
Polygon Annotation for Asymmetrical Shaped Objects Detection in Machine Learning

To make the coarse or irregular objects recognizable to machines through computer vision, polygon annotation technique is used in image annotation.Actually, the objects or things not in rectangular or square shape, can be annotated with polygon annotation technique.The
objects like road sign boards, logos, road surface marking and other pained and other objects in irregular shape can be annotated only using the polygon annotation. Anolytics provide the complete image annotation service to annotate such objects for accurate detection.

Polygon Annotation for Self-driving Cars
In self-driving cars or autonomous vehicles development, making the various things on the road or street recognizable through computer vision.For objects like human beings, other motor vehicles, traffic signals and other things, recognizable to machines, bounding box and semantic segmentation like image annotation technique is used.But for road surface marking in irregular shape or in other coarse objects, polygon annotation technique is used to create the training data set.

Polygon Annotation for Autonomous Drones The drones that captured the images of cities and urban areas houses, buildings and structure from the heights, need to make them recognizable from the top view.So, here polygon annotation is used to localize the objects through the images taken from drones or satellite. Anolytics provides, the polygon annotation for drones and other autonomous flying objects to recognize the uneven shaped

Anolytics, works with world-class annotation system, with well-trained and highly skilled annotators to annotate the images to create the best quality data sets for machine learning and AI development.It is providing the data annotation service for various industries including healthcare, retail , agriculture and automotive sectors with best level of accuracy making available at very affordable price.
