
2023年10月10日 初回記録




一応、だいたいの部分は理解できると思いますし、出来ない所はお手数ですが、理解できない所だけ繋ぎ合わせて確認してくださると幸いです。(合掌+ 感謝)

Med beds and extras (動画)

SKYE PRINCE 16,415 回視聴 2023/10/01




foreign I know I was told not to say anything
else or do any videos or anything like that but there's a lot of
misinformation going around look all my informations there there shouldn't be
any misinformation if you're listening to to my information if you're listening
to everyone else who only has half the story of course you're going to get confused okay I mean
ninety percent of other people talking about Med beds I'm not this sounds egotistic but it's not it's true get
their information from me and then add bits and pieces of their own interpretation or their own beliefs into
it which Bingo is not true and it is
misinformation it's confusing so stop listening to everybody guys you know
like the information's there okay it's all there and and these other people they
just I'm not bad-mouthing them or anything I'm just stating facts they take my information they reword it make
it sound like their own put their own beliefs into it their own opinions and then Bingo information
changes and it's different and then people you know Skye so and so said this
is like I don't care what so-and-so said it doesn't matter what so-and-so said you know like that's their own belief
their own choice um I'm very lucky enough to get it straight from the horse's mouth from
inside the the Medical Department the med bed Department inside the military
with the alliance I'm why I get that information why I unlucky why I'm you
know the one I don't know I've asked myself that many times but these people are not getting it from the The Source
they're getting it second hand and and then they add their beliefs into it Okay so stop listening to everybody okay
the information's there it's all on my YouTube channel just go for it all right now a couple of things the med beds
cannot bring back someone from the dead doesn't matter how dead they are they
cannot bring them back it doesn't matter if they're being dead for five minutes it doesn't matter if they've been
um you know in stasis or Frozen or
a DNA sample you can't bring someone back from the dead if they have a
minimum of five percent brain activity the med beds will heal them and restore them to perfect health
once the spirit has left after the brain has ceased working
then that person's not coming back okay they're gone and and the same goes for when people
have near death experiences most of those new death experiences the people change afterwards not because of the
experience but because their Spirit has moved on and now they have a walk-in so they're a totally
different person all right so Med beds cannot bring
someone back from the dead if you go to someone's grave and grab a bone or something no that
person's not coming back from the dead okay they're gone they're dead okay they've passed on they've gone to
through the Gates of Heaven or whatever you want to call it they go on okay
um will they reincarnate again of course will they reincarnate into your family probably not
okay some yes probably not all right so start learning to communicate with
spirit and you'll have access to them all the time okay now before I go on to the next
topic I'm here at this beautiful River yes
look at that what a place to be to spend a couple of hours
all because my horses are old and they take a very long time to eat
they have no front teeth and very few other teeth so they're they're gummies also they
take a long time to eat what a normal horse would take an hour they take like two and a half hours
and it's going to be 35 degrees Celsius here today which 110
degrees I I don't know something like that it's hot very hot right now it's nice and cool but it's going to be very
hot now the next topic I want to talk about groups on telegram get your
together please okay stop trying to control everyone in your group stop trying to control your country
um the minimum requirement the minimum number of Med beds the absolute minimum
number of Med beds required to have a med bed Center is one
one med bed one animal healing chamber you don't need eight to ten you don't
need sixty one just one bed one I don't know why this is hard to
understand okay for people to have a med bed Center and to be approved for Med
beds in their projects you'll only need one med bed one animal healing chamber that's it
so these countries that and people that saying you need a minimum of 60 Med beds per Center where in the hell did you get
that number one eight to ten Med beds in order to have a center
where did you get that number okay this is what I'm talking about people put their own opinions in and then stated as
facts oh Skye said it no Sky never said that no I didn't I never said that one
just one mid bed per Center is the minimum requirement to be called a med bed center right
pretty simple hey very simple do they have to work 24 7 no of course
they don't it's your project it's your Center you decide the working hours if
you want it to be 24 7 because you live in a populated area a largely populated area then have a



24 7. if you want it to
be seven till seven seven a.m to 7 P.M 6 a.m to 10 p.m
um 9 A.M till 4 P.M whatever it's your Center as long as you work it out with
the staff and with the alliance so they know that your opening hours and such
it's yours do whatever the hell you want there's no minimum requirement there's no maximum requirement okay stop
listening to people that haven't got a clue they just put in there my opinion is you
need to have 60 Med beds per Center there's not going to be any more than
likely won't be any centers that have 60 Med beds in them to begin with let alone a requirement
all right so come on people come on okay now
um what else did I see and was sent to me uh so many things so many people send me
so much stuff um because people know I'm not on Facebook so
I'm not on Instagram I'm not on Tick Tock all I have is Messenger
and telegram that's it that's it messenger and telegram okay
um I'm not on Tick Tock I'm not on Instagram I'm not on Facebook if Sky Prince or Sky's Med beds or
sky this guy that is posting you don't even need to ask if it's a scammer because it is because I'm not on
it okay really really simple stuff really simple stuff
all right very very easy to work out you don't need to send me Sky is this you
no it's not you don't need to ask I'm not on Facebook I'm not on Twitter I'm
not on Instagram I'm not on Truth social um I'm on Telegram and messenger that's
it nothing else okay nothing else
um I'm just trying to think what else there's so many things I had it all sorry bug crawling on me I had it all in
my head and of course once I start talking it's all out of my head
um training okay training training the
length of training will depend on your previous knowledge and experience it is
not 18 months for everybody it may be for you because you don't have
that much experience but for let's just say a radiologist
surgeon um you know emergency person emerge emergency doctor
emergency nurse paramedic it might be one weekend
your training might be two days if you have no experience
it could be five years okay it all your training depends on you
your knowledge your experience how quickly you learn it all depends on you
okay it's not it's an 18 month training course no it isn't it it depends on you
all right so and you will be assessed at the time of your registration
all right the uh the alliance and galactics will assess you and they will place you in the correct
um of course um curriculum
subjects topics whatever um that is tailored to you and you alone
all right please people stop spreading your own opinion
because your own opinion is turning out to be completely Incorrect and you are
confusing everybody with nothing but an opinion okay this is
something that we need to start dealing in facts okay and this is how it's going
to go it's not going to go according to your opinion all right it's going to go as what the
alliance has given and this is what they've given stop confusing people stop trying to
control your location stop time trying to control the projects in your country or your state
this is not a competition this is
humans working together for the betterment of this planet
not who can have the biggest Center sorry for my language but it's not my
dick is better bigger than yours you know it's not an ego contest
all right and for the women it's not my breasts are bigger than yours I know that that's harsh and it's
it's really crude but that's what it's like at the moment
and if you're in competition and trying to control others of how they do their
projects you really got to start to wonder are you going to be receiving projects at
all because this controlling dominating personality attitude that you have
and you know who I'm talking about if you're triggered by my words then yeah I'm talking to you
if you're not triggered by my words then it's not for you okay so if you're
reacting to my words like who the hell does she think she is then yeah take a look in the mirror because my words are
for you all right so it's not about
I'm the leader of this country in the med beds I'm the admin of the telegram group therefore I'm in charge of all the
projects uh no you're not no you're not
um people don't have to fill out your forms and this is happening in many groups people don't have to tell you their
intentions people don't have to disclose where they're going to set up or how
many beds they want they don't have to tell you jack people are sovereign we're moving away
your this whole mindset of controlling the projects in in your location that
you want to set up because you have a telegram group this is a cabal mentality
this is 3D mentality you want to control others and how they do their project
I'm sorry but you're not welcome in the projects that's not what this is about this is about working together as a team
there's no I in team this is not about you
keeping or gaining control over others so that you can control all the med beds
no absolutely not it's about you steppin



g down stepping
off your ego and working with everybody for the betterment of this planet and
for Humanity you would have known that by now
okay so my last communication with the alliance
in regards to this particular subject there is 1.2 million people
that are going to be denied humanitarian funding because of their behavior
and we're not talking just criminals okay uh criminal activity yes
um you know money laundering scam fraud um all these kind of things we're also
talking about severe bitching um
absolute nastiness uh setting other humanitarians up to
fail to feed your own ego um
you know constantly taking hits at other humanitarians and a lot of people do that
um you know those kind of things just downright narcissistic nasty people who
haven't got an ounce of love in their heart they are going to be refused funding because of their behavior
what you must understand is these humanitarian funds
they don't belong to you they belong to humanity
and we are not chosen for this
we chose to be part of this we chose to be part of this but you have
to earn it it's not just I have funds and I have a
dream therefore I deserve it no
you own it by becoming the person that
you want to be in that position when you do have funds so let me explain if you want to be
the manager of a med bed center now we must understand Med beds are medical
okay they're Medical Technology it's not just some fantasy technology that
everybody can have it's medical technology so you want to be the manager of a hospital
that's basically what a med bed Center is as a hospital they're just not doing surgeries and jabbing people with really
nasty crap and cutting people open instead they're going in a medical device a medical technology and
you could consider that their surgery which is their healing okay but it is a
medical facility you want to be a manager of that then you need to be behaving and acting like
a manager right now not when the center's up and running or after you get your funds you need to be doing that now
and why do you need to be doing that now because having the power and the funds
changes people and if you are not that manager now
manager material now what makes you think you're going to be different and manage your material after
when everything's set up and after you've got your funds it's the same as going through your med
bed treatment if you're living a really poor lifestyle now what makes you think you're going to
change your lifestyle after you're healthy you want to be healthy after
but you're not willing to be healthy now so what makes you think you wanna you're going to be healthy after
doesn't even make sense you need to be on the on the path now
not wait until you get there because you're never going to get there if you take a look at
uh anyone who's had anything to do with hospitals or health care and you take a look at um
the nurse unit managers um you know Hospital managers
clinical staff they are pretty pretty professional okay in my what 10
plus years experience of working in hospitals and and Theater and
aged care and palliative care and 99 of the staff are pretty professional
especially in front of the patients and the management would never ever be seen on social media
abusing another or controlling another it takes a special kind of person to be
a CEO a manager and a lot of people just don't have that
they just don't have it and it's nothing against those people it's just fact they're not manager
material I'm not trying to discourage anyone I'm trying to give you a reality check
because there's a lot of people that just seem to think that having a med bed
Center is just fluffy rainbows and fairy unicorns it's just gonna be so beautiful in this and that
while there's still been a dick on social media you know reality check guys
if you want to be someone the head of a project a medical facility a Healing
Center a spiritual Resort or whatever your project you need to be that person right now
and these arguments these controlling personalities or attitudes
negative attitudes you really think managers got to where they are by looking on the downside all the time no
they problem solve they they Inspire their team they beat they are leaders
they're leaders they they lift people up they push them forward they help them to
be educated or rather help to educate them they don't
sit around on social media bashing other leaders or bashing other members of a certain
group most of them don't even have social media why because they're too busy
pushing forward and creating the life they want for themselves
they're too busy educating themselves with knowledge and experience they're too busy out there doing it being the
person that they want to be you won't find them on social media
backstabbing and bitching about others you just won't because leaders are a special type of
person and let's let's be straight with each other let's be honest
if you are going to do projects and you're wanting to do projects you are
and are



required to be a leader do you have what it takes
are you that person now not just after when your funds arrive
because if you're not that person now and you're not ready
and capable
what are you gonna do when when you're denied okay so it's so important so so
important for you to be the person now be that
professional now one other thing with the
um spiritual Healing Centers and they are spiritual
their Consciousness centers if you're wanting to do a Healing Center
and you're still looking on the downside of
life and you're still arguing on social media
you're still not committed to do meditations and to to deal with your ego
and to deal with your triggers and and all of the above and blah blah blah
but you're expected to lead and guide others to do all of that
yet you're not willing to do it yourself you see what I'm getting at there's no
more faking it till you make it um I'm talking if you actually want to
be involved in the project like manage it okay not just fund it and then go on
holidays for the rest of your life I'm talking about managing and having anything to do with the project
if you're not willing to step up and be that leader that is necessary
then how can you expect others to do the same to do it while you're not willing to
it's really important really important that you actually as the one receiving the funds as the
one developing the projects as the one managing projects it's so important for
you to be that example to be that example
to get up off your backside deal with your triggers deal with your ego deal with
your whatever be the leader that you want to be
this is not all just going to happen after you receive funds this is going to happen right now
why because you have to be in alignment with what it
is you are manifesting and are you in alignment now with what
you want in the future many yes
most from my observations no
so how do we get into alignment first you drop your ego
drop the control and drop the wanting to tell everybody exactly how it is and
control everyone's projects and and control everyone's thoughts
that's the first thing we need to do second thing we need to deal with our triggers and accept that we all have
work to do like I do like everybody does
don't be afraid to face the truth about yourself
because if you don't now you will later so why not do it now
if you really want to be successful be that CEO of the major company or the
hospital now that means no arguing on social media
most don't even have it that means no bitching backstabbing whinging whining
looking on the downside all the time okay it means being positive
it means being or having the ability to be mentally
resilient you can adapt to change
it means you're not afraid to step outside the box it means you're not afraid to work with others
as equals it means
you are becoming the person you want to be later
so start becoming that person now so
back to what I was originally talking about 1.2 million people
have already been uh it was nine hundred thousand they
took off 900 000 within three weeks they shared a few stories and made up a
few stories about certain truthers and put it in the groups the alliance did
and encouraged people to say nasty things in other words they trap them they want
to see what's in your heart do you have compassion do you have empathy
are you mentally and consciously prepared to work with people in a project on a
physical level and a mental level and a spiritual level so the alliance deliberately
they've been doing this for a while come up with stuff to trigger to trap trap is a terrible word but it
is a trap it's to trap your your heart if your heart is in the right place then
you didn't get caught but people who deliberately
bash others perfect example is Wolverine and myself
several stories about Wolverine and myself the alliance go away little spider
several stories about Wolverine and myself the alliance shared some old stories and some fake ones
to see how her how hard how hard people would hate
how fast those stories would travel what people would believe and what was in their heart when
when they read it or when they saw it and while it hurts people like myself
Wolverine um it was necessary to trap those who are not ready and not
wanted to do projects because they're not in the right heart space
it's a real test of your true character and this is
what they've been doing and they're in the groups the alliance members are in the groups communicating
with you guys communicating with us all the time we think they're just someone else doing a project
they're gathering information they're Crossing people off list they're adding people on lists
so if you don't have funding but you have shown yourself to be a beautiful person
then you've been you probably have been added to a list to be personally funded by the alliance
While others have been crossed off the list for being so
you know but it was nine hundred thousand in three weeks
and it's blown out to 1.2 million that will not r



eceive humanitarian
funding because of criminal activity and
Behavior I mean you can't say you weren't warned all
right you know us us Intel providers have been telling you guys
um forever raise your frequency be kind to each other stop all this bad behavior
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah most of you have listened and have
really done the work but the others yeah not so much
so do I feel sorry for them no I don't because it is their journey and they
have made choices which they are creating their reality and it's perfect for them maybe not
something they prefer but they created it so obviously they want to experience
the not preferred reality so I don't feel sorry for them at all
I would feel sorry for the projects if these people were allowed
to do projects and then those who are involved in those particular projects I would feel sorry
for them um to an extent yes of course you know they create their
reality everybody does but uh this community is is moving into a 5D
community and we can't bring the 3D with us
we just can't and I mean that as in not treating people in med bed sensors or
Healing Centers or projects what I mean is the community of humanitarians managers staff that is the community I'm
speaking of it's a 5D community if you want to exist in that community
you're going to need to up your game you're going to need to be a minimum 4D minimum
3D will not be coming into this community and any 3D person who is in this
community currently will not be coming with us
they just won't because it's 5D new Earth 3D is not compatible cannot exist in a
5D Community it is that simple so
to the groups who are trying to control members and other people in that
location or that country state I would be looking at myself in the
mirror right now and asking myself is my wanting to
coordinate coming from a place of wanting to control
or is it coming from a place of wanting to coordinate
and if it is coming from a place of control which a lot of the these particular
groups are I would be changing my attitude very
quickly um because as the time draws nearer and nearer and nearer you got less and less
time and you may find yourself
outside of the humanitarian Community all together because the alliance will never approve
someone who wants to control others or control projects
they want people who want to work together to achieve an outcome
not to control the process or the outcome
okay there's a fine line and many of you are walking that very
that line very uh you know you're walking on the other side of the line not the good side but
the other side all right now I'm not saying this to put anyone off again I'm not saying this to
be nasty I'm saying this to be truthful as a reality check of what is going to
happen and if people everyone has an opinion
and again this might sound egotistic everybody has an opinion and everyone's opinion is valid
but when it comes down to how this process is going to be
it's not going to be based on your opinion people say well who are you why is why
only your opinion matters well it's not my opinion I don't give my opinion
if I did I wouldn't be here right now if I was giving my opinion I give what I get in straight from the
alliance straight from those in the med bed Department of the military
of the alliance that's who my contacts are
so it's not an opinion they tell me this because this is how it's going to be fact
it's not my opinion I don't know how it's going to be I only know what I'm told from those who
is going to be assessing us who is going to be giving the conferences who's going
to be setting setting up the centers who's going to be delivering the med beds who's going to be educating us on
the med beds I gave it straight from them I don't add my opinion in it
if I did the information would be very different but it isn't now you can say I'm full of ego and that
I'm just sharing baloney and blah blah blah that's fine take the information as
you want it but when you add take my information or rather take the alliances information
and then change the wording to make it sound like your own oh I got
this med bed information oh my goodness you're so wonderful oh well your contacts thank them so much
and then you actually look at the details of that and it's just my
information regurgitated to make it sound like they're really cool and then you put in your own opinion
of how things you think things will be yeah it doesn't work
doesn't work which is why there's so much misinformation about Med beds and projects and how they're going to roll out
Okay so get your opinion out of the way and let's just deal with how the
alliance has given it and go from there because
we are about to do it that about to do it for real in person may be a couple of days away
maybe this afternoon maybe a month away maybe two months maybe nobody knows no one will know
until it actually happens have we been extremely close before yes are we even closer now hell yes
could it happen today yeah it could



could it happen tomorrow yep could it
happen next Monday yep could it happen at Christmas yep
could it happen next year yep [Music] we don't know until it actually happens
so while you're waiting for it to happen start working on yourself
I am that's why I'm hardly on social media why I'm hardly on telegram anymore
I'm too busy working on myself getting myself into the preparation of being
the manager I want to be being that professional meditating grounding
um astral traveling you know learning picking apart my dreams going deep and
deep and deep into Consciousness learning straight from Source itself learning from the higher dimensionals
learning from Spirit learning from your own inner self
the only time I have spare to myself is when I'm here feeding the horses
and again that is to myself anyway so I'm still busy all the time while my
horses are feeding like today I'm doing this video so
drop the ego drop the attitude drop the control work together stop spreading
misinformation raise your frequency and start hugging each other instead of
bashing each other's head against the walls it takes just as much energy to love
someone as it does to hate someone actually takes more energy to hate than it does to love
and that's you feeding your ego when you hate someone you're just feeding your ego that's why it feels so
good sometimes because your ego loves it your ego's hugging you for hating someone else
it takes just as much energy to love and show compassion to someone
you may not like them you don't have to say anything bad about them you don't have to trash them
respect them allow them on their Journey wish them well and move on and concentrate on yours
it's really not that hard it's your willpower what are you
choosing to do love or hate are you choosing projects or 3D world love or hate
it's a choice and it's a choice you're making with every single Breath You Take
every single Breath You Take you're making that choice love or hate
I'll leave you on that because I think that that's the strongest message today Every Breath You Take Which choice are
you making love or hate I wish everyone a beautiful day take
care bye






