
Global LiDAR Drone Market Insights, Business Analysis and Key Companies in Industry Till 2027

The market is bifurcated into mechanical LiDAR and solid-state LiDAR. Out of these, the mechanical LiDAR segment earned 90.8% in terms of LiDAR drone market share in 2019. The solid-state LiDAR segment, on the other hand, is anticipated to exhibit the highest CAGR owing to its ability to provide several benefits.

The global LiDAR drone market is set to gain traction from the rising popularity of drones in different applications worldwide. Besides, the increasing usage of unique positioning and navigation systems, as well as mapping technology would affect the market positively.

"Key Players Engage in Novel LiDAR Drone Development to Gain Competitive Edge"

The market consists of a large number of dominant players, namely, Teledyne Optech, REIGL, Leica, and Velodyne. They are mainly engaging in the strategy of advanced product launches to gain a competitive edge in the market for LiDAR drones. Below are two of the latest industry developments:

March 2020: Teledyne Optech unveiled its latest compact LiDAR sensor named CL-360. It is fully optimized for mobile and UAV applications. It also offers collection efficiency, small-object detection, high data quality, and unmatched performance for several projects.

August 2019: Velodyne Lidar launched its Puck 32MR sensor for the autonomous industry. It is a cheap solution for low-speed UAVs.It can be used in shuttles, robotics, as well as in industrial vehicles.

Fortune Business Insights™ presents a list of the prominent LiDAR drone manufacturers operating in the global market. They are as follows:

Teledyne Optech (Canada)
RIEGL Laser Measurement Systems GmbH (Austria)
Velodyne Lidar, Inc. (The US)
RoboSense (China)
Leica Geosystems AG (Switzerland)
LeiShen Intelligent System Co., LTD (China)
Delair (France)
Phoenix LiDAR Systems ( The US)
Benewake (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (China)
Yellow Scan (France)

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