I write a diary in English to study English sometimes. 

  One day in early July of this year, I went for running to watch some dragonflies in a park. Curiously, I always shave my beard before I go running. That day, the park also be cut down its weeds. When it is done, the number of dragonflies seems to decrease temporarily as last year.  But in a few weeks, I will be surrounded by a lot of them in the place again. Is it a good thing for them and the ecosystem to mow weeds? Or bad, or neither? I don't know. They doing it may not know too. Here is a suburb.
  This environment inhabiting dragonflies may have been modified in the unnatural way. On the other hand, the dragonflies living in there may not doubt their lives(The true or false of this proposition maybe has correspondence with the presence or absence of the analysis-possibility[continuity] of their behavior). The park and the dragonflies are like a phantom of an oasis in a vast desert. However, That is much better than that there are nothing.
  Look at this.


This looks beautiful at least to me. I didn't realize that until I looked at this in a photo app after taking it with my smartphone. I think that is because the background outside the picture's frame is not very well. 
  A map app told me the existence of the park and guided to there. Besides, a fitness app makes one of my motivation to go to the park many times. Therefore, Who took this picture might be my smartphone.

  I pass various environments. As a result, some changes happens, for example this sentences. The photo above was carried by the network between the local populations(from the park, to here). And It is more beautiful than the source macroscopically(although not worth comparing microscopically). 
  Then, the environments I passed would have the same experiences. Thus, those and I are indistinguishable.  How do they flow?
  However, the rigid body and the mass are absolutely preferred in the established-environment surrounding us now. Of course, the gravity pulls each other(as a consequence, the bigger attracts the smaller) , is regarded as action at distance, and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. And what do I do? I don't know yet.

  That day, I could see a shadow of an anax parthenope flying at high speed in the cloudy sky, for a moment.
