
A recent paper in PDF

AIBS Reports, 2022.
Neuroanatomical Motifs for Rhythmic Activity: A Hypothetical Topology Underlying the Interactions Among Real Oscillators.
Y. Kawai,

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Neurons in the brain are connected to other neurons through specialized junctional structures called synapses, forming a reticular complex called a neural network. This paper discusses the correlation between the characteristics of this network structure and those of electrical activity observed associated with it. Through a comparison between rodents, which have a structure similar to the human brain, and nematodes, which are considered to have the simplest network structure, we proposed "recurrent circuits and synchronized oscillations" as the basis of the brain's structures & functions.

More specifically in technical terms,
"The fundamental architecture of neuronal networks for emergent rhythmic activity may be expressed through functionally correlated neuroanatomy, in which realistic connectivity of neuronal communication has been demonstrated based on analytical microscopy. The most salient neuronal activity seems to be the synchronized oscillation, which enables a robust and reliable communication between different clusters of neurons through iso- or cross-frequency couplings. This communication strategy is implemented by a neuronal network configuration that can sustain or transfer integrated electrical activity across multiple brain areas through the successive connection of chemical or electrical synapses. Cardiorespiratory rhythmicity is thought to be the most fundamental vital neuronal activity in many species of animals, and is thought to be generated and maintained in the brainstem neuronal networks. The vagal complex (VC) is thought to be one of the neuronal ensembles critically involved in brainstem cardiorespiratory rhythm-generating networks. In the present article, neuroanatomical architectures involving the VC are reviewed in rats, and the neuroanatomical motifs of the involved networks are re-focused to consider a hypothetical relationship between the network anatomy and the synchronized oscillation of rhythmic activity by comparing the characteristics with those of the simplest networks reported in the nematode C. elegans.
Multiple large-scale neuronal systems comprising unmyelinated process bundles seem to establish interconnected networks spanning almost the whole body in each individual across the species (rats and nematodes), with a possible common salient configuration of network topology. Interneurons other than sensory or motor neurons are commonly enumerable neuroanatomical features that constitute large-scale interconnected networks, which could generate and orchestrate basso ostinato resonant rhythmicity. We propose that multiscale recurrent, nested, and coupled network structures were constructed in terms of neuroanatomical motifs to generate naive emergent rhythmic activity, in addition to motor and sensory integration, These structures were hypothesized to be involved in playing a vital role in rhythmic oscillators."

Brainstem network

See and visit also the followings and download related PDFs.

Front. Neuroanat., 24 July 2018
Differential Ascending Projections From the Male Rat Caudal Nucleus of the Tractus Solitarius: An Interface Between Local Microcircuits and Global Macrocircuits.
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Front. Neurosci., 18 December 2018
Sec.Systems Biology Archive
Spatiotemporal Structure and Dynamics of Spontaneous Oscillatory Synchrony in the Vagal Complex.
Y. Kawai,

Front. Syst. Neurosci., 03 December 2019
Cooperative Phase Adaptation and Amplitude Amplification of Neuronal Activity in the Vagal Complex: An Interplay Between Microcircuits and Macrocircuits.
Y. Kawai,
This article is part of the Research Topic
Synchronization, Swarming and Emergent Behaviors in Complex Networks and Neuroscience.

Brain Structure & Function, 01 Mar 2011
Geometric and functional architecture of visceral sensory microcircuitry
Y. Negishi & Y. Kawai,

Thank you for your attention.
