
*short English translation at the bottom*

2022/6/7 発表をもとに追記





【2022/6/7追記】 公式より発表された、実際に支払われているというコメント拝見しました。実際には支払われていたとのことで安心しました。



これに関しては創作のスタイルや考え方などもあると思うので、私の情緒的なところが大きいのですが。 例えば読者、視聴者として子供を想定する場合、物語を考える時できるだけ子供に寄り添うものではないでしょうか。

上記の大項目2件、無償労働の件、関係者様のご発言の件、ここで見ますと実際の発言者の方々個々人の問題のように見えるかもしれませんが、そのようなご発言が許される、また、許され続けているという状況もとても心配しております。無償労働や性被害への揶揄の公の場での発言、というのは、通常の企業が行っているコンプライアンス研修においては「絶対に行ってはいけないこと」として必ず上がるような話だからです。なぜいけないのか?それは会社としての価値を下げ、最終的に会社そのものを危機に陥れるものだからです。 もしも制作会社様が「個人の発言」と流されているのであればそれは大きな間違いで、見ている人は「発言者の所属・協力先」も合わせて評価していることをご理解なさった方がいいと思います。





My concerns  about Reiwa Akuma-kun

about Reiwa Akuma-kun and Mephistopheles 3rd
to be honest, I couldn't understand the necessity of Mephistopheles 3rd, while his father (OMG) Mephistopheles 2nd was the most famous character in Heisei Akuma-kun and first love of many girls.
Toei repeatedly said that "Reiwa Akuma-kun project started as Toei saw the strong and passionate love of Heisei Akumakun fans. Reiwa Akumakun is story for fans". 
Then, is Mephistopheles 3rd and "Married" Mephistopheles 2nd is their gift to fans?

and more than that, I am really anxious about how Shingo Umoregi will appear in Reiwa Akuma Kun as his current appearance looks around 10-11years old.
Akumakun's (Shingo Umoregi's) dream of utopia is not only his dream but also ours. I do not want to see him kept in his young age (died? or cursed?) and cannot fulfill his dream.

I guess Toei used Umoregi Shinogo and Mephistopheles 2nd as "lure" for Heisei fans.
but as the ending of Heisei Akumakun was so emotional , I think every fan has their own "dream (I dare say Utopia)" about Shingo Umoregi and Mephistopheles 2nd's future in their hearts.
if Toei uses Shingo and Mephistopheles 2nd in Reiwa, that means Toei ruins such utopia.
I hope Toei do not use Umoregi Shinogo and Mephistopheles 2nd, and just make their new "Akuma-kun", without relying on Umoregi Shinogo and Mephistopheles 2nd's fame.

about working environment of Toei and ethical sense of Scenario writer
1 forced voluntary work of the Sound Director
During the fun meeting, Producer Mr.Nagatomi said that the music for the sound drama was provided by the Sound Director.and emphasized that "He is not going to pay for her labor". Japanese tend to applause one's non-pay work more than paid work, so I hope Toei pays for her labor and his comment was just a kind of joke to show how the new animation is attractive and how they (Toei team) is dedicating themselves for it. Of course I do not think it is a good & funny joke, as now other Toei groups are being sued with non-pay work and power harassment...they should be more sensitive from a compliance point of view.
*Additional note 2022/6/7
Toei official twitter account announced that the comment of Mr.Nagatomi was a joke and the payment was properly completed already.
I am grad to hear and grad to see that Toei official did some action to this concern.

2  improper tweets given from the Scenario writer of new Akumakun to a sexual crime to a girl, and others
a short summary of the background of tweet about crime:in Fukuoka Japan, a 78 years old man was arrested due to sexual crime to a 7 years old girl. and a news account tweeted about it with using a word "Mura Mura" as a expression of "feeling sexual desire".
As there's an old punchline to make people laugh,  "Monsieur Mura-Mura" in Japan,   the Scenario writer may recall it from this tweet, and commented "Monsieur Mura-Mura! >RT" when he retweets the news.
As mentioned above, "Monsieur Mura-Mura" is a punchline to make people laugh, and absolutely not the correct word to use against crime news which there's a victim who is suffered from it
For me, I cannot think that Mr.Oonogi has a proper sense of humanity as a Scenario writer for animations for kids even though he played the main Scenario Writer role in GEGEGE no Kitaro 6th season. A sexual crime, especially for young kids NEVER be a thing which you can laugh. I saw some other improper tweet about war, weapons and patent in his TL as well. I am wondering if he's really the best person to make stories for Reiwa Akuma-kun

I sent some messages to Toei. but today, 3/6, during streaming on YouTube, I could not see any honesty from the production side.

I wanted to hear how they think about relationship between Heisei Akuma-kun and Reiwa-akumakun

I wanted to hear how they think about above non-pay issue and ethical issue 

but nothing was told. so I nearly give up
Happy birthday, Reiwa-akumakun. I hope someone can bless you.
