
海外BESTYちゃんと行くBE:FIRST聖地巡礼 in Shonan


I am trying to translate BE:FIRST into English as much as possible to support BESTY, whose native language is not Japanese.


It has been my dream to someday meet BESTYs, who have been supporting BE:FIRST from overseas, and it came true at the K Arena concert on February 3. We kept in touch before she came to Japan and promised to visit the locations in Shonan area together on the day after the concert. I would like to keep that memory here and hope this will be helpful to those who have never been there.

茅ヶ崎ヘッドランドビーチ (Tバー)

Chigasaki Headland Beach (T Bar)

茅ヶ崎海岸を浸食から防ぐために作られたT字型の突堤ヘッドランド。ソウタのチルスポット。BE:FIRST TVではソウタ、ジュノン、マナトで訪れました。

The T-shaped jetty Headland, which was created to protect the scenic Chigasaki Beach. SOTA's chill spot. SOTA visited here with Junon and Manato on BE:FIRST TV.

〒253-0054 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市東海岸南4-9

4-9 Higashikaigan Minami, Chigasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 253-0054


Southern Beach Chigasaki


At a dance school SOTA attended, students build up their physical strength by bunny hoops and etc. on this sandy beach. Souta, Junon, and Manato danced Bye-Good-Bye here with the school students.

〒253-0055 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市中海岸4-12986-5

4-12986-5 Nakakaigan, Chigasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken 253-0055


Pizzeria da Shochan

ソウタ - マチェライオ
マナト - マルゲリータ
シュント - しらす

SOTA, MANATO and SHUNTO visited this pizzeria. The menu three of them picked:
Souta - Macellaio
Manato - Margherita
Shunto - Shirasu (whitebait)
When we went there, the restaurant was before open.

〒253-0055 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市中海岸3-11-24 SEAビル 1B
3-11-24 SEA Building 1B, Nakakaigan, Chigasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken 253-0055


Plenty's Ice Cream in Chigasaki


The ice cream shop well known to BESTY. BE:FIRST BGM and ice cream with the members' names made us excited. There were BESTYs, and they were delighted when I told them about the international BESTY-chan.

〒253-0053 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市東海岸北1-7-28

1-7-28 Higashikaigan Kita, Chigasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken 253-0053



A restaurant where SOTA had a reunion with his childhood friends, Kaito, Kaita, and Miyu on a TV show "Ano koro kara watashitachi wa (since that time we have been)." I really wanted to visit there, so I made a reservation. BESTY-chan from Kansai area joined us, and the three of us made fuss over BE:FIRST and BMSG artists.

〒251-0035 神奈川県藤沢市片瀬海岸1-13-8 2F

1-13-8 2F Katasekaigan, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa-ken


Shonan Port Lighthouse

もう気分は♪波にtake off, we on the scene, boysです。

We were already in the mood of ♪Nami ni take off, we on the scene, boys.

〒251-0036 神奈川県藤沢市江の島1-12-3

1-12-3 Enoshima, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa-ken 251-0036


It is thanks to this meeting that we were able to spend such an enjoyable and meaningful day. I can only thank BE:FIRST for that opportunity. We will continue to support them from different countries under the same sky and hope to see  again in the future.

Special thanks to H-chan & N-chan🫂

