
Aesta, Inc. has formulated a management philosophy.

My name is Daiki Natsui, CEO of Aesta, Inc. As we enter our second founding period, we have been developing our business as a trading company specializing in wellness, and thanks to your support, we have gradually begun to receive inquiries.

In order to grow further from this point, we felt it was necessary to redefine our vision (goal) as a company and verbalize it at this point in time, so that when we have more colleagues with the same aspirations, we will be able to achieve the same goal.

To this end, I read books by Konosuke Matsushita, founder of Panasonic, and Tadashi Yanai of Fast Retailing (UNIQLO), among others. What they all had in common was that “having a sense of mission,” “defining a management philosophy,” and “setting a goal” would make all the difference in the speed of a company's growth.

My own daily actions have changed since we established our management philosophy. When formulating it, I paid particular attention to consistency. I also compared and contrasted phrases down to  charactor level and chose what I thought was the most appropriate. I would like to take this opportunity to present our management philosophy in the hope that it will reach those who share our philosophy and who are willing to lend us their strength or collaborate with us.

The management philosophy of Aesta, Inc. consists of five components: Vision, Mission, Purpose, Core Values, and Guidelines for Action. Our ultimate goal is to achieve our vision. To achieve this goal, the other four elements are structured as a hierarchy.


Vision: A vision of the ideal future state and the long-term goals that the company aims to achieve
The objective or role of current business activities
The company's fundamental raison, emphasizing social values and contributions
Core Values:
The fundamental beliefs and values of the company or organization
Guidelines for Action:
Guidelines that clarify how employees should conduct their work, showing specific actions and attitudes based on core values


To develop a world of 100-year lives with Wellbeing.

In the 1800s, the global average life expectancy for humans was less than 30 years old. However, advances in medicine and technology have greatly reduced mortality rates for newborns and childbearing women, and increased treatments for cancer and infectious diseases have brought modern global life expectancy to over 70 years. This dramatic progress has more than doubled the human lifespan; by 2050, life expectancy is expected to reach the late 70s.

Japan, in particular, has the longest life expectancy in the world. In today's age of “100-year life expectancy,” given the limits of human biological life expectancy*, we believe that the most important thing from now on is not to extend these 100 years further, but rather how to enhance the quality of these years. Japan, despite its economic affluence, has a low level of subjective well-being, and it is imperative that we first improve the domestic situation.

*Current science states that the limit of human biological life span is 120 years old.

120歳は長寿の上限? スーパーセンテナリアンの世界(日本経済新聞)

Maximizing wellbeing in one's once-in-a-lifetime life is also the theme of our founder himself. We will spearhead this vision and extend it from Japan to the world.

We believe that if more people can live 100 years of wellbeing, it will have a tremendous positive impact on society as a whole, including increased healthy life expectancy and reduced medical costs, increased labor productivity, reduced social costs, improved mental health, and social stability. We are committed to realizing this vision and contributing to the world.


To achieve wellbeing based on health by providing sustainable products and services that enhance people's fulfillment.

The 11 pillars of the OECD's Better Life Index (BLI) are parallel, but we believe that subjective well-being increases when health is the foundation upon which social connectedness, environment, work-life balance, etc. are built. We believe that subjective well-being increases when health is the foundation upon which social connections, the environment, and work-life balance are built.

We will start as a trading company specializing in wellness, developing products and services with a focus on “health. We will then develop into a comprehensive wellbeing company by launching new businesses in 10 areas other than health, with a particular focus on areas that score low in Japan.

The “health (sustainability)” of the earth is also a concern of ours, and we will work to combat global warming and marine pollution, for example. We will develop our business with the goal of improving the wellbeing of the planet environment in which we live, rather than just human beings. In this way, our daily mission is to achieve our ultimate goal, our vision.


To lead to an active and positive lifestyle, continuously brightening everyone's daily life.

Our definition of health is based on an active and positive lifestyle. And our role is not to provide medical care, but to improve quality of life, including the prevention of illness and injury. We believe that true health is a state in which people adopt excellent lifestyle habits, enjoy sports that are sometimes appropriate for their physical fitness, spend quality time with family and friends, and feel a sense of fulfillment and purpose in their work.

Based on this foundation of health, wellbeing is a state in which every day is bright and fulfilling. We want to be like the sun that guides you to that place. And if there are those who are in a place where the sun doesn't shine, we strongly hope to support them and provide them with a few brighter days. We believe that all people who are thoughtful and never cease to do good deeds can pursue happiness. We will keep shining and continue to light up the world.

Core Values

To make the most of your one life, shining brightly.

In today's society, medical and technological advances have increased the human lifespan, but life is still finite. We believe that the most important thing is how to make the most of this limited time. Because we only live once, it is an essential human desire to fill each day with wellbeing and to shine to the fullest.

Aesta will continue to provide value to all stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, and shareholders. At the same time, we will create an environment in which each employee's life shines at its best, and foster a corporate culture in which we can grow together and share joy. We will strive to achieve our vision by practicing actions centered on these core values on a daily basis.

Guidelines for Action

Customer First
Pursuit of Essence
Loop of Goodwill
Speed of Action
Ownership and Initiative
Challenge and Growth
Wellbeing Management


Thank you for reading to the end. I myself have played baseball for as long as I can remember, and now live an active and joyful life with surfing, golf, and strength training as my hobbies.

My personal goal is to maintain a healthy life span and live a life of wellbeing until I am 100 years old, and my dream is to break the Guinness World Record as the oldest surfer at 100 years old (currently held by a Japanese male at 89 years old).

I would also like to make this Aesta business my reason for living, and enjoy pushing forward and growing toward the goals I aim to achieve. 2-6 of the Action Guidelines include actions that I believe will enrich not only my work but also my life.

If you share the goals that Aesta Inc. is striving for, please feel free to contact me. If you would like to work with us as a member of Aesta in the future, or if you are interested in collaborating with us (including corporations), we are always looking forward to hearing from you.

