
LED / TOXIC Blue Light

Even before I found out that all our so-called ‘governments’ and everything under them are Traitorous, Fraudulent, Criminal COMPANIES, I was aware that all they do is to make up unreasonable (FAKE) laws (Acts and Statutes) to make us PAY MORE and POISON US MORE. LED / Blue light is one of them.

Last night, I went to the city again, to hand out my fliers and I spoke with quite a few, mainly young people which is very goof! Some of them asked me about my glasses, so I show it to you. I wrote about it before, but that blog was deleted completely in July 2021 when I revealed David Martin is a Freemason. Anyway, the glasses that block harmful blue light (regardless to color), when they’ve DEPLOYED (cause they are Weapons) LED ( = blue light) everywhere…

I buy them from,
*I’m not getting any rebate, but I would like to see many more to use them to protect their eyes.

I wear these when I use my computer and when I drive at night.
One thing you need to be careful, is that these will make Green traffic light look smaller, which is a lot more toxic than red LED lights. Therefore, while driving and if you are not sure, move the glasses a bit and see the light with your naked eye, so that you won’t make any wrong decision and/or move.

Also they make everything look a bit darker, so take your time till you get used to.

And not only computer but your TelLIEVision, various computer game screens are using LED, therefore you’d better think about wearing them when you use such gadgets. Also I found this some years ago,

How to Block ALL BLUE LIGHT on the iPhone for FREE!

As you probably know, they used that Global Warming / Climate Change LIE (actually created by their Weather Weapons*) to ban the good old incandescent light bulbs (done by Johnny coWARd the Traitor)

and introduced toxic LED which is more expensive!! Then they STAGED some fire here and there to smear LESS TOXIC Halogen.



*As for their Weather Weapons, those who haven’t, watch below “Chemtrails the Secret War” here:

January 25, 2023
Do you really think this is natural to have ONLY a couple of crazily hot days though basically we have such cool to cold days!??

They’ve been spraying various toxic things over our heads at least for 15 years in Australia.

I have noticed that our cars get really dirty after rain, which was opposite in the past.

And nowadays, it seems they are spraying Graphene, which was in the poisonous shots, which is MAGNETIC.


"Smart Dust" Totally normal particles from the sky are magnetic - Melbourne, Victoria - Mar 15, 2023 Woof Melbourne 🐭🦊 woofmelb@pm.me Technology | Science | Data | Analyst.

Posted by Aircrap.org on Friday, March 17, 2023

Don’t touch any of the residue of Chemtrails, cause many are NANO, and skin can absorb poison! That’s why they put various poison in our tap water - taking a shower or bath, you get them.

As for spraying something magnetic, they’re doing the same in Japan.


BTW, don’t eat bugs!!


Above news was from February 2016!! They’re definitely making progress, and as I showed you before, they are getting rid of ATMs here and there. Make sure to tell your bank that we need ATMs/cash though our ‘money’ is just another fraud. Cause cashless means the criminals will know everything about who bought what where and when, and that will get moved onto Digital ID, which means TOTAL CONTROL.

Back to LED/Blue light issue,
Incandescent light bulbs didn’t need much resources to be produced, not much poison to deal with after use, but LED like those spiral bulbs have got toxin like mercury. And the light itself is harmful to your eyes. They are actually flickering at very high speed, and that can damage eyes. They suppress our production of melatonin which we need to have a good night sleep, so our criminal FAKE authorities put them everywhere on streets, and for our cars’ headlights.

LED lights in your house can cause irreversible damage to the eyes and lead to a vision-robbing condition, French health authority warns

LED lights may cause Blindness - French Health Authority Warns
Published on May 17, 2019
LED lights can permanently damage the retina and disturb natural sleep rhythms, France's government-run health watchdog has said.
The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES) warned powerful LED lights are 'photo-toxic'.
In a 400-page report, the body cautioned it can cause an irreversible loss of retinal cells and lead to a common cause of blindness.
ANSES urged officials to revise the maximum limit for exposure to LED lights, which emit 'blue light' at much higher quantities.


How about this instead?

Can LED lights damage your eyes? New report says they might

LED city street lights: A glowing danger
youtube.com / LOCAL 12

Above says: “University of California found multiple carcinogenic materials in LED” that I captured back in Novermber 2015.

August 20th, 2021

Now, above talk is by Deborah Tavares.
Over the years, I was amazed with what she’s found about our enemy’s agenda, but I concluded that she is actually working for the other side. That’s why she can obtain tons of information of what our enemy is doing to us. Along with her, there are large number of agents/spies/spooks/plants among us as I’ve been revealing quite a few.

As I might have written before, they are letting us know what they’re doing or are going to do to us i.e. deliberately reveal their crimes upon us. And if we don’t revolt big, they see it that we CONSENTED, meaning they see it that we AGREED and it’s OK for them to commit such crimes. On top, they let us know what they’re planning to do to us, and make us think about it, sometimes feel desperate, scared, or fear the future and so forth, and they actually USE the energy of our such thoughts to realize their plans.

So do not fear.
Do not get absorbed into the image of the future they want.

Instead, as my Secret shows, keep telling yourselves that WE WIN!! cause we will stop their crimes and let them destroyed.

I know quite a few people are scared of our FAKE authority, but the fact is, they are scared of us! That’s why they need to keep carrying out false flag operations such as Port Arthur Massacre, 9/11, Melbourne CBD Rampage and many more, to ban guns, tightening up their surveillance capability, stealing our rights and freedom etc.

I wish we could use this below to all our Traitors.

or, without getting deceived and trapped like

Use it instead like,

As I said before, I’d say the criminals are HURRYING UP to finish their agenda. And that means they are AWARE that many, especially those who were FORCED to have the poisonous shots, have got a BIG “?” now, and they are on the verge of waking up. So now, it’s a race of them achieving their goal quick OR if we can wake up more/enough QUICK!!

As many of you should know by now,

that there is NO police that would arrest the real criminals, and NO court that punishes them. So we’ve got to change this rotten world by ourselves.

DO NOT acknowledge their (FAKE) authority, cause they are just COMPANIES!!
Tell everyone about their #GOVisCO fraud.

Traitorous Fraud: Governments are COMPANIES!!

And tell them to QUESTION EVERYTHING these traitors do and tell us.
Also, train yourself to figure out spooks/agents/spies among us (there are TONS of them), and share this article with others far and wide. Keep doing your bits to wake up more and do it not only on the net but in real life.

Have some sign on your car, your bag or whatever you carry with you like I do!!

Also say the Secret everyday, with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing it’s already happened.

Mind you, I always say “do not believe” cause “If you believe, you get deceived”. So it’s important to KNOW a FACT rather than believing in something or somebody. But this one, with this Secret, I actually KNOW it works, like last night again, I was using it so that I would find a perfect spot to park my car, and there it was!!

Therefore, I’m making it an exception, and would like you to believe it does.

But remember, never use it for you to become rich and/or famous and so forth. Cause you will get retaliated. But for the good of the society and the world, or such trivial thing like parking spot for yourself, it simply works fine. ;o)
