
Chrislam - One World Religion

First of all, you might have seen this already.
Very weird.
Many of them turned to the right, and…

9:15 AM · Sep 20, 2022

Another effort of the criminals to make us fearful.
Next video is pretty good.

all seeing eye

There’s something more sinister Than Queen Elizabeth Right Now

I wonder if that movie/TV series? with Jude Law is coming this month or in the past.

Ah, TV series from 2016!

And here’s one from FAKE ‘truther’ … Well, note.com doesn't even allow me to use Bold and not showing images I upload right. Wonder if you can see them OK…

This is CRAZY!! Are They Changing The Weather !

He talks about Weather Weapons, but still follows the official line about Climate Change/Global Warming. Quite misleading. Notice that he keeps making “Boaz & Yachin” sign, and then makes pyramid but in a flash of a second.

Boaz and Yachin - 2 pilars
a bit bigger
He repeats this through out the video.

to the very end, he keeps repeating this.

And at the same time, he’s telling you to BELIEVE things like UFO.

Subliminal whatever, you see.

from a Christian’s point of view:

ITS HAPPENING!! One World Religion 2022 | Chrislam | Pope Francis

LIVE Pope Francis in Kazakhstan 2022 Final Declaration and conclusion of the Congress

Evil Pope Francis talks about the SCAMdemic, Climate Change/Global Warming etc. following the official LIE of course, and an eagle flying freely in the sky, and that design above, if you look closely,

6 - reversed
6 - upside down
Pyramid in the back

The Rabbi’s Masonic pose.

Same with…

Someone was saying on the net that Asians tend to keep wearing a mask, and this

sort of confirms that theory though there are many other Asians who are not wearing it.

And that closed 6 6 6

A bit more open version from the Rabbi,

Below, their logo shows 10 fingers + 3 leaves = 13
And 3 lines crossing = 6

They held this 7th Congress in this building in Kazakhstan’s capital.

Did it come on your Tel-Lie-Vision news?
Probably not.

And they built these in United Arab Emirates.

Designed by a Ghanaian-British architect who is an OBE. For some reason, note.com is not letting me upload the image of the page… Oh, finally!

Abrahamic Family House Animation Adjaye Associates

They probably think these are grandeur or sacred, but they look eerie to me.
And you are not allowed to follow any specific religion any more.

Is that all right with you?
Last but no least, I’d say - if you believe, you get deceived.


Read this below if you haven’t to understand what is really happening,

Traitorous Fraud: Governments are COMPANIES!!

And make sure to wake up fully, train yourself to figure out spooks among us, and share this with others far and wide. Keep doing your bits not only on the net but in real life. Have some sign on your car like I do! And say the Secret with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing it’s already happened.

And please click that pink heart or clapping image towards the bottom. ;o)
