I asked GPT-3 for the question to “42”. I didn’t like its answer and neither will you.

Can GPT-3 compute the ultimate question about life, the Universe and everything?
It is known that the answer to life, the Universe and everything is 42. However, despite the concerted efforts of the best minds humanity has to offer, the appropriate question has yet eluded us.
Needless to say, I was incredibly excited to find out if GPT-3 — OpenAI’s latest language model — could do what thousands of physicists, mathematicians and philosopher had failed to achieve. After all, GPT-3 had been trained on the cumulative wisdom of mankind, including all of Wikipedia and all Reddit conversations ever.
I entered AI Dungeon, planning to gently nudge GPT-3 into doing the necessary computations. My plan: I’d write the first half of a story about a man who discovers the ultimate theory of everything, but stop short of describing the theory itself, and let GPT-3 auto-complete the story.

Note how I cleverly framed the question as the tale of a scientist and his 5-years-old son: A trick to entice GPT-3 into simplifying its complex musings into an ELI5 format that even I could understand.
After I had finished typing, I sat in humble silence for a while, wondering what would happen if I pressed the Enter key. Would the question be repeated infinitely? Would it open up some sort of portal to another place? Would a black hole appear and swallow everything?
It was also entirely possible that the Universe would be instantly replaced with a more complex one.
But it was too late to turn back. I hit the enter key and readied myself for the answer. GPT-3’s words started flashing on my screen.
