
SKY-HI for BE:FIRST and BE:FIRST for SKY-HI from Oshare Clip - 5/14/2023

Narrator: The talents that SKY-HI discovered with his heart and soul. Two years after BE:FIRST's debut. The members, whose momentums are unstoppable, say the audition organized by SKY-HI was a shock. 

LEO: I was surprised that he lived with us and held the audition at the training camp in Yamanashi.

SOTA: He said, "What's up?" So I thought he was a participant.

LEO: He took lessons together.

JUNON: He was behind us.

SOTA: He's amazing at building a close relationship from the beginning. It was great he told us, "Today is the day of the revolution.” And "We're going to become a legend." I've never heard of "revolution" other than manga.

RYOKI: Our manager takes videos of us in performance through a monitor so that we can look back on them later. When the members sang well or gave a good performance, SKY-HI would say, "All right! Look, look, look! Here they come!" 

SOTA: We heard his voice.

RYUHEI: I felt warm to see Boss sleeping comfortably on the sofa during the recording. I don't feel the age difference. It's not just the cool part he shows.

LEO: When we said, "We want to do like this music," he would say, "OK, let's make something like that." If the members said, "We want to do a mic relay," he would adopt it. I thought we were going to do the music that the producer gave us, however it was great for us as a team to be able to create it together.

SHUNTO: “We are going to win the world!” When he takes the lead and says, the way I get excited and motivated is very good.

At the studio.
IKUSABURO: It's hard to say “very good” casually to the CEO..

SKY-HI: Arigato gozaimasu, Shunto-san.

IKUSABURO: Do you communicate a lot for the relationship?

SKY-HI: I really want to make the boundaries fuzzy.

HIROE: Boudaries fuzzy? 

SKY-HI: I think it's not healthy for us to have strict boundaries as the buddies who create music together, but it is possible that it is more fun for me in that way.

IKUSABURO: What did you want to change in this audition?

SKY-HI: As auditions inevitably lead to the separations between those who choose and those who are chosen, I really disliked it. What we want to do is to be great artists and prove it to the world. I have confidence in my ability to judge competence professionally, so it's fine. But I wondered if it would be a good idea to allow the public to vote for the winners in order to get the audience excited.

HIROE: Wasn't it very hard to choose among them?

SKY-HI: It was crazy painful. It is the best memory in my life history but also the experience I never want to have again probably.

IKUSABURO: If it was an audition like this, I would want to try. The judges usually look scared and say just do it.

HIROE: It sounds like being criticized.

SKY-HI: If anything, it would definitely be better for me to have participants show me their full performance. And I really thought that the original meaning of the audition was for them and the organizer to work together and create something wonderful together.

Narrator: Skyhigh has determined to revolutionize the entertainment industry. What are the thoughts of BE:FIRST members who have closely witnessed his strong determination and actions?

LEO: Seeing his deeds is a big thing. We all cried at Viva La or some festival last year.

MANATO: We all had our arms around each other’s shoulders.

SOTA: We bawled by the side of the Boss's stage. I respect him that much as an artist.

LEO: We can hear the voices of staff through our ear monitors. At the very end of the concert, he said something like, "It was really amazing today."I could tell Boss's voice that he was already in tears. He recognizes us as the best.

JUNON: Since SKY-HI formed BE:FIRST as a group aiming for the world, we just run towards it.

LEO: I still would like him to see us standing on the world stages.

RYOKI: We have to continue to be creative and in a sense do things beyond SKY-HI's imagination. I think that is one of the steps in going global.

MANATO: The group was formed by Hidaka-san, so it is our role to carry out his will. Just because it doesn't mean that we are only given, but it is also our role to make it big enough by creating ourselves. We are very proud of the fact that Hidaka-san always looks at us warmly. Thank you for everything. We look forward to working with you from now on.

All: Thank you very much.

At the studio.
SKY-KI: I sincerely thank them very much.

IKUSABURO: How do you feel about their comments?

SKY-HI: They're making me blush. But I'm glad.

IKUSABURO: Did you say, "It was really amazing today." in your tearful voice through their ear monitors at the concert?

SKY-HI: I got surprised myself. I was going to say, "Go for two more songs." But for some reason I began to cry more and more and couldn't say two more songs. Right after I said "amazing", I couldn't stop crying.

IKUSABURO: Now you remember that day.

SKY-HI: Lately when I talk about Befa, I almost cry remembering them. But I feel I am being saved a lot. I'm in the process of getting them to affirm my life. I really have nothing but gratitude for them.
