're hoping for a big volunteer turnout this year, so some extra publicity would be nice. We'll need all the help we can get.
The article will be published early next month, before the cleanup. We hope it will encourage more people to participate.

Malta Steamboat Museum. How may I help you? Hi, I'm Tina Watson from Fernwood Elementary. I'd like to take my third-grade class there as a school trip. Would it be possible to make a group reservation for the first Tuesday or Wednesday in March?
We usually need three weeks' advance notice for class visits, but I'm sure we can accommodate you on one of those days. How many will be visiting? : There are 25 kids in the class, and probably one assistant will be helping me, so we need a total of 27 tickets. Oh, and we'll need bus parking as well. Is it available that day?

We can expect a big turnout for the Kids' Festival at the community center this weekend. Kids seem especially interested in carpentry and pottery, new additions this year.
Drawing is still popular too. And it's a good idea to hold all activities in the yard of the center this year. Kids will enjoy the open air too, and Din case of rain, we can just move them into the building.
Except cooking. This year it involves barbecue grills. Can you check the weather forecast?



Good morning, everyone. Don't forget that we're implementing the new tablet ordering system starting today. When you wait on customers, make sure you enter all their menu choices on your handheld tablet computer. The system will instantly transmit the order to the kitchen, which will help us serve customers faster and eliminate errors in ordering. lt might seem a bit complicated at first. Mondays usually aren't too busy, though.
Once you get familiar with the new system, you'll find it just as easy as using a pad and pen.

Welcome to Mary Lu's. I'm Ron Harris from Human Resources. I'm very thrilled to see you young chemists improve and develop our beauty products in the coming years. Before starting our company tour, let me explain where to park your cars. Today is your first day here, so understandably some of you parked in front of this showroom, but that is allocated to visitors. Researchers are supposed to use the parking space between the annex and the laboratory. I'll show it to you in the course of today's tour. OK, now, let's move to the main building, where you are expected to turn in your application for the company health insurance plan to the administration department.

Hi, Mr. Bell, this is Kathryn Philpott at Norcross Office Tower downtown. Chief Reynolds from your fire station Recommended that I contact you about an opening for a security officer at our building. *We've had several firefighters like yourself take second jobs on our security staff. It's a good chance to make extra money when you're not on duty at the station. If you're interested, could you come here for an interview next week? I'll be out of town on Monday and Wednesday, but otherwise, I'm available any weekday. Please give me a call at 555-0711 and let me know. Thank you.

Passengers on Western Airlines Flight 1355 to Frampton, this flight is overbooked. We're calling for four volunteers to give up their seats and take the next available flight. We're offering a meal voucher worth $50 for each volunteer, plus a free upgrade to business class for a future flight. If you are interested in taking advantage of this offer, please approach Western Airline's agent at Gate 32 within the next 20 minutes. We will begin boarding soon. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Good morning, Jim, this is Nona at Bellhaven Computer Institute. I just heard from Emily that because of a problem with her flight, she won't be able to be back until late tonight, so I need you to substitute for her today. Can you teach two elementary spreadsheet classes starting at 5:30? Both classes use the Accounting on Your Personal Computer textbook. I'll e-mail you scans of the pages you need for preparation as soon as I hear from you. Could you please call me back as soon as possible? Thanks very much.

Bosco Outlets is coming to Somerville! Our new location opens on April 4th, featuring a big-city selection of fashion, footwear, home furnishings, sporting goods, and more without the big-city prices! Come to the mall's opening day celebration and catch a performance by Gloria Glazer, who'll sing her biggest hits and sign autographs for fans after the show. And that's not all. For a limited time only, you can get discount coupons for hundreds of brand-name items by downloading them from www.boscooutlets.com. See you at Bosco Outlets Somerville on April 4th!

I'm delighted to say that we exceeded our performance targets this past year. In fact, we doubled our share of the convenience store market compared to the previous year, and we now rank behind only AeroMart. This improvement owes a lot to the campaign promoting our selection of premium international products. To build on this success, we've decided to develop our own gourmet products in-house, which will be sold exclusively at our outlets. The first one is Premium Scoops, our very own brand of ice cream. It will be launched at selected outlets this spring, then rolled out nationwide later in the year.

Welcome to historic River Junction National Park. I'm glad the weather cleared up in time for this afternoon's cycling tour. It should be nice and sunny for our ride, though some of the roads may still be a little slippery from this morning's rain. Starting from here at the park entrance, we'll head past Rayburn Lodge and up to Fort Jasper, where we'll walk around and look at some of the exhibits. After that, our final stop will be at Tucker House. We'll take another short break there before riding straight back to the entrance.

Dear Tenant

May 5

As you may already know, the owner of your office building has changed. Turnbull Partners acquired Foley Plaza from the previous owner effective May 3. As of now, there is no change in the daily operation of the building. The monthly rental amount and payment dates remain the same. Likewise, other arrangements with the previous owners remain in effect. We will be visiting your office shortly to review the new rental remittance procedures. I look forward to meeting you in person at that time. Sincerely yours
Clifton Thomas/President, Turnbull Partners

The EcoLamp is powered by an easily removable module that contains a rechargeable battery and a solar cell. It is packaged for transport and must be prepared before use. Gently pull the module from the bottom of the lamp and remove the plastic film over the solar cells and electrodes. This protective covering can then be discarded. To recharge, expose the module to direct sunlight for 10 hours. With the power module fully charged, the ECO lamp will provide full illumination for up to 4 hours.

Sender: Mersha Gandhi, Human Resources

To: Laboratory Managers Date: July 5

Subject: Job offer

We are looking for a research assistant to replace Diane Kuen, who will retire next month. We ask that you help us evaluate applicants. Applicants will be interviewed the week of July 14, and we would like each of you to meet with at least one of them. This is a very relaxed time, so we hope you will take the time to meet with each of them. I have posted a list of time slots in the break room. Please add your name to the list of available interview times. We will contact you with the final schedule by Friday afternoon. Thank you for your cooperation.

From: Hilda Detente, Director

To: All managers

Date: March 2

Subject: Green initiative

Hi All,

While visiting the Clampett Industries head office in California last week, I attended a presentation about a recent initiative there. Last year, county residents voted in favor of regulations that require government offices to reduce paper consumption by 15 percent. While the regulations do not apply to the head office, they wished to support the community's commitment to conserving resources. They, therefore, pledged to match the paper-reduction target.

Six months later, this green initiative has proven a clear success. Every department at the head office has exceeded the reduction target. They have saved 2,500 kilograms of paper, as well as reduced the energy spent on transporting, storing, and disposing of paper. This has helped the head office cut costs by the estimated US $3,000.

I would like the Kuala Lumpur office to cut paper consumption by 15 percent as well. Please meet with your department personnel to devise a strategy for reaching this target by June 30. We will recognize the department which achieves the biggest reduction by giving employees one extra paid vacation day this year.
I look forward to seeing what we can do!
Best regards,
Hilda Detente
Director, Clampett Industries Kuala Lumpur

Urgent release:

From Daniel Ergun, Editor-in-Chief of Chronos.com

Chronos.com, the online home of wristwatch articles, is proud to announce the launch of its new print magazine. Chronosphere will feature the same great reports and reviews that hundreds of thousands of watch enthusiasts have been reading daily on our website for the past decade.

We've been wanting to do this for years. Why? Because we want our work to reflect the timelessness and craftsmanship of our subjects. The watches are designed to last a lifetime. Similarly, the Chronosphere is intended to be something that readers will want to keep for years to come because of its quality.
The magazine will feature features you won't find anywhere else. more on paper than on screen.
Some will look much better in print than on the screen. On the other hand, we will also broaden our perspective and other topics of interest to watch enthusiasts.
The first issue of Chronosphere will be in stores in November.
For further information, please contact Laura Orvieto <laurao@chronos.com>.

Gordonton Historical Society

40138 Harper Market Street Gordonton, MA 01844

Sept. 1.

Dear Mabel Zuk.

The Gordonton Historical Society respectfully invites you to the Gordonton Community Center Renovation Opening Ceremony on Saturday, October 2, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The event will be held on the front lawn of the Community Center, 104 Gordonton Square.

During this event, Gordonton Mayor Fred Fletcher will unveil a nameplate engraved with the names of all donors who contributed to this renovation project. The plaque will be permanently displayed in the lobby of the community center.

A free lunch will be served at the event. Please confirm your attendance so that we can ensure that we have enough refreshments and seating. Please return the enclosed postcard with your name and the number of people in your party by September 15.

We look forward to seeing you on October 2!

Sincerely yours

Gail Halliday

President, Gordonton Historical Society

To: Gail Halliday

From: Kenneth Genney

Date: October 4

Subject: Renovation and opening ceremony

Dear Gail

I would like to thank you again for arranging the fundraising for the Gordonton Community Center renovation project and for planning the opening ceremony. Your very generous financial contribution to the renovation project is also greatly appreciated.
It has been an honor to work with you. We look forward to continuing to partner with you as we both contribute to the community.
We look forward to continuing to partner with you as we both contribute to the community.
Sincerely yours
Kenneth Ginney Director Gordonton Community Center

Bonniere, Renee [9:21 a.m.] Good morning, everyone. Any suggestions for this year's employee picnic?

Cochran, Ken [9:22 AM] Sorry we missed the deadline. But I've done my research on locations. How about Addison Park? A friend of mine recommended it.

Franks, Ted [9:23 am].

Oh, shoot. I totally forgot about it. I've been very busy with the Donovan project. I had to make an important presentation to them yesterday.

Stone, Hilary [9:24 a.m.] And it went well. The Donovan execs are coming back next week to sign the contract.

Oh, my God! By the way, Addison Park sounds nice. By the way, Addison Park looks great, and it's only a 30-minute drive from here.

Bonnier, Renee [9:25 am].

Great. I'd hate to have to get up at 5:00 a.m. again for a company function. But has anyone checked the facilities yet? Is there a covered picnic area for 100 people?

Franks, Ted [9:28 a.m.] I'm looking into it. Yes, according to the web page, it has everything you need. They even have pony rides for the kids.

Bonnier, Renee [9:30 am] OK, Ken check the availability for October and get me the details. Hilary, talk to the catering company about food. Ted, please think of some activities.

Title: "Private Advertising

Reviewed by Gabriella Hague

Author: leora friedman Posted on May 23

Readers and critics alike overlooked this book when it was first released, but the story and characters are wonderful. I was lucky enough to attend a talk by Leora Friedman at the Neighbor Bookstore last week, and even got my book signed by her. I was also able to get a copy of her new book, which was sold out when I ordered "Private Advertising. I look forward to reading and reviewing it as well!
