
「現代美術の最高の巨匠たち」"The Best Masters of Contemporary Art"

"The Best Masters of Contemporary Art"


I am truly honored to be included in the inaugural edition of "The BEST CONTEMPORARY MASTERS". It is an important recognition that recognizes my many years of artistic research and opens infinite doors to ambomakoto-art. Salvatore Russo, Francesco Saverio Russo @f.r.a.n.c.e.s.c.o.84 and Sandro Seradifalco @sandro_serradifalco I admire this great content and volume, as well as your efforts in curation and publishing. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude and thanks for being able to leave my mark and contribute to this precious piece of contemporary art history. Makoto Ambo

#TheBestContemporaryMasters #Artbook #EffettoArte #Art #ambomakoto


「The BEST CONTEMPORARY MASTERS」の発足版に掲載されたことを心から光栄に思います。 それは私の長年の芸術的研究を認め、ambomakoto-artへの無限の扉を開けた重要な認識です。 Salvatore Russo、Francesco Saverio Russo @f.r.a.n.c.e.s.c.o.84 と Sandro Seradifalco @sandro_serradifalco この素晴らしい内容とボリューム、そしてキュレーションと出版のご努力に敬服します。また、この貴重な現代アートの歴史に名を残し貢献できたことを心から御礼と感謝を申し上げます。安保真

#TheBestContemporaryMasters #Artbook #EffettoArte #Art #ambomakoto
