The Story of Doctor Dolittle-chap.8




”dreadfully” /ˈdred.fəl.i/ 
 extremely badly:
”awfully”  /ˈɔf·li, ˈɔ·fə·li/
 very or extremely:

”marmosettes” /ˈmɑː.mə.set/ 

"vaccinated" /ˈvæk.sə.neɪt/
 to give someone a vaccine, 
 usually by injection, to prevent them from getting a disease:

"antelopes" /ˈæn.tɪ.ləʊp/ 

"scornful" /ˈskɔːrn.fəl/
 showing or feeling scorn for someone or something:
 scorn:no respect
 ex)They are scornful of my activities.

"Do you dare to ask me" 
  how dare you do something
  I am very surprised and shocked by what you are doing:

"beside"  /bɪˈsɑɪd/
 at the side of; next to:
 ex) follow and sit here beside me.

"coat" /koʊt/
 to cover something with a layer of a particular substance:

"stalked away " /stɔk/
 to walk in an angry or proud way:
 ex)he stalked away into the jungle

"timid" /ˈtɪm·ɪd/
 easily frightened; not brave or confident:
 frightened: feeling fear or worry:
"rude" /rud/
 sudden and unpleasant:

"pawed"  /pɔ/
  he foot of an animal, such as a cat, dog, or bear, that has claws or nails

"frantic" /ˈfræn·tɪk/
  extremely upset, esp. because of anxiety or fear:
  anxiety :an uncomfortable feeling of worry about something 
           that is happening or might happen, or a cause of this:
"cubs" /kʌb/
 the young of particular wild animals, such as bears and lions
"cunning"  /ˈkʌn·ɪŋ/
 skillful in planning and ready to deceive people 
 in order to get what you want:

"grain of sense"  /ɡreɪn/
  a very small piece of a hard substance, or a small amount of something:
"screamed" /skrim/
 to cry or say something loudly and usually on a high note, 

"empty–headed" /ˌemp.tiˈhed.ɪd/
 silly, stupid, or not having good judgment

"oblige" /əˈblɑɪdʒ/
 to please or help someone

"anxious"  /ˈæŋk·ʃəs/
 wanting very much for something to happen; eager:


・to separate the sick ones from the well ones.

・he made all the monkeys who were still well come and be vaccinated

・Do you dare to ask me, Sir

・YOUR coat looks as though it needed brushing—badly

・I don't know WHAT to do with him.

・she began to cry and shake with nervousness

・I don't mind doing what I can—just to oblige you

・If you are around that way this evening, 
 you might take a look at him, will you?"


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