
How do you see things?

How do you see things, from what angle do you perceive things?
How productive do you think you are?

This time around, I have decided to share my thoughts on what can create a simpler atmosphere and higher productivity at work than a comfortable desk and chair!

Last fall, I took a picture of a leaf while walking in the garden near my home. There was nothing special about that leaf, just like the others, it had five petals and was a small piece of a big tree.

When I taking a picture, I did not notice anything. I just saw its beautiful shape and colour. But after I took a picture, I understood some things. Now I would like to share my conclusion about this leaf.

First of all, let's ask ourselves,
Can our perspective define and change things?

For example, let's talk about our works.

Although we have our dream jobs now, we probably are not entirely happy or stress-free. Some of us might even be frustrated every day.

Then, depending on how you deal with the immediate stress and frustration, your working hours may become easier and more interesting.

Let`s try to change our angle on how we see things!

Only at this point, depending on how we approach the problem and how we look at it, then it can decide whether our day will be stable, happy, and productive.

Emotional stability = High productivity
I have a hundred percent believe that emotional stability (psychology) is directly related to work productivity. I feel it too.

The reason I'm talking about all these is that, if we could manage our psychology, look at problems and challenges from a positive angle, and could see their good diversity, then we can make things easier, happier, and more productive.
If you work with a difficult client, try to see them with a little more respectful just as a good friend and caring family member than as a difficult client.
If you think you have a really difficult coworker, try to understand how precious he is to his family

Everything has diversity.

You only see things from the angle you want to see, so you decide how you want to look at them.
Problems become easier every time you look at something good and beautiful.
You might think,
It is very imaginative, how could this be defined as reality?
I will say that….
In reality, there can be many sides like this leaf.

Be positive and Be productive ;) 
