
I love 04limitedsazabys!!!

Hi, I'm Cona.

I'm sorry, I couldn't upload my blog yesterday.

Yesterday, I went to the 04limitedsazabys's live.
I was so excited!!!!!!
But I was so tired of dancing, singing and so on when I got home, I went to bed first and fell asleep.
So I couldn't write a blog.

Let's talk a little more about yesterday's live, they played many songs which included a few of my favorite songs.
The band vocal, GEN said "I feel recently young people tend to escape failing, but I think what they don't experience to make mistakes is failure."

When I heard that, I realized I don't need to be afraid of failure when I go on a working holiday in a year. Yesterday's live performance gave me a lot of power and motivation.
After all, I decided to support them for the rest of my life.

Thank you for always reading my blog!!
May I be your third place.

