The Opening Lead (in Ainoura)

Lead, and I will follow on

Anna B. Hoppe*

Japan, 1907(Meiji 40):
The whole world had been swirling up in a big wave of changes - including my surrounding nature. having less places to roam and stay as a wild young fox cub. But, I didn't mind much and visited some places that I used to be. They usually turned into cottages where people could stay; and they also have food! I usually picked up all sorts of meat in the storages bit by bit; thick ones, long ones, savory ones, and bland ones. They tasted better than the animals I hunted.**  I also took some savory curds and sugary snaps there too!

I got used to this kind of lifestyle for a while… but it turns out that things took a turn every time I make a move! It all started when I entered the biggest house I've ever entered, looking for more food as usual. I took a peek at the window, having lots of tables, with rectangular things similar to the "sugary snaps" on there! Anticipated to stuff myself, I entered through the open window behind, and reached for the tables. But the rectangular things didn't smell something like they were tasty; they smelt like paper instead. Also, they have red and black marks in there. They have some images of people too!

Then all of a sudden, I heard a man entering the building. I morphed into my human form to be safe. He approached me quietly sitting on the chair, wondering "Why is there a little girl in our club? Perhaps, is she lost?"

Soon I was brought up to a place to check my identification, which turns out that I do not have any, nor I do not belong to anyone. So I was given a surname of Aiura(相浦) - from my hometown Ainoura(相浦), and I was backed up by the man who discovered me in every aspect - food, clothes, education, and even a comfy place to stay! Altho it took time to get used to be my new life, I got accustomed to the things that are much better and convenient.

Later when Kyouko got cultivated enough to get along with most people‡ was the time realizing that Japan has been undergoing a huge leap in civilization another level since the "restoration" in 1868, renovating Japan in every aspect possible much like Kyouko had been. A lot of foreign cultural artifacts and books were frequently imported thru the ports, including Ainoura, Nagasaki. Amongst them were the rectangular things with red & black marks I fidgeted with.†
It also turns out that the place where Kyouko met my master at first sight was a bridge club, so I was given a name of Kyouko(橋子) - for being found at a bridge club. As my name implies, Kyouko was determined to be a 'child of Bridge' for sure. Playing cards gave me a higher level of enjoyment that I never had before in the wild. It also gave me a lot of time to think and get socialized. Kyouko has been witnessing the changes from whist evolving to bridge; along with various conventions and systems including Gambling 2NT, weak 2s in majors, honor-trick counts, Vienna System (with Norman 4NT), Vanderbilt Club, Culbertson 4NT/5NT, Reese 2NT (after weak 2s), and even the Asking Bids!

So that is my story of how Kyouko had been serving my master for 5 generations, and how I got to play Bridge for 115 years. Everything's quite based on historical facts!

* "Seele, Geh' Nach Golgatha(Go, my soul, to Calv’ry’s brow)", Northwestern Lutheran IX, no. 7, (April 2, 1922)
** I never had hunted on people - not even once!
† Kinda lucky for the ban on those being already null & void 17 years before!
‡ They didn't mind much about my fluffy ears and tail.
