Seasons Greetings and WARNING

I used to enjoy Christmas Lights.
Still remember having my little one on the back in the child seat on my bicycle, I went around to show her in very, very cold nights while they were telling us about this ‘warming’.

Quite a few years ago, after they started selling toxic LED which can make you blind according to a French study, they changed Christmas lights’ lights to LED as well. Ever since then, I don’t find it as beautiful/pretty as they were. Yet when I see any shop or a house lit up, I tend to thank them for their effort of putting them up.






It’s already Christmas Eve and the world around me seems to be busy for that partying, but I feel quite opposite after watching a video below, which again, confirms what we’ve been hearing over the years.


December 19th, 2021

Information Damian Galeron obtained


from the U.S. and Russian intelligence, presented by a translator.

I’d say this is their PLAN and it doesn’t mean that this is exactly what is going to happen. Yet, there must be some truth in it, so I’d like to warn you and urge you to get ready.

The first catastrophe of BLACKOUT and shortages of foods etc., I have to add to say that my mate heard the same from a local MP. Therefore I reckon it’s seriously coming. Starting this February or March for six months. So get ready and warn people around you.

Deborah Tavares has been talking about this for quite some time, and she was urging everybody to experience the life without electricity and figure out what you will need.

The video talks about stocking pasta, but pasta and/or rice etc., you would need some means to cook and water. So think thoroughly.

The second comes the war.


I don’t think there’s much we can do apart from some rebellious move from their underlings i.e. soldiers on both sides. And then comes that


I never believe such talk about Nibiru or Planet X and so forth.
If you examine facts, meteorite shows that they are to break into small pieces before they reach the earth.

I wrote about this piece years ago,


Is it OK to swallow their stories?

and quoted from a newspaper article:


Schoolboy survives direct hit by meteorite travellling at 30,000mph
By Eddie Wrenn
Last updateted at 12:47 AM on 14th June 2009


Gerrit was left with a scar on his hand, making him one of only a handful of people to have been struck directly by a meteorite. …. The odds of being hit by a meteorite are said to be one in a 100million. There is not a confirmed fatality from a direct hit before, although there are many reported cases of animals being killed by an impact.
(end quote from the article)

Therefore, even if this is to happen, I’d say they are going to use their horrific weapon like Rods of God.

'Rods from God' Weapon System Gets Another Look

Brilliant Pebbles
May 6, 2019
Louis de Gouyon Matignonspace
lawMilitarisation of space


to create this catastrophe.


So, it’s wise to prepare for it, and get out of cities along any coast


And just for the sake of it, be alert with their signs like Blood Moon


And while this video is telling you to be prepared for “5 months shortages”, if a horrendous war and the asteroid crashing are to follow, I guess we need to get ready for longer period of time, don’t we?

And if what this video tells seriously comes true, our chance of survival is really, really slim.




Above is already happening with their Graphene Oxide or Graphene Hydroxide

Top Carbon Expert Murdered Shortly after Making this Video - R.I.P. Dr. Andreas Noack

The video ends saying “all the global elite’ who went to hide in the luxurious bunkers


will perish.


But it doesn’t tell you about DUMBs: Deep Underground Military Bases that they’ve built many, many places around the world for them to hide and survive.

At any rate, we never know what is really going to happen.
I just heard that someone said to the other, “Merry Crucifixion Day!” in reply to her “Merry Christmas!” and that actually shows many people already suffered a lot during the criminals’ unjustifiable lockdowns. However, many don’t even know their further evil plan.

As I said first, this is their plan.
Therefore do not fear, do not believe anything skeptical but do as much as you can to survive, warn others close to you, and say the Secret with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing it’s already happened.


And keep doing your bits to wake up others along with this warning.
I just found out that YouTube doesn't allow me to upload any videos,
and the same goes with BrandNewTube,
for now, this is the only outlet I've got.

Till when? could be a good question.

Please click that pink heart or clapping image towards the bottom. ;o)
