Ascension Lightworkers.より。🌟2.アセンション症状の更新。🌟

2022年11月14日 初回記録
2022年11月15日 追加・更新、訂正済み。🌸

今回の共有は、🌸Ascension Light Workers さんの配信日(11月13日)から11-11ゲートウェイポータルのエネルギーから受ける影響をについてです。2日後になりましたが、普段にない身体の違和感や不調のある場合はこれらの原因も考えられます。この症状は2週間続く可能性があります。



過去の 11-11 ゲートウェイ ポータルの強さにより、入ってくる集合エネルギーは依然として強烈です。
これは、時間の経過とともに機能する消化器系 (太陽神経叢) に影響を与えている可能性があります。

避けるべきもの アルコール、合成薬物追加のボディサプリメント、牛乳




午前 2 時から午前 4 時の間に目が覚めることがあります。





これらの症状は一時的なもので、次の 2 週間持続する可能性があります。次のゲートウェイ 11-11 で再び緩和を受けますこれは 11 月 29 日に行われ、別の主要なポータルと惑星の活性化を活性化し、次の目覚めの波を活性化します。集団。
最近の 11-11 アクティベーション ゲートウェイと比べると、その性質は異なります。


アセンション ライトワーカー

Ascension Lightworkers


Updated Ascension Symptoms :
With the intensity of the past 11-11 gateway portal opening the collective energies that are coming in are still intense .
This could be affecting the digestive system (our solar plexus) as it is working over time.

Stomach related troubles such as
bloating, feeling like your stomach is heavy,
Or full even though you didn't eat much, gassy, dizziness, nausea, mild stomach cramps and trouble sleeping.
It’s a time to be eating light and healthy
don't put too much stress on the
stomach as it is already working over time.
Things to avoid Alcohol, synthetic drugs
additional body supplements, cows milk .

You could be experiencing headaches , migraines , Blurred vision and feel like your eyes are playing tricks on you and you don't feel you have the same vision you once did .
hair loss , this is a big one with people now as well as skin irritations and possible acne or the return of it .
You could be feeling things like this that you've never had problems with before or not for a long time
This is because your body is purging and releasing .
Its letting go of embedded dense energies and toxins are releasing out of the cells.

You can feel like you're floating almost like your floating out of your body , And when you are walking you can gain a sensation that you feel taller and more angular in ways .
This is because your body's getting
lighter and it's purging this old embedded

you may find you're waking up between 2am and 4am .
this is your body as it can't stay in its
dream state for too long because it's doing so much overtime in inner healing work .

You feel like you have heightened sensitivities and you may be feeling over stimulated in your senses .
This can be in crowds , music that is too loud. this can also be with television shows that are too violent.

You feel like you have an intolerance for lower vibrational things and people this can include conversations with people , social structures and healing modalities.
things that are vibing in a lower and different frequency you have no interest in anymore .

As you're now vibrating in a higher frequency and food is not as much of a priority as it once was .You may have a deep feeling of wanting to go home as if you do not belong here anymore.
A feeling like you might be going insane at times . almost like you're developing a mental illness .
you might be feeling like you don’t like to make plans like you once did , because your soul is now going in different directions and all the time.

This is to lead you on your new paths and
new avenues.
Other symptoms for women
Are menopausal and gynaecological changes .
This is for a recalibration in the reproductive system .
You might have Sore legs , swollen ankles , rigidity in posture , aching shoulders .

This is pain that held on to many burdens in life now releasing and leaving the body .
These Symptoms are temporary and may persist for the next 2 weeks , we will again be receiving the relief in the next gateway 11-11 , which is on 29th November this activates another major portal and planetary activation as well as a next wave of awakenings in the collective .
It will be and feel different in its nature compared to the recent 11-11 activation gateways .

Stay hydrated , gravitate towards fresh and organic food , seek the sunlight to boost your immune properties , bask in the moonlight to assist in healing inner shadow work , stargaze to feel connected to home and star families , visit waterfalls , swim in the ocean , rivers and creeks , walk through rainforests , parks , wild life sanctuary . Visit the country side just for a drive and refresh .
All of these options help you the very most to assist in accelerating your integration and healing .

Love , Light , Healing and Devotion
By Ascension LightWorkers


