11/19 -20 If you get extra income which would you like to spend the money? A: For traveling B: For shopping

11/20 note投稿文
I choose to go on trip.

I like to go on trip than shopping.

Travel is pay for experiences and memories.For example, I can have a enjoy experience to see scenery that I can't usually see scenery and eating delicious food in an area.

What does it happen?
(For the reason=これらの理由から) 

For the reason, I can refreshes my feeling without usual stress.I will get happiness that I can't enjoy in my daily life.

How effects does it have on you?
(It makes me=この気持ちや満足感は)It makes me better feeling with my work from now.I can change my mind by travel.

Therefore,if I have a lot of money I want to go on trip.
