
2023/07/28 - Why did this happen…?

I also played the PIKMIN4 today.
I went to one underground course.
I felt I had saw this course...
My thought was right.
And then, AMEBOUZU came fall in this floor.
It's very beautiful picture quality this game so AMEBOUZU looked gross.
There was a something transparent that I can't understand.
But, AMEBOUZU was getting weaker.
He (She?) was invicible in PIKMIN2.
But, I cought knock down AMEBOUZU.
Why aren't you invicibke uet?????
I wanted you to be invicible in this game too!!!


My daughter was laugh when she saw AMEBOUZU.
She is six old.
I felt... you are scary too much in PIKMIN2.
But my kid was laugh about you in this game!!
I wanted you to stay scared...

The picture of title drew my daughter.
It's really well!
But, she kept smile when she drew this picture.

Actually, AMEBOUZU is soooo scary...

Why... why did this happen...?