
The Girl From Nagano

Here I am, settling in from my trip to Japan, with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions swirling in my head. Am I sad? Happy? What am I feeling? One thing is certain: she occupies my mind like my favorite song stuck on repeat. The memory of falling into her eyes and drowning in their golden pools of honey, the way her smile illuminates the world—it would even make the stars jealous.
She is unlike anyone I’ve ever met; someone who deeply cares, someone who can evoke laughter at any given moment, someone with whom I wish I could freeze time and share eternity. For once in my life, I have truly connected with a person both physically and, most importantly, mentally.

On my final day in Japan, a lot of emotions were going through my mind. Having to say goodbye the day prior, I found myself on the train bound for Haneda airport. Amidst my sadness, a heartwarming sight greeted me: a little girl seated across from me, accompanied by her father. Initially, I merely glanced and smiled, but upon a second look, I realized she bore a striking resemblance to “Her.” What unfolded before me was this little girl engaging in a thumb war with her father. Her laughter, her playful banter, her mischievous tactics to gain the upper hand—all mirrored “Her.” In that moment, I couldn’t help but smile, for everything about that little girl echoed the essence of “Her”—the person who reignited my smile, the individual with whom I can embrace my inner child, and someone who deserves the universe.
As I lie in bed, scrolling through social media, still with the thought of missing her, I stumble upon a quote online that resonates deeply: “People often search for a person to grow old with, but in reality, they should seek someone with whom they can be a child with.”

Reflecting on those words, I realize that she embodies that youthful spirit effortlessly. Whether we're exploring new places together, engaging in playful banter, or simply enjoying each other's company, there's a sense of youthful joy that infuses our relationship. In her presence, I feel like a child again, unburdened by the weight of the world, free to laugh, play, and dream without effort. And as I anticipate the day when our paths meet again, I hold onto the memories we've shared, the laughs, and the love within my heart.

P.S. I really wish you could add music on note!
Cigarettes after sex “sweet” 🎵0:28🎵
