The Story of Doctor Dolittle-chap1

Chapter 1 . PUDDLE BY

今日はChapter1を学習しました。Doctor Dolittleはどのような人物なのでしょうか?そして彼の家は様々な動物が飼われているようです。どのような暮らしをしているのでしょうか?利用したのは以下のサイトです。



"a proper doctor" /ˈprɑp·ər/
 real, satisfactory, suitable, or correct:
 showing standards of behaviour that are socially and morally acceptable:

"folks" /foʊk/
 especially those of a particular group or type:

"sight" /sɑɪt/
 the ability to see, or the act of seeing something:
  ex) I know my little sister by sight.(I know what she looks like)
 the ability to see, or the act of seeing something:
  ex) I pick him up on sight.(as soon as I saw him)

"behind"  /bɪˈhɑɪnd/
 in or to the back (of):
 Behind can also mean responsible for or causing:
  ex) what was the motive/ˈmoʊ·t̬ɪv/ behind the studying?
"lawn" /lɔn, lɑn/
 an area of grass, esp. near a house or in a park, 
 which is cut regularly to keep it short( why? )
 Be careful to pronounce!
  ex) lown /loʊn/

"stone seats"  /sit/
 a piece of furniture or other place for someone to sit:
  ex) Please take a seat(sit down plz)

"weeping–willows" /ˌwiː.pɪŋ ˈwɪl.oʊ/
 a type of willow tree that has long, thin branches that hang down
"fond of animals" /fɑːnd/
 happy and loving:
  ex) He was very fond of animals and kept many kinds of pets.

"a squirrel" /ˈskwɝː.əl/
 a small animal covered in fur with a long tail. 

 a small, brown mammal with a covering of sharp spines on its back

"calf" /kæf/ 
 a young cow,the young of various other large mammals, 
 including elephants and whales

"lamb" /læm/
 a young sheep, or the flesh of a young sheep eaten as meat

"grumble" /ˈɡrʌm·bəl/
 to complain in an annoyed way:
  ex) His sister used to grumble about all these animals.

"untidy" /ʌnˈtɑɪ·di/
 not neat or well-arranged:
  ex) they made the house untidy

"rheumatism" /ˈru·məˌtɪz·əm/

"no matter how"
 used to say that something is true or 
 that something happens whatever the situation is
  ex) no matter how sick they are.

"feed" /fid/ 
 If you feed a plant, you give it substances that help it grow.

"bureau–drawer" /ˈbjʊər·oʊ/
 a chest of drawers

calfは"a young cow"だけの意味だと思っていましたが、"the young of various other large mammals, including elephants and whales"という意味もあると知り驚きました。意味が大きい。どういう場面で使われるのでしょう?うーんこれは文脈が思いつかない。それから、untidy /ʌnˈtɑɪ·di/の発音も間違って認識していました( ..)φやばいやばい。アメリカの田舎に住みはじめたばかりですが、リスをよく見ます。squirrel /ˈskwɝː.əl/ 練習は重ねたものの、これネイティブに伝わるのか..??単語を忘れたとき用に説明文"a small animal covered in fur with a long tail. "も覚えなくては!!余談ですが、奈良県育ちなので身近な野生動物と言えば、鹿です。deer /dɪər/ ただ、私の中の鹿はあくまでも奈良公園の神の使いとしてのdeerなので、「deerはdeerだけどdeerじゃないの!!」と伝えたい衝動に駆られます。


"M.D." means that he was a proper doctor and knew a whole lot.

・All the folks, young and old, knew him well by sight

・And the dogs and the children would all run up and follow behind him

・His sister used to grumble about all these animals and said they made the house untidy. 

・how can you expect sick people to come and see you

・they wouldn't come near your house again—no matter how sick they are

・the people who came to see him got less and less. 

・he kept on getting still more pets; and of course it cost a lot to feed them

・The money he had saved up grew littler and littler.

・his stockings are full of holes!

特に好きなのは「The money he had saved up grew littler and littler.」。意味は節約したお金は徐々に増えていったという意味と考えられます。どちらかと言えば婉曲で、でも婉曲すぎないのがお金の話をする時は重要です。。


alpaca	アルパカ
anteater	アリクイ
armadillo	アルマジロ
Bactrian	フタコブラクダ
badger	狸
bat	コウモリ
bear	くま
big beast	大獣
bobcat	ボブキャット
camel	ラクダ
duck-billed platypus	カモノハシ
elephant	象
ferret	フェレット
fitch	フィッチ
flying fox	キツネ
fruit bat	フルーツバット
giant panda	ジャイアントパンダ
giraffe	キリン
hedgehog	ハリネズミ
hippopotamus	カバ
kangaroo	カンガルー
koala	コアラ
llama	ラマ
meerkat	ミーアキャット
mongoose	マングース
otter	カワウソ
panda	パンダ
platypus	カモノハシ
polar bear	ホッキョクグマ
porcupine	ヤマアラシ
racoon	アライグマ
rhino	サイ
rhinoceros	サイ
serval	サーバル
skunk	スカンク
sloth	ナマケモノ
tapir	バク
Tasmanian devil	タスマニアンデビル
Tasmanian wolf	タスマニアンオオカミ
wallaby	ワラビー
weasel	イタチ
wombat	ウォンバット



#ESL #英語 #audiobook  


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