
What is Kirari Android?

Simply put, it is a humanoid Android.
Kirari Android is Android in form, but its contents are in an empty state, just as it was born.

Kirari Android

Only Kirari Android holders (NFT holders) are granted the right to give Kirari Android learning intelligence. If you keep only her face (from the shoulders up), you can freely design and customize her hair, makeup, above-the-shoulder clothes, and background, as well as her intelligence, and make her NFT through secondary creation, The right to use them for commercial purposes is also granted.

Kirari Android face

If she retains her face and body, in addition to the above, she will be given the right to design and customize her full-body outfit and sell only her dress-up outfit through NFT.

Kirari Android body

Kirari Android is still in its infancy. We hope that you will think of it as an NFT where new discoveries and new developments can be expected in the future.

Only NFT holders will be granted the privilege of developing Kirari Android in the future.

Kirari Android
