
BE:FIRST TV Season 2 #7 Talk Scene - 5/21/2023

Q. What was the reason why Manato stayed up until morning?

He wanted to avoid his face getting puffy from sleeping. For an early moning TV show, he decided that instead of eating whatever he wanted, he would never sleep. In fact, he actually got puffy and was so sleepy.

Q. Are you tempted to eat something in the middle of the night?

Junon feels he wants to eat something when he watches videos. Ryuhei wants to eat something that tastes strong and salty. 

Q. How do you maintain your physical condition?

Leo said most members took one meal a day. They don’t like to be full because it makes them hard to perform. Instead, they are nourished with protein supplements. Ryoki strongly answered that there were no rules about physical condition in the group. His face looked suspiciously like he was hiding something. Souta said that everyone except for Ryoki had a blood screening because everyone’s condition is different. Ryoki doesn’t like shots. Shunto was kind of in a bad mood about one meal a day. But he said he hadn’t been as stressed as he used to be. 

Q. Who has the cleanest room of your own?

Ryuhei: Yes.
Leo: You live with your mother.
Manato: It's a little different with family.
Junon: Without family, there is no way that Ryuhei would be in first place.
Ryuhei: Hey!
All: Hahahahaha.
Sota: I think it’s Manato.
Manato: Me?
Ryuhei: You vacuum by yourself, right?
Manato: I basically don't care if it is clean or dirty when I am alone. When someone comes over, my cleaning mode switches on.
Ryota: You don't have much time to clean your room?
Leo: When the members come to my house suddenly, sometimes I panic. At Sota’s house, Souta makes us all undress.
Ryuhei: He was so funny. The other day I went to a sauna with him. At the changing room So-chin was walking around with his toes in the air.
Ryuta: He doesn’t want to put the soles of your feet on the floor.
Sota: Yes.
Ryuhei: His back was too funny. 

Q. Have you had any happy days lately?

Shunto had a miracle in a soccer game. There was a player who was very expensive in the game. No one can get the player unless someone who kept the player released. He succeeded to get the player.

Ryuhei visited a cafe in the rain and ordered a cup of coffee. He said he was really happy on that day and felt he became an adult. That day was the happiest he had recently. Leo called Ryuhei lovable, and the studio was filled with a gentle atmosphere.
